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Easiest way to make hash! Quick Wash ISO!


sorry if someone mentioned this already but I couldn't way threw all 12 pages. Anyways does is matter if it is dry or wet trim. Noticed someone said something about not wanting the bud to float on top which I assume would happen with relatively dry trim. hoping to try it today if dry ttrim is ok.

buzz budyear

New member
I am a fairly new member and haven't spoke on here before. Always too busy reading, getting smarter! I have been doin the ISO thing for 20 years and thought I knew alot. But after reading all of this, I have definitly learned a whole lot more. Thanks all!


Reporting back from my first exp making hash and it is the best I've ever seen. Taste is like keef, makes my partiallly cured bud taste amazing and potency is threw the roof. Filled the quart mason jar about 1/2 full of dry trim/small buds and a cup of iso 91%. worked just like u describe and got atleast a gram. Really surprised and goin to experiment a little with crushing trim and amounts of iso and will report back.
Also, had to turn the heat up and down to keep it from burning which may have helped with taste.


Hey all :) Love the QWISO way :D

I had some weed whith mold and made some QWISO for the first time, made it soke ½ hour, 1. time and one hour 2. time, thats why its soooooo black ;)

But is it posible to get it at bit more firm ? its not easy to handle ;)


The day after


Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
"placed in 1st jar and pourd bout 3/4 cup of 91% iso and placed top........ shake for bout twenty seconds! no more! or else the end hash will end up runny and lower grade smoke.......... verry messy!"

DK I think the long exposure to the iso is why your hash is runny.


thanks PuRe ;)

it makes sens and i will do a 20 sek shake next time :D

BUT kan i use that pink carburetor fluid ? here in denmark theres a BIG tax on ethanyl if its used in alkohold/buze ! but if there is this pink stof in it, its over 75% chepper :D

but the PINK stof is not just what i want to put in my lovely weed just to spare some monye ;) Is it SAFE to use 99% PINK isopornyl ?

and if i use pure ethanol 99,96%, Can i then use it as an aperatiff (little drink/shot) :D


and if i use pure ethanol 99,96%, Can i then use it as an aperatiff (little drink/shot)
it's not poisonous but you shouldn't.i guess it burns like shit.it'll ruin your mucous membran(?).Tried Absinthe 89.9% alc and that was like hell...maybe if u mix it with some juice.

short question.I make BHO once in a while and i love it.Is it possible to run some short washes qwiso like 5 seconds first and 20 seconds 2nd wash and still use the trim for a BHO run?i heard that the trim is completely dry after making a qwiso run.cause i think more runs will also let the chlorophyl mix with ur qwiso and as i can say u can make lots of BHO runs and its always shiney golden.

great thread btw.,thanks for info's everyone!


Overkill is under-rated.
Don't use crushed trim, the more ground it is the more chlorophyll will be released into the solution. Remember, THC is NOT INSIDE leaves, it's in glands on the OUTSIDE.

Also, wet trim releases TONS of chlorophyll instantly, I tried it and will never do so again.

Frozen alcohol and trim work the very best, and don't soak/stir for more than two minutes, there is nothing to be gained by a longer soak, and you're decreasing the quality of the hash by the minute.

Remember to purge your hash in an oven or hotplate until it stops bubbling, if there are bubbles forming its still releasing solvent. Decarboxylize your hash if you plan on making tinctures or edibles with it.

Use your hash to make medibles, tincture, salve, whatever you want, and it will be stronger and more purified than anyone elses. I use 4.5 grams of oil per batch of brownies/cookies/banana bread whatever, and it's VERY strong. Dissolve it in butter, oil, or booze to make whatever you want.


The flavor of iso imo will never dry, cure, or purge out of a resin even after months, you can tell iso was the solvent used and it leaves a nasty flavor kinda minty. to e ach his ow, much respect, ill have a dollop of bho please. the yellow crystal clear kinds, thanks.

my qwiso never tastes like iso. It tastes like delicious honey oil.


thats how i roll.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
The flavor of iso imo will never dry, cure, or purge out of a resin even after months, you can tell iso was the solvent used and it leaves a nasty flavor kinda minty.

Tastes have tested out to be each their own, and ISO definitely has a strong distinctive flavor, whether it is fully purged or not.

As it turns out, the test panel selected ISO as one of the tastiest, along with the other alcohols, which typically are more aromatic than petroleum extractions.

What we do, is re-dissolve the Iso extract in ethanol, and after chilling and filtration, cook that off also, leaving a pristine absolute. It tones it down somewhat, and works well!
We can't get pure alcohol here only isopropyl alcohol and thats toxic.

if you can get pure alcohol that is a great way to make hash very little waste. like making oil which i have yet to try. Your able to rinse everything out of your material and only get the resin.

Just can't get clear spring or ever clear here anymore and this is Vegas. Nothing over 80 proof anymore. I Tried isopropyl alcohol the resulting hash was horrible and harsh



New member
such a great thread. i've really learned a lot.

one thing i notice. my oil is usually amber, but the qwiso i've made with this year's outdoor trim has been somewhat green even though i'm doing everything the same as before. perhaps it's not dry enough?

i'm going to do a run today with some older trim that is much more dry. we'll see how it goes.

here are some pics of some recent runs. the caramel looking one is from Blue Moon Rocks trim. i worked it a lot as it dried and it took on a whipped character that i really like.



Overkill is under-rated.
Yeah if your solution comes out green your trim wasn't dry, your solvent wasnt frozen, or you let it soak too long. It should be yellow or very slightly green, I usually stir until I see a hint of green then pour it off.


Active member
my qwiso never tastes like iso. It tastes like delicious honey oil.


thats how i roll.
maybe you should let everyone in on your secret lol. that is that you really used butane to make that:laughing:

amazing ding, but Id say 99.9 percent of people cant make ISO like that. Its alot harder to make QWISO than it is BHO IMO and by make QWISO I dont mean shitty black diarrhea. I mean amazing golden goodness like yours. I would rather make solid BHO runs than experiment and fuck up many ISO runs before even getting close to what ur doin. I wish I had the material to experiment with... I dont haha. Wish I had a dingbat to come over and show me how to roll.

jesus fuck that looks insane. Can you honestly say it taste like the flower? or does it just taste like honey oil?


oh yeah, it tastes like the essence of whatever bud im using minus the plant matter taste. So like kush will taste kinda lemon limey and refreshing... mmm need to get me some more of that stuff. I can never find trim so im always using buds and its breaking the bank lol, i really wanna make a big jar full but i just cant afford it :(.


Overkill is under-rated.
I object. Time and temp play the role. Humidity of income stuff protects the extract from pollution.

I object to your objection. What I actually posted was "Yeah if your solution comes out green your trim wasn't dry, your solvent wasnt frozen, or you let it soak too long."

I tried making QWISO with a couple pounds of wet sugar trim, and the instant the frozen alcohol hit the frozen plant material the mix turned bright green. Chlorophyll is very soluble, and unless the trim has been properly dried first, it's just waiting to leach out into the solvent. Dried and cured properly, the trim will no longer have anywhere near as much chlorophyll (having been converted into sugars by age) and will result in a much cleaner solvent extract.

So my question for you is, if I used frozen solvent, frozen fresh trim, and it turned green instantly, where do YOU suppose all the chlorophyll came from? It sure wasn't in the bucket to start with!

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