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***DrBud Takes CFL SOG to the Next Level***


i mean the double header, i dont think its topping

Pretty sure if you cut the top off it will start growing twins. You can FIM to try for 4 in 1 cut, or you can top it and then top it after it gets another set of sprouts off.

In micro's there isn't enough room to let them veg to get 4 without supercroping so twins are probably all that you can pull off without some sort of training.

This post is noise from a complete amateur. Maybe someone with more skill and knowledge will respond more correctly.


I made a simple picture with Paint to illustrate how i thought double header clones originate:

Correct me, if im wrong
:) NE1


I made a simple picture with Paint to illustrate how i thought double header clones originate:
https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=36402&pictureid=877105View Image

Correct me, if im wrong
:) NE1

Looks like what I've read everywhere. And if you let those two grow out until they put off two twigs each, then top them in the same manor, all 4 twigs will grow off like primaries, but it requires height, training, and more time vegging (which cuts production)

It seems single or doubles may be the way to go according to what I've read from tiny grows, but some people still prefer to train a few plants instead of growing 10-15 per square foot.


Very awesome job Dr.B! can anyone tell me how to filter Dr.b post? thanks alot



Very awesome job Dr.B! can anyone tell me how to filter Dr.b post? thanks alot

Sphong; You click on his name, then scroll down a little, you see "filter posts by DrBudGreengenes". Click there and all other posts are filtered away, leaving only the Doc's posts 4 u 2 digest !
Have a nice one !


Active member
I see you mentioned that when you transplant from the cups to those bottles, you bury them all the way down to them leaves.

Is this what causes the colas to run from the top to the soil?

You really have that "Chesaw" strain dialed in. looks great man.


I see you mentioned that when you transplant from the cups to those bottles, you bury them all the way down to them leaves.

Is this what causes the colas to run from the top to the soil?

You really have that "Chesaw" strain dialed in. looks great man.

I believe burying to the leaves has many effects. It allows roots to grow from the area under the soil which makes it root stronger/faster. The combination of flowering from a clone and restricting rooting area in the small containers is why it grows Dr Budsicles. The ebb/flow feeding is what allows the roots to be efficient enough to support the plant with such a small root area. I believe he is using organic soil which contains a fungus that works with the roots to further help the efficiency. I could be wrong on that. I forget the name of the fungus.

I don't grow. I've never grown before. I'm just saying what I think I remember reading so take this with a grain of salt.

The Sensi Rebel

Dr.Budl, or anyone for that matter, I'd like to attempt a vert SOG on shelves to have a multi-tier micro sog...can anyone tell me how that will work with stretching towards the light and what to expect?


Dr.Budl, or anyone for that matter, I'd like to attempt a vert SOG on shelves to have a multi-tier micro sog...can anyone tell me how that will work with stretching towards the light and what to expect?

Go check out the vert section. Look at Bobble and Anti's sticky's. Both are vert sog's. Anti started out in a Dr Bud style cab. I run both now...Dr bud sog and A HID vscrog. I have a thread over there. Take a look at the grid i use, I bet you could do something similar to Bobble's setup on a micro scale. Just stick the dew bottle into the 3x3 grid. I think it would hold the plants just like Bobbleracks.........


whats up Drbud! don't know where to post this so im just doing this here. would 5x150Watt HPS be better then a 600W ? i was thinking doing something kind of lookalike drbuds box but whit HPS. PEACE


Active member
whats up Drbud! don't know where to post this so im just doing this here. would 5x150Watt HPS be better then a 600W ? i was thinking doing something kind of lookalike drbuds box but whit HPS. PEACE
I very much doubt that. A 600W is much more energy-efficient than a 150W.
With a 600W you want a pretty tall canopy though - I would go for 4 1-gallons per square foot. I've also seen reports of seriously good results with denser sogs though - like 4 inch treepots.
Is there anyone out there using this compact SOG method for breeding/pollen chucking? Seems like this would be ideal for the home grower looking to make a few beans and test them too.
Just want to thank the doc for his enlightening threads. Read through all the threads I could find by him. Lots of good info (once u filter through the b.s.)


Just Call me Urkle!!
Hahahaha nevermind my original post thought it was in my old thread hahah
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