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**DrBuds Bonsai Mum's- How To for You**


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DrBud, I've got no problem with you, you've taught me many things. I'm just tired of seeing people blindly following others, no matter who it is, not questioning anything, and then giving other people shit because they don't want to grow big enough to do real tests.

Whether CT has made mistakes or not doesn't change the fact he's growing bigger than a lot of people here, and that carries a lot of risks.

I recognize that you've been growing longer than I've been alive, and I can't tell you how much I respect and envy you for that. I'd LOVE to be able to grow as big as CT is right now, but I am not in a position where I can safely do that, so I'm not even entertaining the possibility.

The whole "If you don't think it's true than you should prove it wrong" bullshit needs to stop. People are free to believe whatever they want, but the people that join and then spread everything the see other members say are really fucking things up for a lot of others that are trying to learn.


Well-known member
bounty29 said:
DrBud, I've got no problem with you, you've taught me many things. I'm just tired of seeing people blindly following others, no matter who it is, not questioning anything, and then giving other people shit because they don't want to grow big enough to do real tests.

Whether CT has made mistakes or not doesn't change the fact he's growing bigger than a lot of people here, and that carries a lot of risks.

I recognize that you've been growing longer than I've been alive, and I can't tell you how much I respect and envy you for that. I'd LOVE to be able to grow as big as CT is right now, but I am not in a position where I can safely do that, so I'm not even entertaining the possibility.

The whole "If you don't think it's true than you should prove it wrong" bullshit needs to stop. People are free to believe whatever they want, but the people that join and then spread everything the see other members say are really fucking things up for a lot of others that are trying to learn.

Nor do I have a Problem with you Bounty29.....I think alot of ppl have forgotten what these forums are about .....just read them and take what ya' want from each one and move on....It's all good.
Some Ppl think they are part of some "Internet Police Force".....and they must try to control something.

It's the Net....ya' can't control it.....lol :jump:


Active member
jimbob420 said:
please post links to all the threads where people who have tried these methods have failed.
The list would be too long; you could list every "high density" CFL grow here, as I don't think a single one has exceeded 1gpw (including the Dr)... let alone 2-4gpw. I could be wrong, may have missed the short list of exceptions run by those who really got it together.

If the purpose of doing a high density CFL grow is supposedly to achieve a higher yield than otherwise possible (at the cost of added risk, penalties) ... and those goals are not reached, then what's the purpose of paying the additional price? (risk & penalties) :chin: Think about that.
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Active member
Not sure I'd put that thing in flower to be honest. When you're taking such tiny cuts from such tiny, sick plants, how much longer does it take 'til they're of size & condition to flower? I do it the way that OT1 showed (even bigger), which still takes very little space. I even take smaller-than-average (probably) cuts, and I still get plenty of results.

2.5wk veg:



Active member
What I do has a lot to do with what you do. What I do takes up very little room, probably no more room than yours in terms of keeping mothers. I've kept much smaller, smaller footprint versions of the Apollo Mist bonsai mom as well, primarily by topping instead of LST'ing that I'm doing now letting her stretch and bush out more for a slightly larger mother than previous.

I love criticism and suggestions, so please add it in my thread.
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Well-known member
Maj.PotHead said:
ya'll are just to funny ever hear of the search box upper right this question has been asked here more times then you could shake a stick at. the good Dr isnt the only 1 in the know
soon as my veg lights go out they stink smell whole house up inside. during day lights on ppl who come over and dont smoke dont smell it.

this is just plain nasty lookn yuk


Ya who would want those.....same Geishas a coupla weeks later....

Piss off Pvt.Pothead...you've been demoted :spank:



Just Call me Urkle!!
DrBudGreengenes said:
Ya who would want those.....same Geishas a coupla weeks later....

Piss off Pvt.Pothead...you've been demoted :spank:

Is that them still in perlite??? Thats quite a bit of new growth there, is that from just watering with 1/2 strength nutes???


Well-known member
Thundurkel said:
Is that them still in perlite??? Thats quite a bit of new growth there, is that from just watering with 1/2 strength nutes???

Ya thundurkle....they are still in the perlite....they have been fed ...."Run-off"....whats left in a watering tray after I dunk everybody else...They can be held here in that state for awhile if needed (2-3weeks) they were grown under a 8 watt T-5...the same one they rooted under.

Clones I just love clones......here are 97 more :jump:

I wonder what DrBud has in mind for them..... :chin:



Just Call me Urkle!!
Ah yea!!!! I finally have my bonsai to show!! Thanks DrBud for teaching me how to reveg cuz look at her now ...



:jump: :jump: :jump: :jump: :jump: :jump:


whats up with clowntown? from what I;ve seen he's a pretty straight shooter....


Just Call me Urkle!!
ClownTown just didn't know when to shut up and kept disrespecting people on here for no reason except he didn't believe what DrBud says... It's shame growers have to bicker we have enough people to fight off as it is we don't need to fight with each other...Happy Growing and keep it safe


Active member
Well, i have read and reread this thread... I must be dum or stoned, but i don't get it... :badday:
Can ANYONE kinda tell me or lead me to a way of understanding?? I can't make out DrBuds methodoligy innhow he makes his cuts...The pics are GREAT but not connecting with my syntaps.... :nono:
Keep up the GREAt work dr.!!!


Just Call me Urkle!!
Well what don't you get?? it's pretty simple, I've found the easiest way to get a nice little bonsai is to harvest a plant and leave a few popcorn nugs on the bottom and reveg it and you will get branches popping out all over the place and then take your clones off it and more and more branches start forming just look at my plant above.. Also check out my Reveg Thread


Active member
if u are starting from seed when would you start taking ur first clones? Most of the clones I see have just the two leaves and I am confused because the plants I want to clone have nodes that are spaced so close together that i can take a clone between the first and second node but not the second and third as it would be like 1/4 to 1/2 inch long and that seems too short to me.

I am using ur bubble cloner idea thunderkel and they will be under a 27 watt florux and a 27 ww bulb one bulb per cloner.

Also is the first node the first bud growth site because that set of leaves is still the single bladed leaves or is the first node the next one with the first set of multi-bladed leaves next to it?

I guess I am just trying to make sure I do this correctly, I only have three plants that I grew from seed that I would like to take clones from successfully and I have never cloned before in my life, any help would be appreciated.


Active member
jimbob420 said:
if u are starting from seed when would you start taking ur first clones? Most of the clones I see have just the two leaves and I am confused because the plants I want to clone have nodes that are spaced so close together that i can take a clone between the first and second node but not the second and third as it would be like 1/4 to 1/2 inch long and that seems too short to me.


Funny you should ask that because I just took a bunch of clones tonight. I had the same problem as you. At one week old, my seedlings were too small to take two clones from. That's because I burned them with chicken compost. Had to wait a couple weeks more until I could take a 1" and a 1/2" clone at the first node. My first two seedlings were topped at the first node after nine days. But I "whacked off their heads" and threw the tops away. I knew from DrBud's pictures that two shoots would soon grow from the cut and assumed that the two new shoots would be my two clones. Then i realized that I was supposed to take what was whacked off and make two clones out of that! My conclusion: take your time and wait for the seedlings to grow big enough to take two clones you feel comfortable with.

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Just Call me Urkle!!
What you should do is let your seedlings grow out more so you can get bigger cuts but top them so you can make them branch out that way you get more cuts, with the bubble cloner I make sure my cuts are 3-4" long


Well-known member
blackfoot said:
Thanks Thundurkel, I thinks that's where I have been messing up with my micro cloning I need to take full size cuts. The larger cuts I recently took seem to be doing better than the tiny ones.

Nice Job.....adapt to fit YOUR situation.... :smoke:

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