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Dubman's Seed to Bud SOG


Probably about 3-4 weeks left. Im just gonna harvest em individually as they mature. I might try to reveg one or 2 of em if I have room in the cabinet.


I like this SOG method. And I hope your right about that 4oz stankbud... its just hard to judge when its on the plant. Im sure they will get even fatter in the next month.
I started using botonnicare's pure blend pro soil and Liquid karma. I think this stuff is pretty damn bad ass! They have seemed so much happier since I started using it. Its probably the LQ more than anything.

Heres a pic of some stuff I had lying arround :D


Damn the delivery guy got here early today maybe thats why I missed him yesturday...
anyways I got a chain for this badboy and hooked it up in the growroom. Man for only 100 more watts you sure can tell the difference! Here is a pic of the reflector just after I got it set up and turned on.

And Now for some pics of an angle I have been unable to show cause of my other reflector... I took this when all the HPS was being changed out. The birds eye view of the garden. Doesnt that one plant in the middle in the back look wierd. Its like lots of clusters of flowers rather than one main cola... Hmm... No worries im givin her time to fill out.

Here is an overhead shot of the feminized tray. I had one for the other tray but it ended up way too blurry!

And a shot through the same canopy.

And finally the Celtic stones. They are branching out nice. Should be more than ready to flower in a month from now!





Heres some pics yall

First the babys:
Here are the Sharon Widow test beans lonestar sent me

The 2 on the left are blueberry from Dutch Passion, The 2 on the right are NYCD F2's from AnnaC.

These 2 are Mindboggle x NYCD by AnnaC

Heres 3 pics of my Celtic Stone plants. I really hope I get a girl. These things reak and there still in veg!

Ok now 2 pics of the garden. Im hopin I can borrow a good cam soon so that i can post more detailed pics.

Oh and something real wierd turned up. I saw this on an OG thread once. I present to yall..... THE LEAF BUD!
Yup some freak thing... there are hairs and a small bud forming in the center of this leaf... A fan leaf... Maybe it will grow to the size of a bowl. Just thought it was interesting!



9-6 New Pics!

9-6 New Pics!

Just wanted to post some updates. Starting to see more and more red hairs, crystals, and bud growth everyday! I think this Hollands hope might be my personals only smoke. It looks so crystally and resiny!

First off the pics of the Cabinet. I kindof reorganized. Took out the planter and just used party cups instead. I got the 2 big Celtic Stones on top along with 4 Sharon widows from TRC and 2 MindbogglexNYCD from AnnaC.
On the bottom are 2 hashplant crosses from a friend, 3 blueberrys, 2 NYCD from AnnaC, and 5 Pure Mexican Sativas out of a decent bag of schwag I had. Not expecting much from those. All but the NYCD will go into a small version of what Im running now when they get about 10-14 days old.

Here are some pics of the Sharon Widows

Now pics of the garden. Im thinkin it will yeild hopefully 4oz. Kinda hard for me to eyeball cause this is just my 2nd grow.
These Unknowns ended up being some big donkey dicks. One bud is solid for 14 inches! Im gonna have to find something to cure it in.

Heres another pic of the one side of the garden.

The sativa whispy pheno of the whitewidow x bubblegum is actually starting to put on some major calyx production! It might end up being some good smoke and I might not hash it. I got time to let it finish I think.

Here is the dominant pheno of those seeds. The nice tight buds that Im acoustomed to.

Heres some pics of the Hollands Hopes. I really need a better cam cause this cam doesnt do em justice! Anyways here are 2 pics of a couple of the plants and an attempt at a macro.



hey dubman, budz are looking nice, ok mouthwatering...don't know about you but I really like the leaf structure on the sharon, almost looks wrinkled, trippy looking. Yours look identical to mine, nice to see they are so uniform. Not ready to post pics of mine just yet, but they are like peas in a pod......and relax, I think ya got the 4 ozs. and then some..............but I sure wish ya could borrow my camera LOL


Ya LS has had that sharon clone for so long im pretty sure he came close to stabalizing it... Im sure you will get a TX Hammer pheno show up every now and then but hey... Id like to try some of that too. Definately a super indica! Cant wait for the smoke!
It sucks to have such beautiful plants and such crappy pics to show the world! But I got a couple buddys with good digi's, I just gotta borrow one without letting them know what its for. Id like to buy one but I gotta make sure Im not spending money I need to eat or pay rent etc. :joint:


Ok the first good pic Ive ever gotten with my digi cam. :yoinks: Dont know what I did but Maybe I can do it again.

:woohoo: CLICK THIS PIC!!! :woohoo:

That was a bad ass macro of my favorite Hollands hope. Im thinkin ill reveg her and take some clones.
Remember its off site the full size version so you can view it larger than the screen!!! :jump:

Now for 3 more images like your acoustomed to.
Heres a bud on another HH. This one I think might turn purple. It looks darker than it did thats for sure.

And finally a couple garden pics. Hope yall liked the macro!

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More Eye Candy.

More Eye Candy.

Well I dont think these pics are quite as good as the one I posted on the last thread but there pretty good. I think Im gettin the hang of my camera. Pretty much requires perfect lighting and being real still.

Well anyways heres some pics. Hope yall enjoy the bud porn!
Here is another shot of a Hollands hope bud. These look like there gonna be real dense. I hope so cause the buds really arent that big.

Heres a couple shots of the Unknown bagseeds. These things got some fat huge colas! Hopefully the smoke is good or at least they weigh a good ammount.
These are of 2 different unknown plants from the same bag.

Finally a couple pretty good shots of the white widow x bubblegum. Not the whispy bud pheno the normal bud pheno. The whispy one I have to admit looks real frosty and is actually starting to fill in a bit. Ill try to get a pic of her.



Its sunday. Time to make the best of it.
I saw some male flowers on the whispy BGxWW yesturday so I chopped it when the soil was dry this morning. Dont think it droped any pollen but better safe than sorry... Plus I need some smoke!
Heres the big bastard. Hopein I get a half or arround there at least.

Here is a little of what I did today. I think both of these CS are males unfortunately. I put them into flower just to be sure. I think i might take some pollen with them and make a cross for the guy that sent em. Maybe a little sharon stone??? :D
I also put all those Mex. Sativas... The hashplant cross, and some blueberrys into another tray style. This tray is a bit closer together and smaller... but its deep so I thought it might help them grow bigger in a tight space.

I also set up another 150 in the flower room.
Then I repotted all the TRC heathers/sharons whatever the hell there called, the NYCD, and the MindbogglexNYCD. I LSTd em all. They will probably veg another month or so. I was counting on one of those Celtic Stones to be a girl... Damn that will teach me! :bat:
Heres all the vegin ladies (I hope)

And finally the rest of the garden. Still looks pretty good even though I took one of the plants out. I think Im gonna start using just plain water. Theres enough goodies in the soil that They dont need anymore... Im thinkin a couple might finish up here in the next week or 2. There is a whiteskunk that is small but dense and its lookin near done.

How bout them cowboys? Close one guys!
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Ahh thanks cough cough! I like your setup too! You always have some beautiful girls goin!
I hope i got some good smoke for a while... cause its sure as hell hard to find arround here recently!
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Ok did some work today and I got an update.
That first plant i cut (The hermi) weighed 15g but it is not very dense at all. Oh well its some real good smoke. The calyxs are almost silver looking. Its a real up heart racing type high.
I chopped 5 more plants today. They just didnt have much left in them. I chopped all 4 Hollands hopes and the smallest white skunk. Man those hollands hopes look great. I got a couple different phenos i can tell so it will be a nice selection here in a week or so.
The 4 plants on the left are hollands hope and the smaller one on the right is the white skunk.

This should weigh in at well over an ounce i hope

Ok so the frostiest hollands hope got to keep a couple of buds. I dug it up since the other plants arround it were gone It shouldnt do much if any damage. There are 4 popcorn buds on it still so hopefully it will reveg so I can take some clones or just flower it again.

Here is the Mindboggle x NYCD and the NYCD f2's by AnnaC. Im gonna probably throw the NYCD into flower and start a few more seeds.

Here are some shots of the flower room. Im guessin 1-2 weeks for the rest of the plants. The unknowns will probably be the next ones harvested.

These male hollands hope will be taken out of the flowerroom before they start dropping pollen. Im gonna use them to knock up some CS female clones and do some crosses as well.

Gotta go smoke a bowl and watch some football :joint:


Last update before Rita

Last update before Rita

Hey yall. Dont know when ill be back. Probably sunday or mondayish. The hurricane is losing strength but they are still talking about 1-2 ft of rain and inland flooding so who knows what will happen. I assure you though Ill be just fine. My county is under tropical storm warning which means we might get hurricane force winds and will definately get 50-60 mph sustained winds. Not bad really.

Ok anyways... Heres how its looking now.
I got just over an oz off the hollands hope and about 3 grams of White skunk. It is all really crystally and smells great!

Of the 8 plants I had in veg... only 2 so far are showing preflowers as females. Im gonna put all the rest into flower and weed out the males. I have a bad feeling all 6 others are males though.
Heres the 2 females, 1 is Mindboggle x NYCD by AnnaC and the other is Texas Karen by TRC. Im gonna clone the fuck out of em in a couple weeks then flower them.

I did get cloning down cold. 5 of 5 successful on cloning the male Celtic Stones. Cant wait till i have some girls to clone though :D
I also got 4 White Rhino's that have germinated 4 of TRC's Adventure klingon that have been planted 1 germinated, and 4 TRC sugartooth that i planted but havent poped up yet.
Im hopin to get some good moms from the TRC stuff! Im sure I will

Here is the male Celtic Stones. Im getting some donky dick pheno clones to breed it with (also CS)

finally the pics of the garden. Most of the SOG plants are getting harvested in the next week. The unknowns will probably be done tomorrow.





sweet......some big old budz there....much respect...........think the qp is there yet?