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Electric bill came!


Active member
haha i get a 500 bill for my 1 bedroom.
on my bill it says im rationed for 10kw/day and i blast at it with 72 kw/day (2100kw/month) i figured my grow is about 75% of my bill. a few pc's in the house....
i do pay a premium on power 100-200% above ration, and then an even high premium on 200%+ nothing i cant handle, nothing anyone cares about, nothing a few dollars wont fix.

good tips.
replace all your lightbulbs for CFL's i got about 23 for my apt (room kitchen, halls) turn your PC's onto a powersaving mode (right click desktop->properties->screensaver tab->"power" button->portable/laptop power sceam.)
this will turn off the hdd after 30 min and turn off the monitor after 15 min and turn off the pc alltogether(hibernate) after 20 min of idle unless ur a downloading fiend.

i dont have central air so i use window fans alot, rarely use the window a/c and rarely use the electric stove.(says on the back the main oven element is 5500 watts)

some people get 'mini-fridges' my fullfridge uses over 700watts

power company is a COMPANY there trying to make a profit!
Edison is on the STOCK EXCHANGE FOR A REASON!!!!
Check this out:
http://www.gosolarnow.com/images/pdf files/costperkWh E1 2006.pdf

That's how a bill can increase in ways that most people cannot imagine. And get this.. the 100% baseline for a single family house is approximately 400 KWH, total! The average usage for a single family residence in California is about 1200 KWH. So, nearly all homes that are not SOLELY occupied by a little old lady and space heater, will likely be paying the 37 cent marginal rate per KWH, every month, on a portion of their consumption (specifically all consumption greater than 200% over the baseline).

YMMV depending on which state you live. I've heard of areas in Oregon that deliver power 6 cents/kwh with no marginal/bracketed rate structure, whatsoever.


SolarT said:
And you think the laundromat gets electricity CMEMORYER? Business rates are about 3 times residential rates. - and they are there to make a profit - soooooo Cheaper?

Where is the savings? - it can save on the power bill, but it will cost more.

a LOT more

muz b dat fuzzy texas logic?

You must be misunderstanding me. Of course it is going to cost more money to do your laundry at a laundromat than doing it at home, but that extra money is not going on your power bill, it's going on someone else's. Instead of jacking your power bill up $50-70 a month, you are paying around $75-100 a month to do the laundry somewhere else, and save money ON YOUR POWER BILL. The best part of the laundromat is instead of doing a load or two a day you go once a week or two and do all your laundry at once. 3 hours in one day and all the laundry is done for two weeks.

I have priced out commercial locations around here and it seems the power is more expensive for the first couple thousand KW hours, but after that the rates go down instead of up like the residential accounts. Pricing is very close on residential and commercial power here....

If you grow weed and you can't afford to do your laundry at a laundromat then you are doing something very wrong.... And I'm not from texas, this username was given to me by the moderators on this site. God knows why they changed it from the name I wanted....
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texasluv said:
God knows why they changed it from the name I wanted....

I hear God has quite the sense of humor. lol

That $100 at the laundromat equates to about $18 of the utility bill at home. (If $18 extra on the bill is going to raise eyebrows - your already sunk) The owner of the mat has a mortgage to pay and kids to feed too - plus the Maytag repairman. - And like I said - Commercial (aka Retail/Business) utility rate are MUCH higher Spend that $100 on CFL's and energy saving items - you will do better in the long run.

I watched a snip on Warren Buffet - he said he was so rich because he and Bill Gates share a comb. My comb broke so I wrote the American manufacturer and they sent me 4 free ones. Now I see where I went wrong.


Tom 'Green' Thumb
Every bit of power saved adds up at the end of the month, so saving as much as possible is your best bet. We have a privacy act here in Canada and the police need a warrant to inquire into your hydro bill. That said, there is nothing stopping them from taking your mail to find what they need. A friend of mine had this happen to them. Now he has a locked mail box. But I guess if they are already looking for reasons to raid you already did something wrong. Although it is possible for them to know you are growing but are not able to get a warrant. They need something to bring back to the judge, and if you don't let them find anything they are out of luck. I don't know why I'm rambling on, must be that sativa I just smoked. Sorry - but something to think about anyway.

dont worry about fluctuations in your monthly bill, your bill is tiny - you arent going to draw attention to yourself ever with a bill that low.

Often times the increased charges for "excess" kw usage per hour will shoot that bill up quickly.

Quite a few folks on here have bills twenty times that and have fluctuations several times the size of your bill every month. The hydro company wont look at your numbers, ive had people make comments when I pay my bill in person - some even flat out say "damn how much are you growin over there man!" when you come pay a bill in cash. If thats the case it is better to be on a balance payment plan as your bill appear steady every month, but the tab keeps adding up over time if your steadily increasing your usage or they increase their rates - the amount is recalculated every 4 months based on your average usage over those four months.

Unless a law enforcement officer or agency has a hard on for shutting you down your ok, at least its safe to say your pretty much non-existent on the hydro co's radar with that current usage.

PS keep in mind that leo can often times check your meter just as easy as the power guy coming to read it. If it increases over a few months it will raise their eyebrows. On the other hand, i like to make mine spin so fast they are scared to go near it out of fear it might fly off.

stay safe
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Registered Pothead
My electric bill is $350 a month and i only run 2 digital 600s and one huge can fan. Most of my bill is for my home business which is glass blowing. I run one to two kilns and they draw way more energy than any two to three light systems easy. A lot of people run home businesses so if people wanna ask questions about your bill you might wanna just say you are running a business out of your pad. My pop doesnt grow but his electric bill is over $2,000 a month and he has not had one complaint or anyone being suspicious.