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Easy ways of speeding up hermaphroditism through stress?


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
ive seen plants form male flowers when some/one the tops were suddenly bent over sideways and tied down in mid flower. easy thing to try.



I don't believe herms should ever be bred.

I'm sure I saw Tom Hill talking about using hermie plants for breeding as that single flaw does not always outweigh the positive characteristics of the inidividual.

Now my own views for which I apologise, I've not yet made many crosses, but:

I'm sure if I took the indica hybrids to f2 I'd get a range of plants, potentially even plants identical to this original sativa,

However: a backcross (even to hermie prone seeds) would give me a better chance of managing it.

The ideal solution would be to make:
1. selfed seeds,
2. hermie-sativa-pollen hybrid seeds and
3. male-inidca-pollen hybrid seeds

grow them all out and pollinate pistilate plants from seed group 1. and 2. with pollen from staminate plants in group 3 to produce two population of plants:

4. plants with dominantly sativa characteristics (75-100% original sativa genetics) but with a newly introduced a male gene

5. A group of plants forming a range of phenotypes (0-100% sativa) some of which should inherit the stable gender of the indica but still many sativa qualities

and from groups 1. 4. and 5. to produce a line of plants close to the original with more stable genders.

Evol Seeds

the key words there being "to produce a line of plants close to the original". What if you want to preserve the exact genetics of that strain? Close only counts in horseshoes & handgranades.
I just believe that with proper stress testing and selection you can breed out the herm trait. You have valid points but as a breeder i simply choose not to use those genetics. Everyone has their own way of doing things.


Exact copies of hermie plants will be hermie with CS or not :p

I'd like something as similar as possible without the the herm ;-)

as it is hermie plants are what I'm dealing with :p I'd like to breed it out but that's going to require introduced genes.

s1*hybrid = 75% sativa
s1*75%hybrid = 87.5% sativa
s1*87.5%Hybrid = 93.75% sativa
s1*93.75 = ~96% sativa (hopefully with the indica inherited stable gender genes)

Breeding with CS treated clones may produce seeds 100% but they'll very likely carry the intersex issues of this plant on. Perhaps there's a masked or codominant stable female trait in this plant but all I've done is establish that I have a less hermie plant not that I have the potential for hermie-free plants.

You are right though, I'm not aiming at entirely identical plants.
Selfed seeds grown out and CS'd may produce a plant containing 100% of original genes (albeit not in the same configuration) with gender stable plants in their offspring. I'm sure there also are people out there who'd say they don't breed with CS'd plants. I've never used them before, I always buy standard seeds and I'm probably going to avoid CS for the present, maybe in future I might concider it though. I'd ideally rather use males and females than either CS or hermie plants but it all depends on the scenario I find myself in. :)


Exact copies of hermie plants will be hermie with CS or not :p

I'd like something as similar as possible without the the herm ;-)

as it is hermie plants are what I'm dealing with :p I'd like to breed it out but that's going to require introduced genes.

s1*hybrid = 75% sativa
s1*75%hybrid = 87.5% sativa
s1*87.5%Hybrid = 93.75% sativa
s1*93.75 = ~96% sativa (hopefully with the indica inherited stable gender genes)

I think you could breed the hermi plants out by doing selection in a stressful environment, though you'd need to introduce a male plant from a different strain anyway to get it back to a M/F population. Unless you get lucky and find a pure male, it's been known to happen in feminized seeds...

Evol Seeds

well I hope it all works out for you. I have very little experience breeding with herms so I will bow out of this discussion for now.
The only thing I want to add is that I believe as long as breeders that use CS know what they are doing it is a very good thing. It can help preserve the genetics of a superior plant and who wouldn't want to grow all females and not worry about pulling males?
It's also very simple to make and use. I will be putting up a thread on how I make it sometime in the near future.


I like males :p

and as much as it's annoying making sure you have actually got both males and females it's a lot of fun too :) I've never run a grow without making a few seeds or at least cloning the best female for later pollination :) in future I'd like to keep clones of all vegging plants, see what the plants do and keep the vegging clones of the best ones (males and females) for seed production.

Mind you when I'm currently having to close up my growing operations I do feel a degree of anger it's because of a bad law.

But I look forward to picking your brains about breeding selection in future :) make sure you don't dissapear before I have a chance to see how the hybrids do :p I'm not sure I'll get pure seeds from this plant but I'm hopeful :) At the very least I hope I can take it to F2 :)

I really need to get more sativa seeds :-S ever hopreful :p
That said I'm very happy with the indicas I have, I've been very lucky with my plants :) ICMag has increased the diversity of my grow space beyond anything I could have achieved and long may it continue :)

Evol Seeds

male can definitaly be beneficial but they can also be a pain in the as$. I prefer to work with females for breeding (photos mainly) because I can take clones ad grow out the mother, harvest, and smoke it. that way I know what the bud structure, color, smell, taste, and potency will be and decide if I want to use it to breed with. then simple spray a clone with cs and use that to pollinate another female clone that you have done the same thing to. too much guesswork with males.
Dont worry I am not going anywhere. I plan on releasing my first official strain through Seedbay and having test grows done from peeps on this site. I might also be able to help you out with sativa seeds in the near future.


I'd say that you must still have issues of recombinations of genes, co-dominance traits not being present in offspring and masked recessive traits coming to the fore in future generations.
Though I appreciate your females will give better indications of female traits in general than males would :p

I'd love to give some seeds a test run :p

especially some new Sativas :p

Here's a few snaps of my sativa that this thread was originally about lol
I did a lot of pruning to really make it bush like a motherfucker :)

Let me know what you think



Yeah definately up for some of that :p

I like Indica too :)

I've never grown an Auto but I'd certainly be up for trying it, here's some lovely indicas I've got growing as of now:


Evol Seeds

Nice! What strain?
Here is an auto I'm working on(this one was stunted)



Oh a mixture :)

the first, third and fourth pictures are my Huckleberry Hounds by TonyGreenHand, a member here who gave me some seeds to test out and also to try to select and preserve healthy plants with cupped and smooth-edged leaf formation. there's a lot of other things in the plants worth keeping too :-D If you're looking for new strains to use in future I'd recommend looking at his Roxanne :)

pics 2 and 5 are Bruised Nuts by GMT,
The second picture shows you the thing that makes Bruised Nuts a very unique strain: 50% of plants show "Trifoliate" whorled branching, meaning if you top the plant you don't get 2 new tops, you get 3 :) he's meant to be selling some more seeds soon :)

I like the buds on your auto, what strain(s) is it?