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Emerald Cup 2016

Hemphrey Bogart

Active member
Did you know when you get your 215 wristband, your signing up for a collective? Some collective signed up 25000+ people this weekend, DO YOU KNOW who you signed up to? Told them to take all my info out of there system and watched them do it...

I didn't have to sign up for anything. We were among the first 300 people in, saw the line for 215 bands and decided to use the restroom, look around a little, and get some food. I got a Polish dog and a beer and we hung out in the beer garden for a few.

About a 1/2 hour later, I walked over to the 215 booth and the line was like 10 people long. There were two girls checking recs and there was another group of people at the booth itself. One of them looked at my rec and my ID and gave me a band. I asked what the other line by the booth was for and she said it was to get on some email list or some shit. I walked straight to the 215 tent, lol.

My girl refuses to get a rec on principle, but I left her out there with a couple joints and she was puffing away while I walked around inside the 215 area. Very lax atmosphere, which was nice. Met some cool people, everything was pretty mellow despite the HUGE number of people.

Bean prices were steep!! $200/pack for a Durban backcross? Maybe someday, but not that day. I don't roll like that



ICMag Donor
Met many members, had a blast. Really wanted to meet Mr and Mrs Babba....

Show was better then just about ever other show this year, but there is some shady shit going on...

Did you know when you get your 215 wristband, your signing up for a collective? Some collective signed up 25000+ people this weekend, DO YOU KNOW who you signed up to? Told them to take all my info out of there system and watched them do it...

How many of us were denied entry to the Marley concert Saturday night? THAT was wrong...

I learned that CBD is bullshit. Does NOT do anything for pain, figured dabbing 3 grams of the stuff would offer some kind of relief. I was wrong, tastes good though...

Damnit krunch we tried to find you too, next time I guess!

I was wondering why he asked for my email addy, I was pretty high oh well....

mack 10

Well-known member
Planting Plants. I don't have the ability to msg you back. Sorry I missed you at the event. Hope you made it in.

So anybody else enter product?

I was told my 6 entries (3 flower 3 rosin) were lost and found at the last second. All my SClabs tests show tested on 12-9, day before the show, and a week after the video they posted of the judges smoking the samples........ Kind of messed up, I assume my product never got tested.

Anybody else sense this was the case?

With 650 entrys if you smoked 2 a day it would take 2 years to try them all... I think they are a victim of there success.
There is no way you can (fairly) judge that many strains,
Could you even remember, what was #572 like? lol.
Regards tests, also I doubt it could be done in such a short time
And from what you say they clearly smoked before the tests.

Also, top ten sweep of the rosin?

I was told the rosin had testing issues also, and I find it super hard to believe that the top 10 came from one farm, and all were better than my best entry....... Mine tested at 80% and was terpy as fuck........ Not even a mention, and I still don't even have my SC lab results for any of my rosin entries. ( I tested it myself before the cup) That means that farm is at least 10x better than anybody else that entered, with 10 different strains. Hats off if it was fair, but I smell a possible fix.

Yeah, I too find that hard to believe.
If true, dang they the gods of rosin. The whole top 10!

Sounds like everyone had a good time though.


With 650 entrys if you smoked 2 a day it would take 2 years to try them all... I think they are a victim of there success.
There is no way you can (fairly) judge that many strains,
Could you even remember, what was #572 like? lol.
Regards tests, also I doubt it could be done in such a short time
And from what you say they clearly smoked before the tests.

I disagree. The way they are doing it now, it can't be fair. But lets have qualifying rounds with hundreds of judges. Maybe groups of ten that get to try 20 strains. Then the winners move on. Single elimination type stuff. At least that would be fair. Otherwise, why did I spend $250? That was suppose to go toward testings. I also heard the judges get a variety pack of all the flowers, so they have to test everything.

O well, I will try again next year.:tiphat:

BTW - if somebody comes up to you...... Ever....... and makes you fill out a form with e-mail. Fake it! Duh. If you want to make a collective, fake it, and say others faked it. Done deal.
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