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Electric bill came!


facelift said:
Swapping out those incandescent bulb with low watt CFL's will get rid of that extra 600 watts and fan.

I wish it were that simple. Maybe if you left every light on all day long, it would help. Most my bulbs used for any period of time are FLs or CFLs, and the cost reduction isn't that great. Helps, but it isn't covering anywhere near 1000+ watts/day.


465 cfm 16 hrs
1000 cfm 12 hrs (240v)
125 cfm 16 hrs
140 cfm ~4 hrs

400 mh 16 hrs
400 mh 6 hrs
400 hps 12 hrs
~125 CFLs 16 hrs
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Active member
As long as you're not *stealing* the power, a heavy user that pays on time is what the power company considers a good customer.


Active member
Closet grows are nice since you can save on heating the room the closet is in by pumping the heat from the closet out to the room :) Saved me a few bucks last winter.


marx2k said:
Closet grows are nice since you can save on heating the room the closet is in by pumping the heat from the closet out to the room :) Saved me a few bucks last winter.
roger that. floro's are a god way to cut costs too, even if just in the veg room. when i started my garden this summer, my electric bill went up just $10, and that was with an additional air conditioner (for my bedroom) running all day for the whole month, a heating pad for the clones, two tower fans, one window exhaust fan, and two 4 inch computer fans wired for AC power, on top of the 200 watt floro for grow and four T5 tubes for bloom (Sunleaves Pioneer IV... not sure about the wattage). will be even cheaper this winter without an AC to worry about. i must have a good company.

but i guess we'll see if its worth the electric bill when it comes to harvest weight. haha peace


Wait...What? said:
As long as you're not *stealing* the power, a heavy user that pays on time is what the power company considers a good customer.

True dat! They hate thiefs even more than those conservation types.

That's less than a computer and monitor would use.

I doubt the feds will come lookin.
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Tom 'Green' Thumb
I thought my hydro bill was crazy until I seen the rediculous price some of you are forking out to keep your babies happy. I guess I got it pretty good - actaully REALLY good. My bill is $600.00 every 2 months or $300.00 a month. I'm using 4 - 1000 watt HPS 12 hours a day, 4 fan/blowers, 2 dehumidifiers 24 hours a day, 1 central air unit 24 hours a day and power for two to of us to live. We did a few things to save power such as only using flourecent spiral lights, having a gas stove for cooking and a gas water heater.



TGT said:
I thought my hydro bill was crazy until I seen the rediculous price some of you are forking out to keep your babies happy. I guess I got it pretty good - actaully REALLY good. My bill is $600.00 every 2 months or $300.00 a month. I'm using 4 - 1000 watt HPS 12 hours a day, 4 fan/blowers, 2 dehumidifiers 24 hours a day, 1 central air unit 24 hours a day and power for two to of us to live. We did a few things to save power such as only using flourecent spiral lights, having a gas stove for cooking and a gas water heater.


yeah, that's pretty good. Looks like you are in Canada, so the US must get their rates from some other planet, or some of our "allies" that we protect OVER-charging the hand that feeds them.

Wish the US would wake up. "lock in oil at $25 a barrel, or NO protection for your ass" What could they do?...if we left within a week, guaranteed terror strike on their resources. Then they would be beggin our ass for protection... then we charge them for protection, and get our oil prices lowered. If our gov. had a spine they might suggest something similar.

Hydrogen power would be the best alternatives for power stations, so why haven't we been using it for that purpose?

I know not too many people use oil for heating, but, those prices tend to have an effect upon the economy in general.
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Not only are there millions of energy thirsty and power hungary Americans - there are Chinese, Japanese,English, French, Germans, Sweeds, and on and on and on.

If howerver there was a universal $10 per gallon "Enviormental Clean Up Tax" - - how long do you think it would take to find some more eco-friendly power supplys? - Cheap fuel now, and screw the planet for our kids - that's the mind set.


SolarT said:
Cheap fuel now, and screw the planet for our kids - that's the mind set.

yup. reminded me of this...

"There's nothing fundamentally wrong with people. Given a story to enact that puts them in accord with the world, they will live in accord with the world. But given a story to enact that puts them at odds with the world, as yours does, they will live at odds with the world. Given a story to enact, in which they are the lords of the world, they will act as the lords of the world. And, given a story to enact in which the world is a foe to be conquered they will conquer it like a foe, and one day, inevitably, their foe will lie bleeding to death at their feet, as the world is now."

- Daniel Quinn, Ishmael


Active member
since we are on the subject, someone might be able to understand this a bit more lol, if im corrected i pay .05 or so per kw/h i dont understand the whole after x amount of kw etc etc...below is my bill stats, any input or info on figuring things out and setting up to where i stay in the lower rate will be good lol

Meter reading - meter
Current reading 98751
Previous reading -93841
kWh used 4910

Energy usage
Last This
year year
kWh this month 4194 4910
Service days 30 30
kWh/day 140 164

--numbers on left are last years, numbers on right are this year--

**The electric service amount
includes the following charges:
Customer charge: $5.34 per month
Fuel: $299.08
(First 1000 kWh at $0.052950)
(Over 1000 kWh at $0.062950)
Non-fuel: $244.27
(First 1000 kWh at $0.041530)
(Over 1000 kWh at $0.051850)
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4 cents for the first 1000 kwh(10,000 watts) and 5 for every kwh(1000 watts) after the first 1000 kwh in a 30 day billing cycle

asher1er said:
since we are on the subject, someone might be able to understand this a bit more lol, if im corrected i pay .05 or so per kw/h i dont understand the whole after x amount of kw etc etc...below is my bill stats, any input or info on figuring things out and setting up to where i stay in the lower rate will be good lol

Meter reading - meter
Current reading 98751
Previous reading -93841
kWh used 4910

Energy usage
Last This
year year
kWh this month 4194 4910
Service days 30 30
kWh/day 140 164

--numbers on left are last years, numbers on right are this year--

**The electric service amount
includes the following charges:
Customer charge: $5.34 per month
Fuel: $299.08
(First 1000 kWh at $0.052950)
(Over 1000 kWh at $0.062950)
Non-fuel: $244.27
(First 1000 kWh at $0.041530)
(Over 1000 kWh at $0.051850)


its in the 4 cent per kwh fee...so what does it matter what they charge you for fuel to power your home? i wish i had .4 cent per kilowatt hour
asher1er said:
whats the fuel charge?
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Active member
brainthor said:
its in the 4 cent per kwh fee...so what does it matter what they charge you for fuel to power your home? i wish i had .4 cent per kilowatt hour

i know its within the 4 cent fee but i was wondering what they meant by fuel and non-fuel, i did a search i think it was something about the portion of the elect needing to be generated by fuel?


Thats right,my utility charges 10 cents a KWH and 3 cents a KWH to fuel the plant,kinda goofy but aint we all
zorkieo said:
my electric bill went from 40-120. i live in an area were the gas and electric company is private (gov is not involved). is that suspicious? i only added a 600w light and some fans. should i be worried for a 3x bill?

Not suspicious at all...

A woman moving in with you can easily triple or quadruple your electricity usage...


asher1er- Sounds just like progress energy.

When I lived in a house with 4 other people (4 guys, 1 girl) we had a $500+ power bill just from normal appliance usage. A great way to knock the power bill way down is to do your laundry at a laundromat. The dryer uses up so much power it is unbelievable.
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That's not right ... too $$$ for that!!!

That's not right ... too $$$ for that!!!

I want to echo many of these comments, the jump you describe in cost cannot be from what you have added to grow with alone... at least at rates of what I thought most American's pay for the E.

What's your Kw/H price?
It should be right on your bill.


texasluv said:
A great way to knock the power bill way down is to do your laundry at a laundromat. The dryer uses up so much power it is unbelievable.

And you think the laundromat gets electricity CMEMORYER? Business rates are about 3 times residential rates. - and they are there to make a profit - soooooo Cheaper?

Where is the savings? - it can save on the power bill, but it will cost more.

a LOT more

muz b dat fuzzy texas logic?
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