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Emerald Cup Winner!


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ICMag Donor
Award-winning pot has deep purple hue, aroma of sweet berries

In a sign of marijuana's growing legitimacy, more than 700 people braved bad weather Saturday for Mendocino County's sixth annual Emerald Cup awards ceremony, the culmination of a month of examining, tasting and smelling pot.

The once clandestine event has emerged from the shadows as medical marijuana has become increasingly mainstream, said organizer Tim Blake, who hosts the event at his Area 101 spiritual and events center north of Laytonville.

“It's becoming so legal. Everybody has a medical license now,” he said.

Still, the 1st place winner, a Mendocino County resident asked that he be identified only as “Hawaii Dave.”

His “cotton candy kush” beat out 99 other entries to claim the elaborate first place glass cup, appropriately decorated with marijuana leaves.

“It's nice to be recognized for my efforts,” he said.

Eight judges and their assistants — generally partners or housemates — began sampling the entries in their homes Nov. 1, Blake said.

“The judges are smoking three or four a day,” he said. It's a serious job.”

Most take months off from smoking pot afterward, he said.

The entries are judged on appearance, smell, taste and effect, Blake said.

This year's winner is a deep purple color with iridescent orange hairs. It has a sweet berry smell and is extremely potent, said Hawaii Dave.

Samples of the top entries were available at the Emerald Cup, said Blake. Attendees also bring their own pot to the event, he said.

The celebration also featured a half dozen bands, food and vendor booths that included hemp and marijuana products, Blake said.

Proceeds from the $50 entry tickets will benefit the Trees Foundation and the Mendocino Medical Marijuana Advisory Board, he said.

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Active member
Damn! I missed it! And I wanted to go too....

Sounds like it was fun. I think I know Hawaii Dave. Congrats dude! :)


just don't molest my colas..
now what kind of marijuana judges quit smoking herb for months after judging?? how old are they, 15? for real though. sounds like good fun.


Generally people build up a tolerence of any substance......im thinking the judges just want to "reset" their system in order to get the full effect of the chronic....I know that i've been smoking 3-5 good sized doobies/day for a good year again and im beginiing to think i should stop smoking for a couple of months to clear my system again to make smoking a little more pleasureable......on second thought one reason i am smokeing so much could be im getting crappy shit around here


All of the judges I saw were in their 40-50's. They looked quite experienced. Only about ten percent of the entries looked impressive to me. There were only a couple purple looking buds so I hope the judges weren't biased and picked a winner more on looks.


just don't molest my colas..
yeah, except when you live in mendo and have access to dozens of strains to smoke daily, your tolerance doesn't build like that. I've been smoking 5-10 joints of my homegrown awesome weed for years and I never need to "reset", just change strains.


Kinda bummed i missed this

i was wondering if the winner was organic? or was that a requirement for all the entries?

good article post rowdy.


Free up the Herbs....Let the Sacrament grow!
would love to see some pics or anyting else from the event if anyone has them? Thanks


irie check out humbolts album, he has some cool ics from this event


TMB- thats true.....but living in butt fuck nowheres in the backwoods of canada you only have access to 1-2 strains and they rarely change....resets are needed perhaps


Registered Non-Conformist
Cotton Candy Kush..? Could they be more .... specific...? Just make up any name, Folks, no one here cares....

Could be anything... A Master (or real) Kush, or the Not-Kush we know as Og Kush as the bottom-line strain..? The Strain Name Game continues unabated..

Dilution of once-elite strains and their designations, also continues... As the value goes down throughout the whole market.

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