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Matter that Appreciates Matter
IMO seeds >= "elite" clones

Would you rather find something interesting yourself or have someone do it for you? I mean I like to watch the travel channel, but some times you just need to go the spot yourself. Clones save time and promise a good experience, but the whole experience is just another man's opinion when you boil it down.


Active member
Also Elite Clones and Hyped Clones are two diferent stuff..I heard a lot of shit going on behind the medical scene in cali from suposed to be elite clones that turn out to be regulare good herb.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
we should not rely on the clubs in cali to determine whats what...they rely on all of us to identify what is special, then they take ther chemically grown non flushed midgrade commercial and call it p91(there are exceptions of course) or whatever is special at the time.
---as others (mostly in europe i think) have pointed out, "sport" cut is a much better term than "elite" cut....as simple as it sounds i think the terminology has alot to do w some of the feelings of people who do not have access....being an elite or a sport cut does not mean it is the best herb available...it JUST MEANS SOMEONE LIKED THAT PHENO ENOUGH TO KEEP IT AND(HOPEFULLY) PASS IT AROUND....as far as "hyping" a cut....if it is a seed company or a dispensary that stands to gain something, then it is rightfully labeled hype....if it is a grower, i will use myself as an example, who grows purely for personal head stash, it is not hype, its probably no bullshit...so if guys (cough cough- hempy -cough) wanna jump on threads dogging the elites. thats fine...but to jump on someones thread, or to actually start a thread is kinda silly....does this make sense to people or am i jus crazy?
--of course the best shit comes from seed, it all comes from seed! but you wanna tell me there is somthing wrong w saving the really special cuts? i dont think so....and before everyone starts, yes RESTRICTIONS SUCK... but im sorry, i dont make the rules for everyone, my purple penis isnt that big...
---would also like to commend all the posters on this thread, including the op, for a thread that has sparked a conversation on this subject and not one person who has posted here has been banned over this thread! maybe folks are finally mellowing out on this subject that should(other than hoarding) NEVER be a confrontational sbject


Active member
I agree to a certain extent. To act like one cut is the same as the next isn't true though and if you ever run a batch of seeds from start to finish you would notice that. If you put anybody or anything on a pedistool you will ultimately see that is was not warranted. I.E. Tiger Tiger Woods Yo!!!

My point is this. If you get the good herb by popping seeds. We all know that parent plants give their traits to the offspring or seeds you pop. :artist: I think it makes sense to try and get seeds from a good parent plant. :tumbleweed: I.E. The White, SFV, ETC. and not a cactus or shitty mother plant??? Just my thoughts.

P.S. Thanks to all the breeders that take the time to do their work RIGHT!! I.E. Reservoir Seeds, GN, Subccol, Head, BOG, and everybody else too. I love my good weed and appreciate being able to have knowledge of the type seeds I am buying.
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Travelling Cannagrapher Penguin !
i have access to few so called elites : ecsd, blowfish, cheese, sweet skunk.

i grow them once, that was cool, but i have found a lot more plant that i loved growing from seeds.

those are still there cause they please a lot of people, but everybody has different standards.

i'm used to make some smoking parties with lots of growers, and i can tell you that elites are usually not better than other buds that are around.



Active member
what I hate is when high times puts 3 or 4 clone only strains in their top 10 list for the year. kinda defeats the purpose of the list for the masses.

Now that is a GREAT POINT! They should make is seed only and if they wanna make a top 10 for CUTS that is fine too! :prettyplease:
Im sorry i get a kick out of these kinds of threads.

Threads like this one... and whats the dankest weed ever?!? threads.. lol.:biggrin: they are too much...

that being said.. like others before me have stated, that maybe you need an additute/karma adjustment, and these "elites" might find a place in your garden. or you could act like a whinner, but, nobody likes a whinner.



Well-known member
ICMag Donor
P.S. Thanks to all the breeders that take the time to do their work RIGHT!! I.E. Reservoir Seeds, GN, SubRob, Head, BOG, and everybody else too. I love my good weed and appreciate being able to have knowledge of the type seeds I am buying.
---while i appreciate the thought, this is like the test-"which name doesnt belong here" haha...ive got a LONG way to go before i am keeping this company! either your giving me extra credit for my pollenchucking, or you meant subcool! hha


Active member
There is a subcool w/ Cali Conncetion I think. Sorry if some are not affilliated here but I am just posting my opinion.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
It-relax, im not arguing w you ...i figured thats who you meant, i just didnt want anyone to think i was of the opinion i belonged in that group because of the seeds ive donated that came from closet pollen chucking experiments..

There is a subcool w/ Cali Conncetion I think. Sorry if some are not affilliated here but I am just posting my opinion.
elite and sport could be interchangeable , clone only doesnt mean anything, that clone only could be crap if its not a sport or elite, lol Does anybody know where,when and who started the term elite? I honestly cant remember that term until bubba came out, but I do smoke alot and yes weed does affect my memory,lol


secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
eXe started a thread @ CW called "What´s an elite" :D
I remember when eXe came out with his sex reverseal spary , also remember orgnkid posting his ass on cw,lmao Those were the good ole days.....


High Class Grass
YAWN!!!!! Hey Raco i just planted the DC´s and XVIII´s yesterday....talk about elite.

Stay Safe


The entertainment is in putting your own best against what the world thinks is best.Sometimes the world is right, sometimes they are wrong. With nothing to compare it to we might walk around in a cloud of our own self-importance. So take a great clone only and put it up against what you have, see where you stand.:smokeit: If you lose, man up and start fresh!!!

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