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Egyptian Weed


Crazy X Seeds Breeder
Thanks for all the feedback.
I will do a smoke report, as soon as i am harvesting.

xxbkrawkxx , don't get me started on Egyptian hash.
Please don't fall for the idea's of Egyptian hash is good. It is different in so many ways, Yet we as 'Egyptians' when we smoke pure/high quality hash doesn't make us that high, due to chemical tolerance we built from smoking other types of mixtures.
Unfortunately, It is mixed with chemicals.

We get real chemically laced hash in the UK called soap,smells like burning diesel and plastic.

I've got aload of seeds from egypt,i've had em for about 6 years but haven't had the time or space to grow em out yet.


I lived for a year in London.
I used to get really good hash, was not soap at all, was light brown.
I got some afghani hash, but was not the real deal but had a sweety taste


I love seeing how other Country's do it. When in America you get so wrapped up in how America is doing it. Along with all of the name brand strains that have to have og or kush in them for your basic retard on the street to think that it is good. I will be watching this. Interesting Sudanese strain as well.


'When in America you get so wrapped up in how America is doing it'
Can you clarify more ?


'When in America you get so wrapped up in how America is doing it'
Can you clarify more ?

America has it's strains, grow equipment, soil mixes, smoking pipes etc... Our entire smoking culture is different than the way it is done in many other Countries. I like to see the difference's, and try to learn from them.

Try to go into a dispensary, and say "I have two pack's of a no name Sudanese Strain. You interested?"

I bet it won't go so good.

Now take the same strain, and call it Sudanese Kush, and that bitch will get you $3200 a pack.

America is just stuck on America.

I like seeing how the rest of the world does it.


Thanks for the clarification OrganicOzarks.
It is like going to buy brand name product or searching in the dust for a magical bean =D


I have a question....
My PH value is around 7.6, I tried putting couple of drops lemon on 1 litre of water of PH 7.6 it lowered it down to 4.5.
Any ideas how to lower it upto 6.7-6.9


Thats the tap water Ph value that we have.
Ok will give a try using less lemon.
Thats the tap water Ph value that we have.
Ok will give a try using less lemon.

Maybe I should have made that clearer. What I meant was,you can add tapwater,which is pretty alkaline, to your ph'ed water to bring the ph up. If amount is not an issue ,if it is,then yeah,just start over and use less lemon. You mentioned that you use a coco/peat substrate so I'll assume your adding some kind of nutrients.You re ph'ing after you've added any nutes/additives,right?


I have a question....
My PH value is around 7.6, I tried putting couple of drops lemon on 1 litre of water of PH 7.6 it lowered it down to 4.5.
Any ideas how to lower it upto 6.7-6.9

Are you growing in soil/soiless mix?


Here is my soil mix :
I use coco peat which is substitute for peat moss and super peat N&A.
And there was a 3rd item but forgot its name, I use around 1/3 of each and mix them well.

And the plants just entered veg state, so I'll be feeding them at the end of this week.
Even though i had some burnt leaves.
Ill post some pics within couple of hours .


anyone tell me how to cure this ?


and some other good pics ....

how close are the light to the plants ? measure the heat on top of the plant, it could be too hot there, measuring at the bottom near cold/watered soil won't give the same results as on top. (some of your top leaves are curling)

this could also be Phosphorous deficiency but not sure on that.

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