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***DrBud Takes CFL SOG to the Next Level***


Just Call me Urkle!!
Yea water wings? also Hey DrBud I remember a High Times from 97 with something similar to what you did for the 9 day vacation but this guy had his like that all the way through sort of a mini hydro table if you will.I was wondering if I could keep the 20oz bottles in a 4 inch deep tray with nutrient solution and a air stone to circulate the water and have the bottoms of the bottles filled with 2-3 inches of perlite sort of Hempy style. I ask cuz thats kinda what dudes set was but he just stuck em in cubes in hydroton but this was all micro in 3in net pots and I remember it saying each plant grew a solid cola of a 8th of good smoke and it was all in a closet with a bunch of shelves on one side with 4 24x24 inch spaces where he flowered with T12's and on the right half it was a full closet height wise and thats where he had a few mothers and he harvested every 2 weeks. I've remembered that since I was 11yrs old and always planned on having that set up over anything else and then I came to your stuff and it reminded me so much of it I would almost think that was your article back in 96 or 97 I think it was a June issue I could be wrong....


Well-known member
obZen said:
Sort of a hybrid soil / hydro setup.

Where did you get the idea from? Genius + Awesome, BTW!

I'm assuming you used the standard water mix with superthrive.

How did they like it? Did they end up drinking all the water?

I hope you put "water wings" on the little ones so nobody drowned! :joint:

It was another one of my "Haire Brained" Ideas that I thought might work bcuz of the small containers.....and It did....I did not have any water left when I got home and did not need to water them until day 11..... :jump:
2 dayz later

And yes they were in a my standard mix :joint:


Well-known member
Thundurkel said:
Yea water wings? also Hey DrBud I remember a High Times from 97 with something similar to what you did for the 9 day vacation but this guy had his like that all the way through sort of a mini hydro table if you will.I was wondering if I could keep the 20oz bottles in a 4 inch deep tray with nutrient solution and a air stone to circulate the water and have the bottoms of the bottles filled with 2-3 inches of perlite sort of Hempy style. I ask cuz thats kinda what dudes set was but he just stuck em in cubes in hydroton but this was all micro in 3in net pots and I remember it saying each plant grew a solid cola of a 8th of good smoke and it was all in a closet with a bunch of shelves on one side with 4 24x24 inch spaces where he flowered with T12's and on the right half it was a full closet height wise and thats where he had a few mothers and he harvested every 2 weeks. I've remembered that since I was 11yrs old and always planned on having that set up over anything else and then I came to your stuff and it reminded me so much of it I would almost think that was your article back in 96 or 97 I think it was a June issue I could be wrong....

I have Been in HT a few times...but not that grow....twas not mine my friend.
All my stuff in HT was under HID's....Back in the 80's.... :smoke:


Active member
Thanks doc! I have to say your thread inspired me to setup my first grow. Check out the new box I just finished making...



Active member
DrBudGreengenes said:
Well yes....and no...

That was a set-up so I could leave for 9 dayz.....
What you see is a sensor for my Temp...yes there is an air pump...just not in the picture.

And yes they were left in that for 9 dayz.....and remember it was boiling with air.

Dr.Bud, why did you need to bubble air thru the water? Was that to maintain adequate dissolved oxygen levels?


Well-known member
Some Sour Creek x Casey Jones Flowers......I Belive this cross is a CFL lover shes is doing very well ....some in the pics are seedlings and one is a Clone of SCxCJ #1 Flowered at 2" I belive that to be the "Sweet Spot" for that pheno......... :jump:



Well-known member
petemoss said:
Dr.Bud, why did you need to bubble air thru the water? Was that to maintain adequate dissolved oxygen levels?

Yup without the air they would drown in 24 hours or so w/water that deep up the pots.... :joint:
hey dr im starting my first grow and im useing your style but im having a prob with cloning my roots are takin 10-14+ days so what i would like to know

what kind of cloning gel or what do u use?


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
hippie hill said:
my roots are takin 10-14+ days
Many here would LOVE to see roots in 10-14 days. Improving techniques is always good but KNOW that you ain't doin' bad and you may be doing better than many. :yes:


Well-known member
hippie hill said:
hey dr im starting my first grow and im useing your style but im having a prob with cloning my roots are takin 10-14+ days so what i would like to know

what kind of cloning gel or what do u use?

10 - 14 days is OK just take several at a time and let them do their thing
Been usin' Shultz "Take Root" powder
ok heres how i have been cloning

i put 15x 3oz cups of perlite in a soak container filled to the top of the perlite with 15 drops of superthrive(1 drop/cup) and water soak that over night pour the water off and start to scoop the perlite into the 3oz cups(holes are poked in the bottom of the cups) i take 15 cuttings and dip them in the shultz take root powder and put them in the cups i put thos cups in a clear box w/ snap top lid and pour in about 1/2" of 10 drop superthrive/gal i get roots 1/8"-1/4" long in 10-14+ days with a norther lights 4th reveg mother a friend of mine gave it to me it was growin under 50cent flood lights and tinfoil so idk if that has sumthin to do with my clone probs but she isnt very pretty im just trying to get enough clones to get a good start then ill pick a mother out of my clones

iv been having problems with my clones discoloring and the stems above the perlite line are turning purple now i beleave this is from a nut def but the clones that have rooted are staying wilty they are being feed 4drops superthrive 4 droppers full 10-15-10 and they are not changing i beleave that they have been rooted and out of the box for 2-3 weeks i think i am going to drop them out of the grow if they dont do better over the next week or so

ok well sorry for the rant everyone :rant:
i cant use your watering style without holding the bottels down they want to flip over and float when u water do u put the girls in the buckket then pour the water or do u place them in the bucket of water


Smoke it if ya got it!!
you place the containers in the water and hold them down with your hand untill there heavy enough to hold its self down.

You could add a couple rocks to to the bottom of the container or just set some rocks ontop of the soil to hold them in place. Thats the way i'll go if I make a flood and drain watering system to make sure thay don't move.
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