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Ebb & flo to Ebb & grow. 6/9 gh.


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Happy brother photos

Happy brother photos

Well its been over a year since i started these from seed, an i still have some unsexxed. (i never have enough time or space)

here are my first female happyborther bx1 clone labeled #2.

in the first photo it really shows how a larger root system can prouce a different structured plant. these are all clones. just the rooted different times and the middle plant rooted first. Like a 1-2 week stall on rooting. therefore the middle had a larger root system, she looks lankier then the other 2. far left an right took the longest to root. But that was my fault, i got a whole tray to root this time all at once.

some nice lime green shots




then in no particular order







Sticky, very strong heavy head buzz. drains me after a few hits. good pain management. For some reason i wanna say she looks like some Ak's i grew out some years ago.

the 1000's shut down for the summer. Summer is my time.

have some Sour Diesels to post up in a few.

B-safe everyone.


Well-known member
2nd stage turbine getting ready to be fired back up.... hang on ladies an gentlemen. Got some new additions, an a few ideas on some home made flood tables.

Hope everyones having a good summer. Bout time to get back to work....



wow!! those are some seriously dank looking plants. casey jones is with out a doubt one of the best looking plants out there. never seen a shit looking pheno. you've just convinced me to pop some of mine. big up gman. looks like you'll have a bumper harvest too.


Well-known member
Sorry biggs, didnt even see your post. Casey jones is a serious plant, phenos can differ quite abit. those last photos are more trainwreck leaning i believe. that cut #9 of mine is supper head trippy, sounds become crisp. swirls of colors an checkered vision becomes apparent when in darkness or low level lighting. shits crazy, atleast for me she is. i call cj my concert weed. had like 9 females at one point. one of my biggest yielding phenos to date was a cj, but that cut is gone an down to just my #9 cut.

Got a happy brother cut to show later on, she seems promising. that manderine spice cut.

cut alot of cuts out, had 15 or so different cuts at one point. down to like 7 now. Lifes been busy an i cant handle all the clones and time associated with maintaning that many different cuts. ran most of them enough to know what was what an who was up to par.

Hope everyone is good out there. Stay low an B-safe


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New room Additions...

New room Additions...

Well ... after some thought on where to put it, i added another room an 2 more 600's. i built a 3' x 7' reflector out of this white laminate used for bathroom showers or splash backs behind sinks. $40 for 4x8 sheet. Fan always on to keep laminate temps acceptable

Grow within one big reflector, not just under a hood...



12 buckets,2.5 gal, top drip 24/7 recirc back to a controller bucket. 3inches of water in each bucket,airstones. basically a waterfarm/undercurrent/ SWC system.


Made this water manifold. Feed from pump on top an bottom of manfold. 12 exits in the middle of the manilfod run to each bucket. wrapped wire tie on the 1/2 hoses to create a tourniquet for the buckets that where getting higher flow rates. works well actually, better then me going to buy 12 1/2" inline valves for 40-50 bucks.. works well


28 days in...


So far they are kicking ass. i think they got a little to big thou. 12 plants averaged 5-7 GALLONS of feed a day even with room at 50%rh. They where eating allot, allot more then my other systems. they are definitly ahead on bud development comapred to the other systems. atleast 5-7 days.

I also been uping my pk to 7 mil per gall around day 30 to flush.

An i cant say enough, They are ahead in development from what i can compare to.


B-well an B-safe...


Re -loaded this FUKIN page 4 times before the last pics finally showed up.........

Bullshit dial-up connection at the farm......Anyways.....Killer DIY`n G bro........Respect........

Lovin the all-in-one reflector .......is that stuff pebblized/textured ?.......Looks sweet.....

I`m gonna ask yas ta raise the fan above the plants and put 1 below em on the opposite end for full recirculation , but never "on" the plants cuz it causes em ta sweat/transpire too fast , fucks with nutrient uptake , and causes imbalances/lockouts down the road.........but.....

They look healthy as mofo`s as well as ahead of schedule like you mentioned , so you doin somethin right my buddy.....

You runnin a chiller for those bottom 3"`s of juice ?.....Thanks for the show G.......Here`s wishin bumpercrop fer yas......



Well-known member
DHF, good to see your still around. runnin NO chiller, i have 1/3hp sitting arround. but thats not what i want added to this system. it should be fine, an 2ndly i wont be running this room in summer months. in fact, most likely im soon to be shutting down for some time.

the reflector is textured. when i saw it, light bulbs went off in my head!!!. Just gotta keep the reflector cool above the bare bulbs an we should be good. textured reflectors is the same idea used in surgical lighting. Surgical lighting refracts light from multiple angles. this refracting creates less of a shadow and allows light to penetrate lower since its coming from mulitple angels not just direct rays. this is so as when the Dr is in surgery, his hands are not creating a shadow on the area he is working. Very interesting when you see first hand surgical lighting create this phantom type half dark grey shadow, an not the normal black shadow. Good stuff...

My original idea was a smaller fan was to be permanently attached to the cross bracing of the reflector. Just behind when the fan is now. this would also raise an lower with the hood an always be directed at the bulbs.

the current fan is on a stand, and it is as high as it can go. i hear you on the fan creating them to transpire to much. the 2 behind the fan are showing cal def even when the front other 6 same clones aren't. Can get in there right now. its staying to the end, or i could turn over a spare bucket an place the fan stand on it to get the fan higher.

2 more runs after this an this room is shut down. before summer. unless my life plan A fails, this an the other rooms will not be running.

B-well an B-safe dead head fred....


Active member
gmanwho, just had to say that you DIY reflector is just a piece of genius.

Keep doin' what ya do, cause its working like a champ.


Well-known member
Ambertrich thank you, maybe genius , maybe insane. it is a bit risky thou. i check it daily. if that fan was to stop im not sure what temps the laminate could withstand. I should do a controlled test in the other room for some peace of mind.i have a 1ft section of laminate i cut off the end of that sheet. the grow portion of that room is as big as the reflector. it is madness...



just finished reading this whole thread. gotta say, ive never seen a setup like that, but its looking like it can sustain some very nice plants! ive got envy over here..... my grow space is substantially smaller, and going to get even smaller soon....

anyway, great lookin operation youve got going on. ill keep my eye on this


Well-known member
Chadbudsicle glad you could read through my mess. i go back an read some of my old threads an i have trouble. Thanks for the praise.

now that i think about it. feed timing is one of the reasons this new system got so big so quick. there being feed 24/7.

the ebb&gro system i have feeds every 2 hrs,an the 1000 in the back corner is set every 3hrs for flood (because of that perticular digital timer only allows 8 settings).

So the increase in growth is from 24/7 watering. Something i realized before using top drip in veg 24/7, but now is really evident in flower as well.

I like the recirc system. top drip allows for smaller rezs which end up being less $ & waste at rez changes, alot less actually. if the drip ring fails, i still have 3 inches of water in the bottom which maintains that level from the control bucket no mater what. some nice redundancy right there....

The drip rings are 1/2 hose, i took a soldering iron an burnt holes every 1-2 inches in the hose. At first the drip hose made a complete circle around the plant. Now i realize i can make life a little easier if i put an elbow off the feed line to the drip line.

1 this prevents me unplugging an repluging the " t " to the drip ring around the plant. the drip line is placed in the bucket an held with drip stakes. an kinda snakes around the top hydroton or lava. works best sofar. makes life easier setting the drip rings up an pulling down or removing buckets for maintenance. some are still setup with the "t" fittings now, but next run will have all elbows instead of "t's:.

Hope that made sense....

Been trying to get enough clones together to run multiple cuts per bucket. another idea saw somewhere a few years back when i was reading for 8 hrs a day. Espeically outdoor. 3-4 plants per site make an increase in final numbers. topings easier, weight of the plant spreads over 3 or 4 main stems reducing the stress on just 1 stalk, now theres 3-4 main stems. Espically when storms can roll through, heavy rains weighing down late season buds. the plant an you now have an advantage as it has a better chance of finishing up.

A few times already i've ran 2-3 plants per bucket. An i like the results. definite increase in yield. On of the next runs i will have 2 to 4 plants per bucket. there already vegging, an in 20 days they will be placed into the new room with the big hood.


Well-known member
Current sched

Current sched

figuired i'd throw up the current feed sched an additives. all numbers are per gallon of water. my tap is 70 ppm.

veg , clone an youngins get

3or 4mill micro/6bloom
1mil floralicious +
5mil cannazyme
2.5mil calmag
3 mill silicablast

veg, med to large plants get the same above but bumped up to 6/9

flower day 1-14 get.

6Micro/9bloom GH
1 mil floralicious +
3 mill calmag
5 mil cannazyme or any zyme
5 mill silicablast
5 mill 0-5-0 liquid guano

day 14-21
i bump to 6/10 an start 3mill pk 13/14. i will also start foliar feeding 2 times a week cannaboost at 50 mill per gallon to like day 45-50 an not after day 50. an keep the other additives from above as well.

day 21-52
6/10 mb an all the additives listed above. pk gets bumped to 7mil per gallon.

day 45 -52 micro gets lowered to 3 mill per gal giving it 3/10 mb

day 52-63 flush. i change the water every 5 or so days during flush.

Eveyr week rez changed.
every rez gets a fresh tea bag twice per flower cycle. EWC an mycorhize
tea bag is 1/2 cup ewc, 1tbsp -2 tbsp of mychorhize. or double that recipe for rez's 30-50 gallons. changed every 30 days.

Ph is kept at 5.8 throughout flower. i dont ph my veg rezes anymore.. no need to for my sitiuation

hope that works for some of you, cause it works well for me.

B-well an B-safe
day 21


Well-known member
Shits falling over in the hood room. sofar i had one plant casualty, not sure why just yet. sucks, still gonan be a huge yield minus that one plant. gotta check into it further.

Flush time is around the corner..



Well-known member
well it turns out the plant that i thought was dead was actually light deprived. theres 12 buckets, 8 or so are my early pearl strain. but it turns out that 4 or 5 really took over that area of 8 in then garden. so at a glance its seemed an even canopy, but it wasn't as the larger once leaned over into the other areas an deprived a few of light.

the plants that did take over are HUGE an frosty, some of the biggest i've had in awhile. too big for my small 3x7 foot area. wish this room was 4x8 atleast for this hood.

on the home stretch. 10 more days of flush to go. got a sced to keep an the next 12 to fill the system will be ready when these finish.

I will be running 2plants per pot, some will have 3 or 4 plants per bucket. I feel this is the way to go with multiple plants per bucket.

Pics soon..
B-well an B-safe


Well-known member
sorry for the above grammar, my proxys not letting me go back an use the edit function lately..


Well-known member
Heres a few photos from the ebb & gro system with stadium under 2 600's. CO2 was kicking as the temps were dropping. Lotta photos didnt come out so well.

this is session 1 of 2. Epic run for me.. now i just gotta get my proxy to cooperate..













B-well an B-safe everyone


Phenomenal! Superb grows and I love all your DIYs. Thank you for all the ideas and solutions. Excellent work!!!

Thank you also for the updated schedule. Was getting a bit lost in what you were and weren't finally using. :rolleyes:

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