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Ebb & flo to Ebb & grow. 6/9 gh.


Well-known member
So after some brainstorming an thoughts of why this run seemed to lack more in the taste dept. I ran out of Hp organics High Phos liquid bat guano, which is 0-4-0, an i run it at 5mil per gal in flower. One of the missing links, i think. If anything it seemed to add a more earthy taste to things.....



Well-known member
mh bulbs rock early flower!!

mh bulbs rock early flower!!

Some years back i ordered a bunch of 600w mh bulbs.

My cheap ass was like " save the hortis" ,in a way.

Started using them during veg periods in the buckets, then even leaving them in 15-20 days into flower(12/12), out of laziness. But i came to notice last run how much more advanced the plants under 600 mh where, vs the 1000 horti.

It is very apparent how further along they are vs the 1000 horti. new bulbs too. An the plants under the 1000 where vegged longer an bigger to begin with. def a larger root system. so they should be further along in flower size at canopy level.

But there not.

600 mh's are noticeably advanced , again for the 2nd run. So i feel the mh bulbs produce more at this stage of flower.

Under the mh bulb budsites they are almost twice the size at day 15 compared to the 1000's, No joke... again. a few same clones. so it has to be a tweak for the better.

I am still gonna run the hortis arround day 20 or so, i think.

just wanted to share an document for my future re-reads...



The Mad Monk
Good to know things are working out so well w/the MH. I was just thinking the other day Gman that I should get a 1K MH for first two weeks of flowering after seeing how dramatic the difference was vegging with the HPS. And I'm curious to use it the last week or two to see how it affects the finish, if at all.

Scottish Research

Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Hey Gman, what brand of MH lights do you use? Do you run these open with no glass? I was thinking about just picking some up at the home improvement store.




Well-known member
Sorry, its been months since i checked here.

Robert F , these were some company called Solarburst out of the UK. i had ordered 2nds bulbs. Bulbs they couldnt sell as new cause some had broken pieces of glass in them, But worked fine. at the time i got 6 600mh's an 8 hps for like 300 shipped. Hps are long gone. If possible i would try to compare the light spectrums. One thing i know a good bulb can make a world of diffference, but, there are good bulbs out there other then at the the high priced grow shops. I get all my t5 bulbs at an electrical wholesale place, 5000k ge or alto or phillips t5 54w for 7.80 a piece. killer prices..

Ras, ya, i like running the mh's early flower now. on my 4th an 5th run now with them. so far day 20 ish seems good. i ran the mh to like 35days last run. yield seemed a little less. but could have been something else as well.

B-safe everyone


Well-known member
umm what???

umm what???

wait.................u here that?

the whirling wind of the fans an scrubbers moving again?

the lower temps are back.

lets expand; maybe some leds in another room? an then compare to the 600's?? or 1k bulbs? similar feed an space setups ,or something in comparison?

Thinking would like some larger buckets,3+gal , maybe 5gal buckets? ORrrrr vegging in 1 gallons an placing in drainage pipes filled with hydroton.

yup.. b-safe


Well-known member
Well after looking an reading all about the leds. Then talking to a few peoples. Then outweighing the cost. An still not sure what ones to get, I decided at the moment led would not be a good risk to take.

If i dedicated a non important smaller room is one thing, but to try it on my main rooms wouldnt be a wise choice. so 3 600's it is.

Pics of new room An pics of the old room rocking soon.

trying a 6" tube grow. constant drip.



Active member
Gman, I'm loving your thread!

I'm actually kind of sad that I'm at the end of it already. Please stick around with your updates and keep going with your experiments with different styles.

Thanks again :thank you:



Well-known member


hey djs, i dont think it will ever end. lol

started new system in a 2nd room with 6" drain pipe, 3 600's an a c02 generator. the 2nd room an first room scrub an exchange the air from one to the other, therefore the co2 generator supplies both rooms.

some recent pics of a g13 cut i picked up . apparently the cut has been arround for 10+ years. Indica dom, easy grower, likes to run main colas, veryyyyyyyyy dense buds. she keeps her frost on the nug an not on the leaves. large yielder . about 20% more weight per plant i'd say then what i've been working with.

Would like to dedicate a full light to her next time.






liking the g13. bsafe everyone


Gotta love forearm length donkey dicks G Bro....:peacock:

Happy Ho Ho ........Hope all`s been well in your world......



Well-known member
good to see ya dhf. hope all is well with you too.

first time trying dry ice sift. started with 15lbs of dry ice this time. got almost 7 zippers of sift from last years frozen trim, an still didnt finish. then took the processed material an ran a bubble run. little greener then i wanted, but still pretty f'ing good non the less.


bought a small washer machine awhile back. tell u had a grand time throwing the dry ice in the water. sick shit...


bsafe everyone


Well-known member


Casey jones always brings a smile to my face. She cant hold her self up worth shit, but man she can deliver frost an a soaring high. To help manage her,She is perfect to run 2 cuts per buckets. Loves to be pinched during stretch.

lost my good camera. so these photos will have to do. some nice purple hues in there as well. thinks this was about day 70 chop with 10 day flush.





Good shit my buddy.......Gotta love the snap , crackle , and pop with the dry ice hittin the H2O huh ?......

Glad things are good in GBro ville.......Casey looks good as all yer girls usually do......

Happy Holidaze......DHF.......:ying:......


Well-known member
dhf, after i emptied the washer machine. the dry ice that didnt evap off was like layer an layer an layer of funk an bright white dry ice an then frozen water. All opened up like a smoking geode !!! also looked like the eggs hatching from gremlins. lol.... then the smoke effect. i was like woahhhhhh...

dhf, been thinking of making some undercurrent rigs. still have plenty of pumps, airstones ,10 " net pots that fit on 5 gal , plenty of pvc fittings. just gotta get the uniseals, new containers an most likely go with 2" pvc. whats you thoughts on them??

atm the only downside i see is more water an nutes, that equall more money an more waste at rez change. then the extra elec from the chiller an airstones an circulating pump running 24/7, an along with the noise created. but the outcome seems to offset all that.

right now, with my spurratic cloneing, therfore not always able to load the buckets to max per light. i average 1.75-2 per 600. then 2-2-1/4 per 1000. strain an veg dependit.

i like top drip too. in fact i thought i seen faster growth from top drip vs dwc. my dwc days where sometime ago, but i feel my hand is much better then it once was. top drip with airstones was nice too...

ideally im gonna look arround for some 10-15 gal low profile containers to try to setup an undercurrent system. In the 2nd room. but a 3rd may be setup as well.

feel theres limited availability on containers thou, try to making sure the uniseal will properly seal . tired of leaking systems. i gotta pickup some uniseals first before i go container shopping. thou, i like the black 27 gal from lowes with the yellow lid.

right now im fighting what i believe is downy mildew. shit is throwing my sched all off. i slacked when i grabbed some clones from " friend" . im pist at myself thinking all was good. i normally quarantine an treat everything new, but i didnt this time as the last couple times from there had no issues. so im pissed at myself too.

always something..... b-safe