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EMERGENCY Had to put em all in garbage bags



I had to take out all my plants and put them in garbage bags. Long story, I think I panicked but none the less.

I got about 400 plants. 200 in day 46 maxing 36" in black garbage bags. All they got is the rapid rooters they were cloned in. I got 200 more 12-24" in day 20ish in black bags.

They are still in my flower room, lights are off, A/C is off.

I know this isnt the best but what can I do to keep them watered????? and keep them alive? COuld I throw these outside?

Please no legal advice or get rid of them. I have weighed the circumstances and this is the decision, alot is on the line.


are they in flower. i think get them outside if they are not flowering. if the older are 46 days in flower id say hash them. sounds u in a pinch with 400 girls.
how much time do they need to be relocated for .if for a few days i would maybe rent a storage shed with 24 hr access put them in there while the coast is clear ,possibly buy a powerful battery operated light and use that to give them weak light go by there every 12 hrs to turn light off and on .water them when u can .actually some storage facilities have power that u can use and some have lights in the storage unit .or u could just rent a big uhaul truck for a few days throw them in the back and take care of them there.


Yeah they are in flower. I have a trailer I may be able to put them in but I need to know long will they live in the garbage bags and how can I water them until I figure something else out.

I am in a limbo status
wont you hermie them all out keeping them stuffed in bags with no light ,and you do hydro so i dont think they would last long in bags unless u potted them all with soil.sounds like a shitty situation hopefully u pull through in the end like a champ


Active member
Im not shure what kinda system your runnin but aero roots cant last 20 min without the system keepin the roots fogged. If theyr in rapid rooters Im figurin your either runnin a dwc or aero system or somthin. Either way, Im sory to say theyr fukkt. Your roots are gonna brown if they aint allready and theyrs very little chance theyl recoup. I hate to be so negative but they cant last 20 minits in theyr present circumstances. I shure cant figure how youl water them in them bags either. At this point, even if you gottem back in the system theyl stunt from this point on and wont develope any more. You may be able to keepem alive by puttenem back in but you wont get any more new growth, but whatever trichs you got onem will mature. I been in circumstances where the power went out and I happen to know the roots cant go more than 20 minits without fog. After this they dry out and die. Ive saved them by manualy spraying the roots with a pump spray canister loaded with chilled nutes. The only way I can see you savinem is by spraying the roots every 3.5 minits with nute solution chilled down to 68f or under. Sorry Brudda, but it looks like you gotta get new seeds. or I hope you got a mom still.


if your gonna have them in your grow room and you have 400 plants you might as well keep the lights on.

I dont understand how putting bags on them is gonna make a difference, unless its just a landlord doing a quick inspection, and even then if your room was semi-sealed with a carbon filter he wouldent notice anyway.


shut the fuck up Donny
are the plants off site now? so you just have a empty room with all the equiptment? Thats what I'm guessing. Any idea how long until you will know whether its ok to bring them back? Were you actually being paranoid or is some shit going down?


natural medicator
he uses ebb and flow tables in hydroton just for reference.

yahmaha: hope you're ok. be safe brother
(hoping he's out planting them in some good spot to finish right now)


Active member
you could just put a bunch of water in the bags, and put them in a room with a floro on 12/12 for the few days it takes to get stuff sorted....


Active member
Yamaha_1fan - I haven't a clue what you should do, but best of luck with your plants. I hope all works out for you and you stay safe.
