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Durban Poison


There is a cut of "Durban" going around Cali that is really nice. More citrus than anise but it's definitely durban.

Dang CalcioErba,

You could contribute greatly to the cannabis movement if you would make it your personal mission in life to find that cut and spread it to the 4 corners of the earth like theyve done with the Og and trainwreck cuts. Having that cut would be areal treat.

We'll all think you a hero!!!! Yeah CalcioErba!!!!!

And while youre at it, if you run across that Bannana Kush cut that measures 34% from one of the dispensaries and the highest bud every measured for thc, then grab it too! Youll be a double hero then!!!!


Dang CalcioErba,

You could contribute greatly to the cannabis movement if you would make it your personal mission in life to find that cut and spread it to the 4 corners of the earth like theyve done with the Og and trainwreck cuts. Having that cut would be areal treat.

We'll all think you a hero!!!! Yeah CalcioErba!!!!!

And while youre at it, if you run across that Bannana Kush cut that measures 34% from one of the dispensaries and the highest bud every measured for thc, then grab it too! Youll be a double hero then!!!!

I've tried bro. The family that grows it keeps it really tight. I was able to get some cuts of it from a friend but the were all mite ridden and PM attacked so I tossed them. I would love to spread it around if I could get my hands on it again. Don't think I have seen the Banana Kush down here. Do you have a link showing the test results? Would really love to see 34% THC on any strain...