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ebb and flood cycle times



alright everyone i have just bought an ebb & flood table..i am going too flood every 3 hours for 8 mins..thing is do i flood the table when lights are off?? thats all i need to no then am ready to rock cheers shogun:dance013:


Now in technicolor
What medium are you using? rockwool? hydroton? both?

You don't have to flood when the lights are off unless you're using a medium that doesn't hold water, or you're going medium-less.


Just flood during lights on, flower or veg. Just set it so it gets one last flood before lights off and you should be good.


hi sorry i forgot to say i am using 3ins rockwool partly buried into hydroton...thanx Shogun...


foaf likes to flood the hydroton, then wait until the hydroton drys up, then sets the irrigation at that frequency during the light cycle. one last irrigation right before lights off and one right before lights on. it could be possible to need to water during the night, it just depends on how fast the hydroton drys up. the environment plays a big role in deciding the frequency of irrigation. a garden with high lighting, 90F and 25% humidity will evaporate water from the medium faster than a garden with lesser lighting, lower temps and higher humidity.

for example, foaf changed his grow to a sealed grow with CO2 and A/C that doesn't rely on so much air exchange and air movement for plants health.now with lower temps and higher humidity, foaf only needs to flood every 8 hours veggin 24 hour days under 1000 watts MH in a 4x4 ft, where before foaf had to irrigate every 2 hours running 2 400 watters in a 2x5ft. went from 90-95F and 25% humidity to 80 F with 45% humidity.

foaf has had the best grows when the rockwool was only planted partly into the medium, so the flood only goes halfway up the cube. we want the cube to dry up some in between irrigations.



I would keep an eye on that rockwool. I ran E&F tables for a while but always 100% hydroton. I have heard rockwool can hold water for a long time. Your 3 hour floods may be too much


Active member
yeah I agree, rockwool holds the water like a mofo. I would try to cut it down a BIT, also maybe 1 well placed flood during lights out wont hurt. thats how I do it. ahh, I was in this very same boat a few months ago. youll get the hang of it quiiick bro, dont worry. just use the number one best thing god gave u when it comes to growing....COMMON SENSE! ;)

take care bro.


rockwool at the most twice a day and only in the light, not in the dark.


update of ebb and flood table

update of ebb and flood table

hi everyone here is the problem i am haveing in my new ebb & flood table this is my first run with the table..so here goes i have started 16 seeds for my table chronic & ak47..all sprouted in 1inch rockwool and they where being fed 3ml of formalex..once they had loots of roots coming out the bottom of cubes they where transplanted to ebb & flood table on wednesday so they have been in the table 2 days..but i have noticed yellowing of the bottom first true leafs?? this is only happend since going into ebb & flood table...i am using ghe flora series nutrients they are being feed at the rate of 0.4 ec but i upped it yesterday to 0.6ec...i checked the ec of the formalex they where being fed & it was 0.8ec...so i think the problem is i was feeding 0.8 with formalex and feeding 0.4 on ghe but now i have upped it tp 0.6 i thought 0.8ec was to high for seedling??i dont have a ph pen as of yet because the pen i ordred 3 times the shop sent broken ones..so i asked for my money back & i am ordering a bluelab combo meter..anyway here is the pics...and the table is being run at 6 feeds in 18/6 for 8mins each time...thanx shogun

seedlings before transplant

lots of roots

in the ebb & flood table

yellowing leaves

ghe flora nutrients


foaf said it looks like the beginning of underfeeding and possibly overwatering. foaf would reccomend bumping the ec from .6 to .8, maybe even a tiny bit higher(1.0). decreasing the irrigation frequency from 6 to 4 times(every 4.5 hours in an 18 hour day) may help.
foafs take on it is that the plants were probably used to the .8 ec formulex feedwater getting concentrated when the rockwool dried out between irrigation, and now the hydroton most likely stays wet in between irrigation at that plant size, so the nutes aren't concentrating as much as with the rockwool. either bumping nutes up or letting growrox dry out some between irrigations to let the nutes concentrate some should help.


New member
Hello guys. I just wanted to say that this thread has been very informative. I Have a similar system.
I am currently using a ebb&flo 35 bucket system controlled by one res and one brain. I am currently 2 wks into flowering. The medium I am using is half hydroton (on the bottom) and half rockwool cubes (on the top). I feed for an hour to make sure all the buckets fill completely up. When we flood, the buckets are filled to about two inches below the top of the rockwool so almost everything is submerged. The theory is that the rockwool cubes will retain enough nutes to only have to flood once a day. We are worried that if we flood more than once a day it could lead to root rot. Do you believe that this is enough or should we feed more than once? We also feed it right when the plants wake up. Is this a good time? We are newer growers and any experienced feedback would be appreciated.


alright everyone thought i would upload a cpl of pics of this recent grow i am sorry to say...i f@cked up...lol...i have been told i transplanted to early i have just checked them the plants have been in the table for 5 days & growth looks stunted..and now they have developed yellowing and rust spots on leafs..it may be ph issues...have a look and let me no what you think....all the best everyone am off to look for seeds...atb shogun

seedlings 5 days later

brown leafs

My last ebb and flo gro started out with 3 watering cycles of 5min each. Halfway through flower I added another 5min drench. I use 3in RW cubes buried in hydroton. I only feed/water with lights on.


New member
Yeah thats cool you have it burried in hydroton but Im talking about 1/2 of the bottom bucket filled with hydroton and the other top 1/2 with Rockwool. The Clones came already in RW so the top 4-5 inches is of the buckets are RW and the other bottom 1/2 4-5 is hydroton. So do you think a 1hr feed once a day would be enough to keep the RW on top moist enough?


Active member
you have got to set them in the pots so they get fed or you will have to top feed until they are big enough ,I would move them deeper in the pots so they won't stunt

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
I clone in Hiko trays in a 60/40 coco/perlite mix and grow SOG style. I flood 15 minutes every 3 hours, first flood at beginning of lights on, last flood at the end. I put the coco/perlite plug that is formed with the Hiko tray straight into hydroton. This is how they look.


I generally put them straight on to 1.5 EC bloom nutes and increase EC .1 each week.
It isn't rocket science. Just make sure the h20 level meets your rockwool, so that it can absorb some h20. After that it's just a matter of monitoring your plants.


i flood in clay pebbles every 4 hours when the lights are on. when using coco coir i flood every 3 hours as the coco is more airrated, much better at draining. so it can take more feeds. also set your ph to 5.5 and let it drift up to 6.5 then knock it back down to 5.5. i do this every 2 -3 days. this allows the plant to absorb different types of foods at different ph levels. good luck and hope this helps.

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