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Edgey's got the blues .....oh and lemon venom



just cuts at he mo m8 , i binned the 2 original plants after i took the cuts ( space issues )



the cuttings are rooted and are in 4" pots of coco , being fed every 3 days . ec = 0.8 , ph = 5.7

they'll go under my homemade fluoro set up until i've got room in the flower tent , then put in the wilma and flowered :)


ps. the one with the blue pen top is the sheffield blues


Looks great dude, my lemon venom needs much more nutes than any of my other plants, yours seem to be looking fine on a low feed though. You're running your pH at 5.7 I'm at 6.0, I'm gonna try lowering to 5.7 like you and see if my lemon lady improves


very nice edgey..cant wait to see you wilmas up and running...bring it on!!

i'm looking forward to it myself m8 , i've got 2 x 8 pot units , i'll use 1 this time but may go for 2 on the next run

Looks great dude, my lemon venom needs much more nutes than any of my other plants, yours seem to be looking fine on a low feed though. You're running your pH at 5.7 I'm at 6.0, I'm gonna try lowering to 5.7 like you and see if my lemon lady improves

they were fed a low feed because they'd just been potted , i'll raise it to 1.0 next feed for a week or 2 , the ph i keep at 5.7 for the first few feeds then raise until flower where i leave at 5.9

wicked edgey...

superhemp is bang on the money with high feed on the lv's mine is always paler than the rest and needs that extra 0.2+ ec ontop what the others are getting ;) i too will try the 5.7 cheers


wicked edgey...

superhemp is bang on the money with high feed on the lv's mine is always paler than the rest and needs that extra 0.2+ ec ontop what the others are getting ;) i too will try the 5.7 cheers

Thanks for confirming my suspicions about the LV's needing a heavy feed, I just gave her a little splash of 3.5ml/L compared to 3ml/L for my other plants and i hope she will improve now :)

My fear of overfeeding gives me problems, lol


i'll be feeding by hand till i've got room to fit the wilma in the flower tent .

thanks for the info superhemp , john :)



the clones are vegging nicely under the fluoro's , bit slower than i thought they would be but they've got another 3-4 weeks before they go in the tent with the 600w hps.
i'll repot into 6L airpots during the week if i manage to get the pots in time otherwise 8L buckets it is.
i'm still handwatering every 3 days for now as they don't dry out as quick under the fluoro's.

i've been lucky enough to have a visit from the clone fairy this week well 2 infact so now i have 4 psychoberry to root as well as a clone of cheesey's bullshit blues to try

:thank you::thank you::thank you: clone fairies you know who you are

lemon venom nutes are:
ph= 5.8
ec= 1.1

as always comments and critisism is welcomed

looking set bro...your love the pyschoberry ..ive got some hanging now :) sweeter smell than the pyscho ..cant wait to firer it up!! watching with interest..i think you got a typo "cannaboys bullshit blue" LOL


i'll watch for the typo's in future lol
i've had the psychoberry before , i got it the same time as the psychosis but could only keep 1 mum at the time so i shared the psychoberry to a few friends and flowered out the mum , the so called friends all kept the berry running but when it came time for me to ask for a cut back none of them had it ??? just goes to show some ppl just aren't worth trusting but its all good , the clone fairy has blessed me with it again and this time i'll keep it to myself :)

enjoy the berry m8 , i prefer the smoke to the psychosis but yeild was always a little less for me


Active member
found out last night the venom i had was a venom x mexican. so the clone fairy dropped of the proper venom last night yay


Active member
dunno mate im on a new learniing curve with regards to feeding llp pointed out i feed to mkuch so ive gotta learn how to feed lesws so i proberly wont do one i will take some pice for YOU though just to compare


dunno mate im on a new learniing curve with regards to feeding llp pointed out i feed to mkuch so ive gotta learn how to feed lesws so i proberly wont do one i will take some pice for YOU though just to compare

keep us informed how your nute schedule is going , i'm going in blind with these as well , or at least i will be once there in the wilma so i'll be looking for all the advice i can get :)



Active member
i need advice mate whats wilma? im gonna wing it mate just going by the leaves on a dayto day basis ill record whative done if it helps you out worst case is you learn what not to do lmao