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Dual Stacked Doughnut - First Attempt


New member
Thanks all for the input. Not sure what the deal was with the curling leaves but the plants are growing out of it so not a concern.

So finally finished trimming and jarring everything. Total weight was 1.9 lbs with nearly 4.5 oz of popcorns and sugar leaves. I trim very tightly and some people would've left that inner trim on the buds. So if I were to count that it would be 2.16 lbs. With 1600 watts that equals 0.54 g/w or 0.62 counting the inner trim and popcorn buds. The OG's yielded the most of any strain with an average of 1.9 oz/plant; and the blackberries were just behind at 1.8 oz/plant. Nothing else really came close. I am very happy with that for my first attempt at stacking lights and using this system. I'm sure I will do much better next round by mono cropping, using blumats, and training better. I will transplant in the next couple days and get set up again. I will definately be posting more pics this time.


Active member
i have had my best yields with between 4 and 6 plants in my stacked donuts.when i ran 8 i always had too much larf.i usually can only run the top bulb at 600 and dim the bottom to 400 due to heat.i veg a little longer running less plants but it seems to be easier to get yield up that way for me.pruning is also important.i am no expert but can usually get around 32 zips a crop this way.

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