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Drying and curing in the tropics?


i am having problems to get my plants dry enough to put in to jars.
it's just to humid here.
any advice?


did the paperbag thing. doesn't work. but bags and newspapers are so far the best. hoped there would be a tropical grower with a better method
off to buy 30 dehumidifiers. lol


i heard or read somewhere to put the paperbags under sunlight outside. anyone tried this. harvest is coming up, and so is the monsoon.


Grow like nobody is watching
Dehumidifiers work great but can work too great. Don't overdo it. The paper bag thing works just keep your eye on it. I would do that after the initial air/fan dry to get out what the humidity is not letting out. And keep everything sealed up well afterwards. Crispy buds can go soft in minutes from the humidity here.


paper bags are used to slow down the drying rate in low humidity areas like Arizona or California so the buds don't become too dry too fast.....if you use paper bags in the tropics you might develop mold
I grow in a humid place and my buds if dried in the usual way will never become "snap dry" unless heat is used.......

try this ...harvest, hang for a week or two, with ventilation ...then use heat to make them ready for glass jars...a heat source could be an old amp with a cardboard box of buds on top or if too hot, suspend the buds higher above your low heat source with a block of wood....there's lots of electrical products that give off heat..modems, amps, heated bathroom mirrors etc.....after two week of hanging naturally, position the buds so they are snappish after 48 hours with low, dry heat, any faster and the taste is usually yucky.

buds that have been trimmed and removed from the stem will become drier faster, the down side is with smaller buds is that it's a lot easier to rupture or smudge resin heads


Life is one big grow........
chambas infos are super.....or may u just put them on a sunny place of 2-3 hours after the normal drying prozzes......i lived for a long time in the celler so had the same problems down there´....but the suntrick works well


all praises are due to the Most High
man, do not put them under the sun nor bag them and put them under the sun...

have you tried hanging them and letting a fan blow on them for a few days? that works all the time out here, we usually have over 70& humidity all the time. for example, now it is 88% and 17 c outside. just 8 degrees north the equator

just have enough fans on them and they will dry enough to jar them, and when you burp the jars, have fans blowing on top the opened jars as well



Life is one big grow........
just under the sun for a few hours....spread the bud on a table guess indoor is way better..... and of course no in a bag.....
same way like with the heat from electrics....or heat from whatever(sun)

and be sure 1-2 hours of sun will never do some with the trimms or taste or what ever...it will just a bit dryer


Thank you guys, girls.
Fans help but don't get stems to snap. Cut some today hang them with fans blowing for a week or so and then try sun for an hour or two. Will also try the on top of heat source my fridge is pretty hot outside. I'll see which method is best.
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Life is one big grow........
yehh nice u try all ways....best way to leran for sure
keep update these


man, do not put them under the sun nor bag them and put them under the sun...

have you tried hanging them and letting a fan blow on them for a few days? that works all the time out here, we usually have over 70& humidity all the time. for example, now it is 88% and 17 c outside. just 8 degrees north the equator

just have enough fans on them and they will dry enough to jar them, and when you burp the jars, have fans blowing on top the opened jars as well


Sounds like nice weather.. Here, way up north, 30 degrees lat, we are having 37 degrees C, and 85% humidity. I need to move.


Active member
uncooked rice or some other form of desiccant that you could put into the jars to further remove humidy might work.


Active member
uncooked rice or some other form of desiccant that you could put into the jars to further remove humidy might work.

some cat litter in the stores have desiccant (EDIT: Silica)
to absorb moisture (urine) and odors and are priced reasonable for big bags.

Watch out for any with perfumes (check the lable & smell the bag);
Don't want to spoil
the herb smell.

Flower drying desiccant is available too.

Snapping stems is a guide but even then there seems to be
moisture in the herb when you open the container.

An old guide was 40-50% humidity for long term storage/cure.
Not sure if that was "relative humidity"

I have humidity gauges that you can calibrate and the Wally-world
relative humidity meter is always less than those.

I'm a bit bewildered by that.


you could also try some DampRid, sold in home improvement stores in the paint section. Its a dessicant you can buy in bulk. Put some in the bottom of a container, then put the buds in another container that can rest inside. Air should be able to circulate between the buds and the DampRid, however, be careful not to get any on your buds, or they'll be ruined. Also, once everything is in there, close the whole thing tight so that moisture from the air can't get in.


Active member
nice fooey..... I bet you could dry out a small closet
with that stuff; then pop-em in jars. Gotta get the humidity
down to cure. My stuff is 70% humidity in storage & I'm not sure if that
is best for curing. I think lower may be better.

That damprid (4lb for around $10)may be good for seed storage also.
Keep em nice & dry for long term storage instead of silica.

EDIT: No good for seed storage cause it turns liquid.
Ha Ha ha, the seeds would be germinating, HA ha ha ........

EDIT: The silica may be better because u can recharge it by drying out in an oven and it lasts a long time. the Damprid turns liquid and you throw it out. U can buy silica in bulk too,
at a decent price.

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