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Durban Poison



I def didnt have pure durban then cause what i had was a 'motvational narcotic'. Not very clear headed at all. It left me in a giggly daze. Smelled like black licorice and citronella hash. Guess I had a cross or somethin.


Are they dead listings? May be their aging final seed packs collecting dust.


Active member
loved the dp i got from marijuana-seeds.nl (first time.. lost it, bought 2nd pack, ones i've grown from that so far were not so hot). great high for coding.. all day long smoke that fitted me to a tee. easy to grow, crystally and yielded. foxtail spires of furry monkey arm buds.

taste wasn't bad at all, but hard to describe.. part medicinal and part earthy. only thing it reminds me of is the stuff they used to upholster volkswagens with that would stink when it rained... makes me think of camels.


Well a little update, 1 of the DP is very slow growing only showing second node and looks partly warped could be mutant, 4 have showed 3rd node, 3 have showed 4th node, and 2 have shown 5th node. The leaves appear to vary in width and shape already, there seems to be roughly 4 pheno variances including the possible mutant, will have to see how it plays out. They began to get the good ol' Mojave sun 2 days ago until I can completely free up 1 of my t5's from its current set of vegging clones, should be roughly a week.


New member
Kannabia Seeds from Spain has their 100% sativa "La Reina de Africa" or "African Queen". It's parents are Early Durban & another "Central African Sativa" which is un-named. In flowering it has the familiar anise / citrus smell typical of Durban Poison. Grows like a weed ... a big, full sativa weed. Haven't tried a test nug yet as she's only five & a half weeks into flowering. If it tastes like it smells & has a potent & active high, it will be a happy time for my household in a few weeks. Grows easily, likes moderate nutes, sativa structure. Possibly worth you all checking it out as Kannabia has a pretty excellent rep.



Well-known member
i wonder what i can find in these

i hear these are real old maybe some Ga3 will give me better germ ratio ...


YOu can find this:






The seeds were given to me by a buddy that found the pack mixed in with a pile of papers when he was moving. He handed me what was left of the seeds, most were crushed, and I think there were only 4 left that were intact. I gave the seeds to Terpene who grew out and took the pics above. This was grown under CFLs as well.


Well-known member
YOu can find this:

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The seeds were given to me by a buddy that found the pack mixed in with a pile of papers when he was moving. He handed me what was left of the seeds, most were crushed, and I think there were only 4 left that were intact. I gave the seeds to Terpene who grew out and took the pics above. This was grown under CFLs as well.

Wow very impressive so what your saying is these came from
Sam's DP x Skunk? Those are some chunky gurls for cfl's! Im sure the smoke is fine from the looks of her!:tiphat:


Wow very impressive so what your saying is these came from
Sam's DP x Skunk? Those are some chunky gurls for cfl's! Im sure the smoke is fine from the looks of her!:tiphat:

Yup came from Sams DP x Skunk freebies from seedboutique or seedbay. Terpene is a CFL master...


Active member
i'm sorry that these shots aren't more representative. i had new strains in this grow that i spent more time photographing. the third shot is the crown of a cola that fell over, the first two are obviously popcorn.

this is the marijuana-seeds.nl - the 2nd lot i grew out sucked, but they were in a crap microcab.


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I grew nirvana a early Durban outdoors about 8 years ago, fucking fantastic. Fast flowering, dark purple/burgundy, tasted and smelled like red twizzlers(licorish). Really up high but not racey, no burned out/ hangover feeling. Since then I've grown other cuts- imo if it doesn't purple up and taste/smell like twizzlers, it just doesn't do it for me.
Surprisingly, the mediocre/bland durbans produced phenomenal bho(id even say the best bho I've ever had) even tho the flowers were nothing special.
i always wanted to buy durban poison back when packs were hella available from multiple companys and nirvana even had a cheap pack.. but by the time i got into collecting seeds they were all off the market.. any pure durban was gone. it was all durban x skunk or durban x afghani now..

i was always surprised why durban poison wasnt as popular as i thought it should have been. i loved it. used to be my favorite weed to smoke back when it was around a lot. it always had a peppermint anise smell and flavor to it. prolly where the gsc gets the mint flavors from for sure.

i doubt any of the durbans available today are anything like the pure durban from years ago.. anyone that still has beans of those is very very lucky.. ive actually been running malawi and mulanje gold trying to find a pure sativa thats just as special and amazing but nothings as special as durban is. maybe one day ill find a nice mulanje gold or something thats unique but until then ill always want the original dp.

but now that the cookies blew up all crazy it seems people are all of a sudden getting interested in durban poison. im sure we'll start seeing a lot of hybrids.. anyone with the original stock will be working it soon i'd bet. a least make aniother generation and release them would be awesome..

i guess we will wait and see cuz i know theres gotta be dudes up in the hills that were running pure durban poison ages ago in big outdoor grows and would make thousands of seeds for future grows so theres gotta be hippies up there with bags full.. just gotta get em to bust em out and get to work.


Ive grown Dutch passions DP twice but its been several yrs ago, 2001/2 i think. Ive also grown Sensi's. I grew out the freebie cross as well.

d.passion claims there's has never been hybridized and is landrace and thats what i found when i grew it. Some variation but most of the plants similiar overall. Just one pheno really. It has good growth and vigor but is god awful for caterpillars. Potency average,(8-9%) up, sativa high. Good daytime smoke with a licorice or odd taste to it. Its nice smoke and a nice strain that finishes mid sept.

Sensi's had pheno's and resembled the Dutch passion plant but only in a general sense. It had a later finish, early oct and a far different taste than the Dpassion.

A few years later, High Times did a comparrison grow with the DP and sensi and found similiar results. They concluded the Sensi version had indeed been hybridized. It seems like it was about 2002, maybe you could search.

One very odd aspect of Dpoison are the repeated claims that it takes 100 days to finish. The Dutch passion version takes 60 or so and the Sensi offering maybe 68. In the late 90's and early 2000's DP was popular with outdoor growers because it is so quick to flower.

The Skunk 1 cross with Dp finished Mid oct, about 1week sooner than skunk 1 normally finishes here.

I was also shocked to see the Youtube video with a Durban poison cut from a dispensery in Cali with thc of 24%. Thats surely a cross.


There is a cut of "Durban" going around Cali that is really nice. More citrus than anise but it's definitely durban.

First time I head about Durban Poison was from a kid who is from Durban. His dad was working for some company stateside. He had a funny accent, which made his story of the real Durban Poison even more believable. He said that Durban Poison found in Durban was some of the scariest weed he had ever smoked. He said he could get trashbags full of it from the locals for pennies on the dollar with the exchange rate. It was seeded too. I told him to bring seeds back to the states when he goes back but I never talked to the kid again, wonder how he is doing...

The best way to get the real Durban Poison is to go to SA and buy a ton of weed and start digging for seeds. I really regret never ordering anything from African Seeds, one of the most dumbass moves of my life...


Also I grew out "Urban Durban" NL5 x Durban Poison and that one was really really good. Didn't yield too well but it was a nice whiteknuckle rollercoaster ride of a high. I couldn't give it to any Vet friends of mine that spent time in Afghanistan and/or Iraq because it made them way too paranoid, almost on the verge of having flashbacks...