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DSD currently 38days, And Some Dried Cured Goodies


Smoke Two Joints In The Morning!
ICMag Donor
Here they are @ 6days 12/12 except for the two DSD's that I lost track of what day there on. Seedlings are @ 3days, all popped except two c99xww.

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very nice bro. if u want to make the roots explode water just around the edges of the pot, or, majority of the waterin as close to the rims of teh pots on establishes plants in wide mouth cans like the 1 i see above. i love wide mouths. they allow max o2 in the rootzone and are usually stout allowin more height for plants to grow and less wasted height on containers! great pant man. keep up the good work.

ps: start tying down to the sides of the can (screws/etc installed onto diameter of rim of pot can make it easy) cuz the space willl be otherwise wasted....unless of course u plan on topping and stuff in shich case the extra dead space below the canopy between soil and foliage will allow greater airflow...never a bad thing..either way keep on doin what yer doin cuz they look super. :) be well
Awesome man, love to see theese small beauties. They are happy, your kicking their asses :D Cant wait to see what they look like fattening up :D, what size pots did you use for them.
Why are there cups over certain pots :p?


Smoke Two Joints In The Morning!
ICMag Donor
Ethereal: Great idea, I will start LST on plants right away. Should help with yield. Thanks.

Wookie: They are in 3gal pots of peat and organic soil mix. I have been giving them lots of the BioBizz-FishMix lately, and my plants have gone a darker shade of green. There just loving life under the 1000w, must be nicer for them then the frosty weather they were getting outside. The cups over certain pots are used to increase Humidity for the clones. Cheers Bro.
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Smoke Two Joints In The Morning!
ICMag Donor
8days 12/12, Pics without HPS.

First Up Nycd Sativa Pheno:

DSD-Very Fruity Pheno (Almost Ready):

DSD-Sour Clone (Getting Close):

The two top plants are NYCD, the bottom two are Somatooth#2x Biko. The small plants to the far right, are DSD clones.
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Active member
Looking absolutley dank Superbudz...

that strawberry pheno DSD looks delicious. Im curious, which pheno you enjoy more the sour pheno or the strawberry pheno?

Also i see you are running c99 x ww... are these from Wallyduck or a personal cross? I got a pack of them from Wally and can't wait to see how they do, I havent found reports for them anywhere.

same with the NYCD from AnnaC, only seen a few folks run them, so I can't wait to see yours as some research for when I run mine :D

Keep the show goin man, it all looks great! You make some great strain selections! :headbange

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Smoke Two Joints In The Morning!
ICMag Donor
ConceptOfSleep: I enjoy both the sour and strawberry phenos, we actually already grew out the c99x ww.

Heres a pic of cured c99xww from wallyduck:

Only 1 of the 3 c99xww sprouted , unfortunate the 2 didn't make it :badday:


SB. :
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I have the foxtail pheno you have, it's my fave. The foxtails smoke so nice, they don't even have to be de-stemmed.

I thought my berry pheno was going to be the best, it smells really nice and the yield is huge, but the foxtail pheno beats it easily in potency and taste.

Do you use a CMH light by chance?


Smoke Two Joints In The Morning!
ICMag Donor
The Foxtail is Island Bud Sativa Female x Golden Pineapple. Its a 400w Hortilux bulb.


Those girls of yours just get prettier and prettier every time i check this thread out!!! Can you tell me what a foxtail bud is coz ive no idea? (daft stoner girl that I am :)!!!!)
What was the difference in the smoke and the stone of the two pheno's?
Catch ya soon Budz


Super budz the girlz are looking very sexy both phenos......props man.....


Smoke Two Joints In The Morning!
ICMag Donor
Gix, here are examples of foxtailing buds. You notice how the buds have tail like features, hence the name Foxtail.



Cheers for the lesson SuperB

The only problem is now I want to test some foxtail bud....LOL. Is it genetics that make it budlike that or just a certain strain?


Smoke Two Joints In The Morning!
ICMag Donor
I would say its the sativa influence in this strain that makes them Foxtail like that. Shoot me that PM, Gix.
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Smoke Two Joints In The Morning!
ICMag Donor
Updates Of the 400w Grow.

Updates Of the 400w Grow.

Some harvested Double Strawberry Diesel:
Sour Pheno Trimmed/Curing:

Dsd Clone

Few Pics Of The: Island Bud x GP F2 Just before getting the chop. 75DaysFlowering.

40lber Of Jager Anyone?

IBxGPf2 Drying:
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Smoke Two Joints In The Morning!
ICMag Donor
Next Round Of Clones Going Great

Next Round Of Clones Going Great

Group Shot Clones:

IBx GPf2 Clone at 2weeks:

Here Is Great White North Seeds: IslandBud at 3weeks:



gorgeous :) lovin the pics bro :) the only constructive criticism i have for u is to absolutely stick those loose nuggets in a brown bag to dry/cure u will be thankin me in 2 weeks when its the best smokin weed for doobies u have ever grown ;) never let non-fully-dry herb sit on plastic/nonpourous surfaces!!! the flattening of the buds is bad enough hehe the last thing u want is mold! :( they look dry enough but definitely make it a habit to not use bowls or tupperware to store buds after/while trrimmin..rather use alternatives such as window screens and brown bags or cardboard boxes dependant upon amount of nug yer dealin with ;) grocery stores have them large brown paper bags free or sandwich bags work great ttoo..the brown lunch kind :) same cdeal for trim! neer want anythin to have no way for air to flow 100% around the surface of the buds! :)

awesome thread. enjoy the fruits of your labor in good spirits, my friend :) and hey >>smoke 1 for me!!!!! :yummy:
soo hard lookin at the dank while down/dry :biglaugh: but hey gotta give props where due :friends: be well, SB :wave:

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