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EBT system is down


Active member
the card makes it harder tho than the old stamps. I used to buy em 50% all day long when I was younger an lived in maine.


Active member
I hate saying it, but as I was repairing my toilet I had this thought...

Our society was set up to produce greedy communists. Think about it. It's the greed of capitalist ideals, paired with the economic structure of socialist communism.

We're manufactured and softened to feel entitled to all of these goods and services, manufactured and softened to give away up to half of our checks for the general good of the population. Bamboozled by cliches, like "your fair share".

Then everyone is dosed with this fantasy lifestyle full of chinese and mayanmar manfactured crap and goods and services produced by slave labor, polished up in After Effects and blasted across the television.

I think if you accept food stamps, you should stop watching Kardashians. I was just at someone's house, they're watching Kardashians, and know more about the life of the people on the show than they do their own lives, and eat lobster and crabs purchased with EBT money.

Hey! That's up to half my check you're eating!

I don't think we should pay back the national debt. We have a nuclear arsenal to settle that score. Or at least I've been led to believe we do.

America should nationalize and kick out everyone that isn't American. And some brave Americans should move, in search of a better place, where we can be free. That's what I think of food stamps.

It's all out of control, just as it was designed to be. The mob is never going to be on the same page. Save yourself and somebody you love.

Desert Hydro

Well-known member
i dont wanna get trolled for this but where i live poeple turn themselves into baby factories to get money from the govt/state. i know some people who dont make shit yet they ALL have iphones even the 3 kids under 12. multiple xboxs, gambling problems etc. i think its bullshit and the help is there for people who need it, not just for those who are cheating the system. real shitty here


Active member
cruise by welfare sometime. all kinds of people with bling and fancy cars. if ya got a rolex you shouldn't get any help.


Active member

Food stamp glitch leads to Wal-Mart stampede

Shoppers swarm stores after a computer hiccup gives benefit cards unlimited purchasing power.

Wal-Mart (WMT -0.19%) stores in Springhill and Mansfield, La., saw a stampede and a shelf-clearing rush Saturday after a computer glitch for food stamp recipients led to benefit cards allowing unlimited purchases.

Police were called as entire shelves were being cleared out, until the glitch was fixed and low-income residents using the cards were no longer allowed to make purchases.

"Springhill Police Chief Will Lynd confirms they were called in to help the employees at Wal-Mart because there were so many people clearing off the shelves. He says Wal-Mart was so packed, 'it was worse than any black Friday' that he's ever seen.

Lynd explained the cards weren't showing limits and they called corporate Wal-Mart, whose spokesman said to let the people use the cards anyway. From 7 to 9 p.m., people were loading up their carts, but when the cards began showing limits again around 9, one woman was detained because she rang up a bill of $700 and only had .49 on her card. She was held by police until corporate Wal-Mart said they wouldn't press charges if she left the food.

Lynd says at 9 p.m., when the cards came back online and it was announced over the loud speaker, people just left their carts full of food in the aisles and left."

No arrests were made.

"Just about everything is gone. I've never seen it in that condition," Mansfield Wal-Mart customer Anthony Fuller told KSLA.


Active member
Well, that's pretty disturbing for a thinking person. I sometimes wonder if I'm getting duped again, like during the last leg of the Cold War. I think I'm getting fooled again. It's a tough call, and that's the art of war.


Active member
That's a good test-run to see how fast a major store can sell out, and project rioting patterns and response times to major theft and looting at big box stores. A good way to see what gets taken first in order of priority. Lots of data to mine.

It's interesting the spokeswoman signing off on the deal was quoted in the article. dontcha think? Why did she okay it and why did they tell us that? gross

there's a lot of wild bullshit going on every day. now i understand why grown men sit at home watching cartoons. this is why I stay busy with the day job. anyway.

edit: I know we can't get political, but as reported by Coast to Coast John B Wells the nazi collaborators Xerox triggered the EBT shutdown during a test. Who knows who controls Xerox now. And the power grid was attacked in Arkansas about the same time. The FBI is offering a reward. AND FEMA is scheduled for region 3 drills, relating to a massive power grid down, for the 17th or so of October. So it's all suspicious military traffic going on at the same time, and that's just the highlight real. As in pre-land war testing the defenses of America. Shits getting crazy. They're testing today's people out. Not the actual defenses or the wartime playbook, just peoples abilities to run the plays.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I agree. I guess the cards were supposed to take away their ability to sell all or part of their allotment to someone else...I suppose there are flaws either way you go (actual stamps or coupon books vs. debit cards).

I think food stamps have their place...some people obviously need them and I don't mind them using my tax dollars to help pay for the program for those people who truly need it.

What I don't like is getting in line at the store behind another person, they pay with food stamps, they go outside to their car which is nicer/newer than mine, put their groceries in there and drive away.

If those folks can afford a brand new car but can't afford to feed themselves and their families, I think they have an issue with asset allocation.


Well appearances can sometimes be deceiving let me paint a scenario where everything you said is the same but we give a little more substance to the story. Let's say this person in the line in front of you using Food Stamps, a year before had landed a great job with a great salary. Having worked long and hard getting there he had to all his life settle for cheap used cars or public transportation and now finally being able to afford it he gets himself a nice brand new car. Then a few months later tragedy strikes, the person's child is struck with some rare illness, he's too new at his job to apply healthcare benefits and the astronomical medical bills that follow force him to take on a second job at night just to stay afloat. Unfortunately the second job which is just a little better then minimum wage job as a stock clerk and when the late hours begin to take it's toll it effect his performance at his first job and so he gets fired. Of course since he got fired he can't collect Unemployment and his second job is in no way able to support the bills. It took him close to a year to land the good job so since the bills are due now he has to take whatever he can as far as another job and he ends up in a much lower paying job. Since his first job needed supplemental income to make ends meet this lower paying job means he has to start making drastic changes to his lifestyle. Like freezing his credit, reducing his phone plan to the bare minimum, no more cigarettes or 6 packs of brew on Friday night, no more gym, etc. He gets things close to manageable but it's still a struggle so he applies for Food Stamps and because he has a kid he qualifies for a small to modest sum of Food Stamps which really helps him to at least put a decent plate of food on the table for his Family. His only other source of pride and happiness being that thru all of this struggle he managed to not have to give up his nice new car.

Point being that someone who uses Food Stamps and has a nice new car isn't necessarily abusing the system. Having a car is an important tool to have in today's world especially if you have children. Some might say if a person is in need but has something nice like a new car, or jewelry, etc. should sell those things first before asking for Food Stamps. That would be a pretty foolish thing to do with a car since car values depreciate so quickly. So not only would you not be getting what it's worth to you, you'd be making your life unnecessarily painful at a time when you're trying to recover.

Yes there are people that abuse the system but not everybody that uses the system abuse it. In fact those fitting the stereotypes are a small fraction of the people who truly need and depend on Food Stamps. Plus if you look at the amount they get it's not really that much where someone could live lavishly without still having to put in a lot of good, old fashioned hard work. Anyone who is getting a "large" sum of Food Stamp money has multiple kids and nothing jacks expenses up like kids.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I agree. I guess the cards were supposed to take away their ability to sell all or part of their allotment to someone else...I suppose there are flaws either way you go (actual stamps or coupon books vs. debit cards).

They were supposed to make it more difficult but the problem is you got no enforcement at the purchase level. Now a days you have self checkouts for one thing but also there's nothing telling the cashier to make you show id when you use a EBT Card. So the person can just sell their benefits and then let the person paying them have the card with the condition of them giving the card back when they're done. From the cases I've seen this all happens in a short period right there at the store with the card owner waiting outside the store to get their card back. They would be street people and let's say they got $100 per month using a local shelter for their mailing address. They would stand outside the local grocery stores and offer to sell food stamps for money. Usually with some sob story about what the money was needed for. The people that would take them up on the offer typically only give 50 cents on the dollar. So they would agree to give the street person $50 once they got their groceries. The street person would hand over the card and tell them the pin. They would go shop and on the way out give the street person the $50 and the card back. The street person would then go spend the $50 at the beer/liquor store.

I got to witness some of this up close when I was dating this girl who worked in social services helping the homeless. She took me to this one store they were aware of and watched where the day benefits were released you'd see several street people at any given time of the day trying to hustle their cards openly. Just requiring all cashiers to treat it the same as tobacco or alcohol and ask to see an id when a person uses an EBT card and not allowing it if the person doesn't have an id that matches the name on the EBT card, would dramatically reduce abuses.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I don't think we should pay back the national debt. We have a nuclear arsenal to settle that score. Or at least I've been led to believe we do.

The only problem with that is we owe more the half of the debt to ourselves. A huge piece of that more then half, is all the money they've been taking out of people's checks to cover their Social Security and Medicare benefits what they call the Social Security trust Fund. So we say now that Social Security and Medicare may fail but if we don't pay back the debt then it definitely will fail. A lot of people wrongly think China owns most of the debt, they don't. They own more then anyone country other then ourselves but since it's far less then the majority share we own the whole notion of China ever just walking in and taking us over because we owe them is pure fantasy for the ignorant. Now where it would become an issue is China owns about as much as all the other foreign countries (all country's we call allies) combined. So when it came to settling debt after ourselves we would be obligated to take care of paying back China first before our allies.


Active member
The only problem with that is we owe more the half of the debt to ourselves. A huge piece of that more then half, is all the money they've been taking out of people's checks to cover their Social Security and Medicare benefits what they call the Social Security trust Fund. So we say now that Social Security and Medicare may fail but if we don't pay back the debt then it definitely will fail. A lot of people wrongly think China owns most of the debt, they don't. They own more then anyone country other then ourselves but since it's far less then the majority share we own the whole notion of China ever just walking in and taking us over because we owe them is pure fantasy for the ignorant. Now where it would become an issue is China owns about as much as all the other foreign countries (all country's we call allies) combined. So when it came to settling debt after ourselves we would be obligated to take care of paying back China first before our allies.

Just my opinion and intuition, but China and the U.S. are both covertly controlled properties of the United Kingdom. The British controlled Hong Kong until 1997. They destroyed China with opiates, the same as they and the Germans are doing to America today.

Then, 10 years later, after pulling out after 150 years of occupation, America is in debt to China. It's an illusion to bring about a global rule strategy.

Also, one of the key agents in enslaving the ruling class by addicting the Chinese to opium was also a key agent in undermining America, William Huntington Russell. He helped to bring us the Bush family.

It's a whole in depth topic I've been thinking about the past 6 months.

Most people haven't a clue that China was controlled by Britain. My own mother was clueless, but I remembered it from High School social studies class.

The trade war is a revenue earner for the city of london and helps them keep a grip on economic terrorism around the world. They (City of London, Vatican City) can exploit North America and Africa through China, and the rest of the world militarily through America.

edit: We were in MAJOR debt with China inside of 5 years of the British pulling out of Hong Kong. I remember 2003 and the war push and the debt talk. It's all a banking scam and a world based land grab scam.


Active member
I think a person with a good heart and some sense of what's going on could take the American arsenal and clean up this problem in less than 5 years.

I don't think most people could accept that would involve pinprick nuking the UK, Italy and Israel and conducting an International criminal roundup.

The British have controlled China's financial capitol city for almost as long as America has existed. 150 years. They did it utilizing the drug trade, first starting with fair trade to get their "in", and then economic and political policies behind the scenes. China is the UK.

Just my wild theories and ideas. But what do I know.

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
Not for nothing and i'm prolly going to get trolled for this, but these people need to get jobs.
Not just pump out a baby every year to get more free $ from the government.
Any fool who relies on their gubment to take care of their basic needs, deserves what they get when the handouts stop coming.
What happened to self pride and being a family provider?
I never ever put my hand out for freebies, if i want, i have to earn.
That's it, no way around it.
75% of people on these programs are lazy fucks and could take care of themselves if they applied themselves, or paid attention in school.
I'm not knocking the handicapped or others who actually need help.

How else is the government supposed to starve off more than 1/2 our population to make us more sustainable?
Maybe you don't need that chain that hangs down to your dick or the 24" rims on your $20 beater.
You wouldn't have to live in the projects if you made better choices with your money.
Too bad they don't teach finances or proper money techniques in urban school districts, or we wouldn't be in such a mess.

Before you shoot off at the mouth how i'm racist or bias, listen here.
I was raised on welfare and food stamps, i grew up in the hood, only white family in our building for along time.
So i been there, i've lived it and seen it first hand.
Lazy fucks never get anywhere!!
4 Ct diamond earrings doesn't make the man, taking care of your family and raising quality humans does.

Grass Lands

More troubles are a coming....


welfare-stateThis weekend America witnessed a limited crash in the computer systems that manage electronic benefit transfers across the country. Within hours of the crash panicked food stamp recipients who were left with no way to feed their families rushed grocery store shelves to obtain everything they could while the system was down.

The outage lasted less than a day, but it proved what many already knew, that America had become a nation so dependent on government subsidies that any glitch in the system could lead to total pandemonium.

But if you thought that isolated incident was bad, imagine what could happen next month.

We say next month because the USDA, which oversees the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP), has just issued an order to SNAP agency directors calling for their respective States to implement an emergency contingency program because of government funding issues. In a letter obtained by the Crossroads Urban Center food pantry, the USDA is directing state agencies to, “delay their November issuance files and delay transmission to State Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) vendors until further notice.”

What this means is that should Congress fail to increase the debt ceiling this week, come November there will literally be millions of people in the United States who will have exactly zero dollars transferred to their EBT cards.

What will happen to the nearly 50 million people who depend on these benefits to survive?

Think this past weekend and multiply it across the entirety of the United States of America.

In the State of Utah the immediate effect of the USDA’s contingency plan will be a freeze in benefits for 100,000 people. Richard Phillips, a homeless man who depends on the government’s monthly distributions, warned what would happen next:

It’s going to cause problems… because then you’re going to come to find out that you’re going to have people starting to steal and do what they have to do to survive.


Desert Hydro

Well-known member
ive said it for years, the food stamp system should be limited to foods that meet strict nutritional guidelines. my buddy works in a big store and he says the things that most EBT orders are made up of is appalling. soda, cheetos, top ramen etc.

we shouldnt be paying for the lazy fucks to get fat and sick only to have to pay again for their medical expenses from a self induced condition. its bullshit.

this is not an attack on all EBT users, just the abusers


Not for nothing and i'm prolly going to get trolled for this, but these people need to get jobs.
Not just pump out a baby every year to get more free $ from the government.
Any fool who relies on their gubment to take care of their basic needs, deserves what they get when the handouts stop coming.
What happened to self pride and being a family provider?
I never ever put my hand out for freebies, if i want, i have to earn.
That's it, no way around it.
75% of people on these programs are lazy fucks and could take care of themselves if they applied themselves, or paid attention in school.
I'm not knocking the handicapped or others who actually need help.

How else is the government supposed to starve off more than 1/2 our population to make us more sustainable?
Maybe you don't need that chain that hangs down to your dick or the 24" rims on your $20 beater.
You wouldn't have to live in the projects if you made better choices with your money.
Too bad they don't teach finances or proper money techniques in urban school districts, or we wouldn't be in such a mess.

Before you shoot off at the mouth how i'm racist or bias, listen here.
I was raised on welfare and food stamps, i grew up in the hood, only white family in our building for along time.
So i been there, i've lived it and seen it first hand.
Lazy fucks never get anywhere!!
4 Ct diamond earrings doesn't make the man, taking care of your family and raising quality humans does.


ruger 500
in ark the ebt cards were set as unlimited and they had a run on wally world and the shelves were empty ,they shut the cards off and rows of full baskets of grocerys were left


Feeding the ducks with a bun.
The system as it is , is unsustainable. Sooner or later things are going to collapse.
Be ready.
Im glad I dont live in the city or the suburbs because that is where the SHTF first when things get real.

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