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Duggy's Super Stealth Desk


Whoo hoo! Rippin apart some desk lamps!

I'll put two of these 27 watt jobbies in the veg chamber. you don't think i'll need three, do you?

duggy :smoker:


actually, pothead82, that's the last thing that'll go in. can't get 'em here in japan, so i'll pick one up when i go back home to visit the folks in a couple of weeks. i'll pick up one of those home security lights and bust it apart. Yee haw!

just got back from shopping. ended up getting one more of those CFL desk lamps, so 3x27Watts will put the veg chamber at--er, let's see. Mm--a whopping 81Watts! :woohoo:

duggy :smoker:
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if you ever struggle with heat problems, you'll definately be able to remove one of them CFL's.

cool white i hope :D

ok, so waht's happening with the fans/ventilation story now..? :chin:


okay, fans and ventilation.

the four items on the right will come together as a carbon scrubber and vent directly out the back. it's a real bitch to get the stuff together--you can see i'm cutting out and customizing rubber grommets. Little fan on the right will exhaust out of the utility cabinet. the veg chamber vents into the utility, so this little fan will be for the veg chamber as well as the ballasts in the utility chamber. think one's enough? i got two holes and could put in another, but i thought i'd plug the other hole up. hmm.

here's the inside now with the new hole cut and the first coat of paint.

i find that i get best results if i put on Pavement's Wowee Zowee on repeat. try it.

duggy :smoker:
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getting the veg chamber light hood ready.

three of these

(sorry--it's laying down. . .)

got ripped apart to get this stuff

the left overs is this stuff (the neighbors wonder about my garbage, yo)

the goosenecks could be useful somewhere. the switches that i'll save, too.

remember, if yr human,

come on, you humans! ideas!

duggy :smoker:


with some panty hose and some activated carbon, this should be the real deal.

actually, there are still some logistical probs. i have to carve out another perfectly sized rubber ring to cap the carbon in. gar.

duggy :smoker:


I will put a carbon scrubber in the utility box as well, though not quite as heavy duty. the vegging northern lights don't smell too much, but a good scrubber should allow me to grow stinky stuff, too. :yummy:

I've realized that a 12cm muffin fan will fit into the utility, and so i'll do it. this makes perfect stealth sense, as a big fan at slow speed will be quieter than a little fucker humming away for the same air exchange rate. here you can see i've made the hole big enough. . . .

you can see from the pic that paint don't take to caulk. i was a little surprised and disapointed. had i known i'da gone white caulk. gr.

duggy :smoker:


3 CFL ballasts mounted on a board. next, i'll wire them up parellel. please see thread in Grow Room Design for details.

hot, baby, hot!
duggy :smoker:

The Dopest

[THC] True Hippie Coonass
duggy, you have an interesting thread here. really informative and lots of nice pics to illustrate! had you used a paintable caulk or silicone it would have covered, hey, at least you caulked it. lol keep it up D!



good man - 120mm is the shit :D

might still find temp. problems in the flowering box though! what is the ambient temp. of the room in summer and winter?

where will the HPS ballast go? on the inside (as close to a fan as possible) or could you possibly do it on the outside some where..? :chin:

what happened to the right side of the desk?

peace :wave:


It can get up to 30 degrees in the summer. i've over built all ventilation that i could. i've got voltage regulaters to turn it down, but as she sits, full throtle wide open = one 120mm going out of each chamber seperately. in the winter i will be more than okay. in the summer, i might have to knock out one of the CFLs. flower chamber cant really be easily reduced. i could put in the 70W, but that would be a major PITA.

i'm sleepy. it' not even dinner time yet.

duggy :smoker:


cool, cool..

well if it gets too hot in summer (does it really get 30'C in the room..? or are you talking about outside temperature..), you can always make the majority of the light period in the night time, when it's cooler.

nice work on the CFL :D

when are you starting the plants? :chin:


m'kay, 30 degrees is probably worst case, but inside it's not unrealistic.

here's my light bafflles. throw these guys down on the chamber floor and no light should get out the bottom. 2cm tolerance on every side. it's my major bottle neck for air flow. temps get too high and i'll drill more holes in this guy, and/or put pvc elbows on the bottom of the desk.

yaar, baby. yaar.
duggy :smoker:

ps i'm now getting best results listening to Walt Mink's Miss Happiness.

The Dopest

[THC] True Hippie Coonass
hey i would go black on th ebottom of the desk, under the false floor. flat black otherwise you may get some glow from the wood finish. this is really turning out nice, you should be proud!



i'm busting apart the old 70W + 2 CFL hood. note it was fan cooled. it hurts to break it apart, but a man's gotta do. . .



plants are a long way off. i expect to smoke a little bit before christmas.


ooh. i'm okay. sorry.

duggy :smoker: