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Dual Stacked Doughnut - First Attempt


New member
Pruning is basically finished. I still have some sucker buds to take care of but any branches that couldn't get light have been removed. The growth has been a bit difficult to manage as I suspected it would be; but I knew I had flipped a bit late for the room size. I have had to raised my lights as high as possible and, as can be seen in one of the pictures, raise the floor fan as well. I already had a bunch of Styrofoam insulation cut into squares to I used those to prop the fan up with. I ended up having to lollipop the plants on the floor because the lower branches were way below the light. Not only were they not getting as much intensity as everything else, it too much of a pain to hand water with those branches in the way. I think the setup is good but next time I will veg into it a bit earlier and flip earlier.

We are getting outside temps in the 80's now and it is a bit hot on the canopy. The ambient temp taking from the wall of the room hasn't gotten above 83 but the canopy is getting in the upper 80's. I have pulled the branches of the lower level plants as far away from the light as possible and the only thing left to do is move the entire setup outwards against all the walls and move back inward to facilitate watering, which I don't really wanna do everyday but will if needed to keep temps down.

The OG's seem to be doing the best...there are a lot of good branches with that are easily trained forward and the stretch seems right for vscrog. The blackberry kush's seem to be doing good as well. The SLH's are keeping up and doing OK. the Trainwrecks did not stretch as much as I thought they would and are getting buried. The Fruity Chronic Juice is not filling in well at all. This one is mostly indica but actually seemed to stretch right for the vertical setup but the buds just seem weak compared to some of the other strains.

The OG's also happened to have the most clonable branches and I have plenty to run a mono-crop next round.

Enjoy the pics!





New member
Thanks...buds are really blowing up. More and more the og kush seems like the one.
A couple nights ago I had an epiphany and started placing some small fans around the outside of the circle pointed diagonally up and toward the outtake filter. This really seemed to lower my heat by assisting the fan below the lights. Will have to see how this plays out moving forward.
Tonight I started pruning some sucker buds and a few small branches pointing toward the light but getting buried in the canopy.
So far really liking this setup.


New member
Thanks...buds are really blowing up. More and more the og kush seems like the one.
A couple nights ago I had an epiphany and started placing some small fans around the outside of the circle pointed diagonally up and toward the outtake filter. This really seemed to lower my heat by assisting the fan below the lights. Will have to see how this plays out moving forward.
Tonight I started pruning some sucker buds and a few small branches pointing toward the light but getting buried in the canopy.
So far really liking this setup.


New member
Figured it was time for an update. I start week 7 on Wednesday the 28th and have been in flush for a few days now. I am still having heat issues and have now resorted to leaving the door open during lights on hours...it's a bit inconvenient but out of options for the time being. With the door closed it gets over 90 degrees in the canopy. Once this harvest comes down I am going to create a new active intake through my basement in the bottom of the room and blow air directly in the center of my canopy. Currently my active intake from outside is directed toward the rear of the room which doesn't seem very effective for this setup. I will leave the intake from outside as a passive and see if that works. Anyway, here's some pics.





Well-known member
Nice FD you should get some shots lites off chunky looking buds Heads formula works very well hey...


Nice set up. I've been running white fire in my donut stack the last several runs. You'll definitely have an easier time if you monocrop that bitch. Sounds like you may have found the right strain with your og. I would get to building a watering system for the next run, I do not miss the days of hand watering. I run all kinds of different water delivery systems, but have found my blumats in the donut stacks to be the easiest and most reliable. There is a learning curve at first that many can't seem to get past, but once you figure the things out they work beautifully. I considered reworking it for multi feed dtw, but I don't know that I would get much better results. Keep posting pics I'd like to watch you progress. So far so good:tiphat:


New member
First off, I apologize for taking so long to update. I had been super worried about the heat issues, but the buds seemed to finish fine. Also I started flush a but early b/c I had counted the weeks wrong. From now on I will count the days instead...less confusing.

Thanks for the kind words Bud. Below are a few pics with lights off. I started trimming on Tuesday of this week and finished on Saturday morning. I have two other jobs so had to focus on more than just trimming. I think the yield should be OK. Not the biggest buds ever, but the best I've ever done. Next time will be a bit more dialed! Isn't that how it always goes?

Otis, I was hoping to hear from you at some point. Thanks for chiming in! I will definitely be mono-cropping wth OG Kush next round. Also I have looked into it and will absolutely run blumats next round. Now I know with a constant feed such as DWC one can get away with using a lower nute ppm. I intend on using the 6/9 ratio again b/c it is simple and seems to work well. However should I use a lower ppm since the blumats offer basically a constant feed regimen?

OG at top, Blackberry on bottom (a few days before harvest)

OG at top, Blackberry on bottom (a few days before harvest)

OG kush cola (a few days before harvest)

Trinity (one day into drying)

Blackberry (just after hanging)

Thanks for looking!


New member
I have 21 beautiful OG's in 1 gals currently under a 400 horizontal floro. As can be seen in the photos there is some yellowing and browning of the some of the leaves. This happened in veg on the last round as well with the 6/9 formula and they came out of it fine after transplanting and switching to 12/12; so I am not too worried about it. Maybe a pH issue? I have been pH'ing from 5.6-5.8 with a goal of 5.7. I just don't want to be constantly adding pH up and down to the mix so once I hit that range I call it good. I have never previously seen this before but, as shown in some pics, there is some strange leaf curling action in the veg tent. Not sure what this is about but so far no serious issues. Any ideas?






I'm. Back to 6/9 in my donut stacks as well... I run my ex at 1.0-1,2. If you end up running blumats I woul recommend investing in drip clean and use it at 1 ml/gal.
Those og are looking sexy, as well as the blackberry. I have friend who grows blackberry and it is super frosty and tasty. Hit me up if you have questions about blumats, you will love them once you learn how they work. Ill be poking my head in from time to time, keep up the good work:D


Very nice! I'm doing something similar, only RDWC and I run the plant outside the mesh trellis and only let the buds grow through.


Well-known member
FD plants turned out great ,as for the weird growth looks like a revegging plant to me as I reveg a fair bit and they get weird leaves like that at first..Bud


^^^i was thinking the same thing about them looking revegged. I've had similar leaves on plants that I've taken out of the flower room and back in to the veg area.


Active member
As others have said, I get those curled leaves when the plants get weird light stress from flower/reveg schedules. At least half of my plants in Veg have some leaves that look like that right now. Not something I would worry about.


New member
Hey all, thanks for the input. I have too seen reveging plants but didn't put it together because mine looked fine in solo cups after being cloned. I cloned some before I flipped and some barely after. But it must've been just long enough into flower to get that growth. It's actually showing up in more plants as time progresses. They have been in 1 gals for ten days now. I figured the reveging signs would have showed immediately after being rooted but I don't know much about the reveging process.


New member
Also they did not get any strange light cycle shifts. They have been under 400w floro 24 hours the whole time...except when transplanting from solos into 1 gals when they were in typical ambient room light. But this only took < 2 hours.


Active member
sometimes u see that when a plants been cloned from a rootbound mom who has started to autoflower.. atleast thats where i see this happening.