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Dwc vs flood and drain. Og, cookies, cheese, amnesia and more...


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ICMag Donor
Dam dude nice update, u really got me thinking bout setting up a tray in ur dwc style.
How many days do u tend to take ur og's?
whats ur water temps for dwc?

My bad i never responded to you. I take Og to 9 weeks. I want to take it to ten sometime with a full tray of just Og. As far as water temps they fluctuate between like 68-71 tops in the DWC. In my other res thats just flood and drain it stays slightly cooler just because all of my res are out of the room. No chiller, all aeration and movement.


Well the dwc is killing it at the moment, so much so that the og got so freakin tall i had to top the middle plants.......16 days in. Had the lights 12-14 inches away the whole time to try to reduce the stretch. Probably isnt too bad but id rather not top at all mid flower. Within the first week isnt too bad but after two weeks im worried that my yield could be reduced under that light now. Shiiiiit

Sucks you had to top, everyone does shit different, but would have been nice to see you perhaps tie them down ?

Or the good ole Pinch and Bend down(Super crop?) would have done the trick :D


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ICMag Donor
I probably had to top less than half of them. Not happy about it. That light is a mixture of fire and tahoe. Im pretty done with the fire. It stretches more, yields less, and isnt better its equivalent in smell taste potency. I did a lot of pinching and i tried supercropping the largest tops around week 2. They all sprung back up! I wasnt aggressive enough i guess. Either way the light looks like it has potential. If i get 1.5 ill be happy.


My bad i never responded to you. I take Og to 9 weeks. I want to take it to ten sometime with a full tray of just Og. As far as water temps they fluctuate between like 68-71 tops in the DWC. In my other res thats just flood and drain it stays slightly cooler just because all of my res are out of the room. No chiller, all aeration and movement.

ITs cool man ive been busy too working plenty of scissors like im sure ur getting ready for . Ya defiently take ogs 9-10 i just ran half my room to 9 and the other half to 10, gotta get them fat calyxs lol. Im done with Dwc for a while going pure coco for ease of use. but i was using a 20gal ice chest for my dwc and my rez's so i stay at 65F max but ima gnna go a lil warmer for coco this run but they hold a pretty consistent temp. great for summer time lol everything looking good specially that tahoe, cheers


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ICMag Donor
Did the half that went to 10 seem significantly different? Yield or taste/potency/smell? With a perpetual setup, every added week counts. Was it worth it?


[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=43829&pictureid=1045457&med=1]View Image[/url]
Does this look like ECSD @ 49 days in??:
[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=43829&pictureid=1045458&med=1]View Image[/url]
Why does this stuff look so wimpy? Barely any smell or trichs. I figured id get some fuel smell already.

My ecad is the same ways if you can wait till around 70 days she really packs on the weight and really develops its flavor and smell. I was saying the same thing first time I grew my clone out. Why does this thing not have many tricks and look like week ass stems and smallish buds. She is a great strain but Akers time to mature.

Nice pics by the way


Did the half that went to 10 seem significantly different? Yield or taste/potency/smell? With a perpetual setup, every added week counts. Was it worth it?

Well its kind of apples to oranges kus the 9 weeks was my dwc side and the 10 was my coco side but i had the same strains on both sides.

Overall i think it helped, the chemdawg in coco was WAY more calyxed out i kept pinching to make sure they wernt seeded they were huge lol. although the ones one the dwc side seemed to better formed (if that makes any sense).

Personaly the biggest difference i saw was in the deep sleep, the dwc side was nice a bunch of super dense higrade popcorn ish nugs with very little devolment past the 2 bud down. Where as the coco DTW were really nice formed nugs not much bigger that DWc but better shaped, denser and like 4 or 5 on each stalk.

But like i said theres alot of factors that come into play that affect yeild like uneven cannopy, running more than one strain per tray, not to mention this is only my 2nd time running coco.

I think the fact that Drip to waste rather than just topping off with fresh nutes and H2O in dwc is a big factor too. u might waste alot of nutes but IMO they pay for themselves
But i have a homie who gets great results in rockwool recirculating
And 70days was this sunday for me so everything still hanging and drying and curing and jarring so i dont have #s but ill put some pics in my gallery later this week


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ICMag Donor
Ekomsi- i really hope thats true. Im taking that whole tray at 63 days so i wont get to see 70 but im hoping it still turns out okay. I smelled some of the ecsd plant yesterday and it had a better smell than ever so far. Just taking forever to look hot. Everything else puts it to shame at the moment. Thanks

Hobb- im interested in coco i tried it once and it went poorly. Low yield and unhealthy plants. Didnt have ic in my back pocket then so maybe ill give it a go again and if i see problems i have yall the help me. Let me know how the numbers on dwc vs coco!

Oldbootz- cheese and og and purple have always been favorites for me and pretty much everyone else haha. Good is just GOOD. Thanks bud


Active member
im going to try 90% coco 10% perlite mix next grow. at the moment im using 50% coco 30% perlite 20% worm casts. seems to be ok but my clones roots in plain coco just look so nice and white and healthy compared to the slightly grey thinner roots on the other mix.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
So many people on here rave about coco. Gotta get it dialed but i think it seems worth it. I love rockwool but im not opposed to learning coco


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ICMag Donor
Heres a(uneven ha) canopy shot. Were at 53 days here. I think i did a decent job of anticipating where to place all the strains. Still kinda sucks but oh well. I get to try them all!


Active member
^whatevers in the middle there filled in nicely....

i used to always have uneven OG canopies, its all about the trellis action. like jack says, around week 2-3 you find every little branch that pops up above the trellis, and then bend it down and weave it into the netting like grapevine in a vineyard...significantly increases yield. with no weaving i would get 1lb per light, after weaving im hitting 1.5+ everytime now.

ive really wanted to switch it up to rockwool and slabs....getting tired of mixing soil/coco and the garbage it all creates at the end. my flood trays are always messy and need cleaning after each run, with perlite and dirt in all the ridges. seriously contemplating a switch soon. you said your flooding once a day right before lights on?


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ICMag Donor
I have tried many things. From once a day in flowering to 4x. Id say if you want to hit slabs daily on a timer only do it once a day right when lights come on. Now ive been reading up on rockwool and this dudes thread donjuanmatus kills it in flock rockwool. He gets 2.5 out of one plant per light. Ive hit almost 2 a light before with the right training and an even canopy of all buddha cheese. But i think ive been running too high ec and i also think because of his thread that even hitting once per day is too often. Like he said to me, why water something if it hasnt had a chance to dry out the medium at all? He also informed me if the roots dont get a chance to go through this drying phase that roots cannot remain bright white and healthy through and entire run. Now i just unplug the pumps for up to 3 days at a time once in a while. Then i give them like 2 days of floods. And unplug again. Since trying this all my new root growth is bright white. Plants are healthy as hell too.


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ICMag Donor


They didn't fill in very well(Not bud density, canopy density) If i ever run them again ill do way more plants way closer together. They smell like straight up fruity pebbles. Candy coated. Wish they had an easier life. Oh well, next time!


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ICMag Donor
Amnesia Haze F&D

Amnesia Haze F&D

Always a good producer and just amazing flavor and quality. A forever keeper. This canopy was poorly setup and they could go longer than ill take them in this tray. But its always super dank once it hits 9 weeks.


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ICMag Donor
Uk cheese F&D first time trying this cut. Not my favorite at all. Great cheesy smell just doesn't look too potent. It barely got any light thought so the dwc will show me a better example of this cuts potential.

And this shit ECSD cut. I hate this plant and i cant wait to give the mom away to a friend. Produces well, just looks worthless. Not the quality i look for at all.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
And now onto the DWC. Ill admit it, its kicking ass right now. Giving the plants times when they are flooded and eating with the lights on, along with times of darkess and drying out when the pumps turn off, seems to be the ticket. Roots need periods of moisture and dryer times to stay healthy and continue to stay white and thrive. This is proving to be so true. I just unplug the pumps on everything (except timers)for a couple days and then give them a couple days flooding. i love the results this is bringing in the past couple weeks. The roots are showing me they are rocking. Now, Photos...