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EBT system is down

Grass Lands

Are they (DHS) not telling us something?


For years we have been talking about the Department of Homeland Security’s attempts to militarize local police forces; this week, Fox News is reporting that DHS is spending $80 million dollars on a private security forces to protect themselves from the American people.

On November 1st, the Food Stamp program will face across the boards cuts, reducing the amount of money people on food stamps will receive. In preparation for the cuts, the Department of Homeland Security is quietly making preparations for mass riots and chaos throughout the United States.

Based on the chaos that happened a couple of weeks back when the debit system that allows people on food stamps to buy food temporarily crashed, it seems the government is growing concerned over what will happen when benefits are cut nationwide.

While the cuts aren’t huge – most families will only see a reduction of $36 dollar per month – the threats of violence and rioting have already begun. Last month during the temporary 5 hour EBT outage, people took to the internet threatening to riot, after they assumed their food stamps were permanently cut off because of the government shutdown.

While I doubt many people will riot over a $36 cut in benefits, the fact that DHS is spending another $80 million dollars on a private security force is pretty troubling.



Shit! How am I going to buy my food if the system is down! I love my food stamps! Get them while you still can! A free $200 a month is a no brainer!

ahhhhh.... so you are one of "THEM"....... nothing to be proud of snype....your type is why america is going down... hate to break it to you but people shouldnt have to work hard so people like you can fuck off and be a waste of life...


I love my life
ahhhhh.... so you are one of "THEM"....... nothing to be proud of snype....your type is why america is going down... hate to break it to you but people shouldnt have to work hard so people like you can fuck off and be a waste of life...

And who's fault is that? Time for us all to look into the mirror and decide if we will continue to support this immoral government, or will we drop out take care of ourselves, our friends, and our families?

Judging the decisions of our neighbors doesn't help. Show them by example. Don't communicate with the government, don't pay the government, don't take anything from the goverment.


Grass Lands


The negroes are going to break into your trailers and steal your canned goods. lol

Is this what you hillbillies dream about at night lol.


After seeing what happened in Louisiana at the Walmart, anything can and will happen.

When people have no food or water the desperation sets in and the true viciousness of humans will come spewing from the depths with in...

Once again folks it better to have then have not and have to go out and look for the have not's.

Flying Goat

Wow... Where were all you people when I was screaming about this 30 years ago?

I've spent about 10 years looking for a better place to live, digging, researching. After the BP thing in the GOM, we were so sick & hit finally hit hubby between the eyes... We sold out all and moved here on 4/20/2011.

Glad we had tickets in hand, were in a hotel waiting the last week of hub's work, & our flight south when Fukushima blew, or I'd have gone nutz.

So glad I did that. Never go back.

This is genocide, plain & simple. Some of you guys haven't all the facts.

They are planning a complete electric grid shutdown 'exercise' for mid-November. Stock up on gas in cans & water in jugs. Find an alternative heat source. They always plan these 'exercises' in winter (ask us NDNs - Trail of Tears, open wagons, no food, medicine, no protection - Hitler praised the "management of the American Indian" as his inspiration for his 'final solution'.).

Then, with NASA shut down, the 'guided missile,' Comet ISON will be allowed to either strike or come very close to Earth, pelting us all with debris from the tail... Timing is NOT an coincidence.

You are being depopulated & they are aiming for 90% reduction.

When BP did the mess in the GOM, it was all faked for the cameras. They were drilling into a mud volcano with the largest known deposit of methane hydrate (frozen crystals). Purpose? Allow sea water to enter & further collapse the salt domes. There are over 30,000 lbs of TNT & old nuke material in this exact location as well...

Hint: If you live anywhere near New Madrid, GTFO now. This could be the spring equinox 'celebration' of TPTB... I've seen boxes rigged with wires undersea (very hard to maintain due to corrosion issues). They're getting ready to blow it just like on 9/11. They're already destroying levees along the MS river... We will have beachfront property in Wyoming soon, an inland sea from the Gulf to the Great Lakes. Meanwhile, look at the sinkholes emptying lakes & swallowing houses in LA & TX... The Gulf States will fall in once the salt domes collapse, huge methane explosions. Bye-bye Florida & Eastern Seaboard. San Antonio or Austin may have excellent surfing soon.

Full report at 11pm...

Flying Goat

I apologize if I sounded a bit sarcastic in the above post, but it's been plain as day to me since I got out of high school in 1979.

You're all being farmed. Once you quit giving milk (taxes) because you have no jobs (hay), then you go up the ramp to the slaughterhouse...

Seriously, wishing everybody luck this November when they down the electric grid. I get so pissed, thinking of elderly people in apartments with no tap water, no heat, not able to cook anything... Yet if you HAVE provided for yourself & have more than 6 day's worth of food in the house - you're a terrorist according to NDAA.

So you're screwed either way you go. If you survive this so-called 'natural disaster' they are planning, they'll get you thru a viral release from Atlanta (I used to have to drive by the miles of stacked coffins along I-65) or you'll be asked to take the 'vaccination' against this plague, which will be full of squaline & make your body feed on itself... (Don't believe me - research!)

These coffins aren't made for just one person - they hold up to 5 adults up to 12 children. Manufacturer's advertisements brag about "superior venting on sides and bottom" which allow them to be burned an average of 42% faster...

NDNs know about depopulation. We know damn well.

Welcome to the Reservation, y'all.

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