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DR60 400W SCROG - Big Bang and The Church


Sounds good! Most of the times you hear about a single plants optimum yield I suspect its by scrogging :) Lets get the new pics going :)
Yeah ive seen some crazy yields from scrog's. One guy on icmag got like 430g from one plant under a 400w hps in a dwc hydro scrog, now thats fucking crazy :)

dropped by for a peek.
what a gorgeous plant! you had better take some cuttings before flowering!
I would take some cuttings and make sure they are rooted before flowering her out.
good choice losing the chicken wire.
don't be distracted by peeps who say you need to plant in a small container and move up, just show them it works fine in this thread.
first scrog huh?
well it looks to me as if you did your homework...something many ignore.
good growin' bro.
Hey man and welcome!
Im absolutely gonna take cuttings! I have some plans for this one in the future. Thinking of doing a SOG with it, fill the tents with about ten 7Liter pots and just let them grow without any training. What a forest...

Yes this is my first scrog, but ive been growing a lot before and scrog aint really that different from LSTing or just naturally growing. But man im so hooked on scrog! I think most of my grows in the future will be some kind of scrogs.

Thank you for the kind words brother, happy growing!
:thank you:

looks fabulous! definitely looking forward to this one.

Thank you very much man! Just sit back and relax cus theres a flowerfestival comming soon!


Sorry im late loki, looks great man, G'Luck! k+

I've been stalking you on these forum a lot to get some more info on scrog, so you kinda helped me with this grow without knowing anything about it.
So big thanks to you my friend! :tiphat:

Please, tell me if theres anything im doing wrong or could do better, its all about the knowledge!





Sorry for all the multiple posts, but id like to have all my photo updates in a separate post.

So here's a quick update.

The plant is looking very healthy and growing pretty fast.
Iv'e just trimmed some leaves to get some light on the lower part of the branches to promote more shoots.

There are a lot of new shoots coming, but I will probably have to wait a few extra weeks for them to hit the net. And those are also going to be my cuttings.

Right now the plant has about 15-20 tops. My goal was 20 tops but I think this plant can support way more, so im just gonna let it fill up the whole tent and see what happens.

The humidity is very low right now, im thinking of getting a humidifier, is it worth it? I've never used one before. Does it help a lot?

And theSmell! I have two vaportek disks, one in the tent and one outside. When i open the tent i can clearly feel the weed scent! :jump:

Anyway, here's what u wanna see.. The pictures!

42 days from seed

45 days from seed. Here you can see the result of the trimmig. The new shoots will get more light now.







Active member
Looking good Loki... U should consider flipping that girl here real soon she is going to blow up in 12's. When I used to scrog I'd fill my screen to 50% and flip the lights, the screen would be full by the second or third week of flower.



Looking good Loki... U should consider flipping that girl here real soon she is going to blow up in 12's. When I used to scrog I'd fill my screen to 50% and flip the lights, the screen would be full by the second or third week of flower.



I dunno man.. im gonna let it veg for about 1 more week cus i really need to take some cuttings from this one and there aint really any good ones to take. So i have to wait a week for them to develop.
Would be a real shame if i lost this one you know.. Id rather keep the genetics and get a too crowded net then to loose them.

Thank you for your comment, id keep that in mind!

Id love some more SCROG growers to comment on this. When should i flip?

:thank you:

who dat is

Cave Dweller
I haven't scrogged myself yet but I've read that the flip should happen no later than when the screen is 2/3rds full. Looking good man.


I haven't scrogged myself yet but I've read that the flip should happen no later than when the screen is 2/3rds full. Looking good man.

Thanks man :tiphat:
It looks like im gonna flip it when its 8 weeks old, thats 7days from today. The reason is i want more cuttings for a bigger chance of success.

Took my first cutting today :)
How long does it usually take for you guys to get em rooted?


Its under a 90w UFO LED.


Edit: Oh yeah and i use clonex and a jiffy for the clone


I come from the land where the oceans freeze
i use rooting gel and rapid rooters under a humidity dome...they are ready to be in dirt usually around 14-20 days


i rec that the most important thing to get is a seedling heat mat. i guess from what i read and see that this is the most important thing. getting heat to the rootzone makes them grow faster i guess. gl mate



i've heard and read good things about propagation heat mats for clones and seedlings too. The only caveat is that you watch the temperature and humidity so you don't overheat the new cuttings or seedlings. just continue being a mindful grower and you'll be fine.

the fact that you're cloning at all puts you way ahead of the curve!




i've heard and read good things about propagation heat mats for clones and seedlings too. The only caveat is that you watch the temperature and humidity so you don't overheat the new cuttings or seedlings. just continue being a mindful grower and you'll be fine.

the fact that you're cloning at all puts you way ahead of the curve!

I actually don't think i will need a heat mat, i have this great little tent with a 90w ufo led (waay too much light for that small of a tent) and its works great. I also picked up a Root!t kit yesterday and took two more cuttings today. The root!t kit and clonex and supposed to work great together so i think im ok :)

And here's some more pictures for you!


I was actually hoping for more budsites.. Shes still looking very healthy and im probably gonna flower it soon.


I will probably flip it when these shoots are ready to cut. How big/long should they be before taking em?

Happy growing everyone!


Lookin' good! I've been thinking of switching to hydro too but I'm trying to go with the if it isn't broke don't fix it. Not going so well because I keep changing my cabs around haha


funny... it's like people with curly hair want straight and those with straight want it curly!

I'm using DWC and want to switch to soil/organic.

If I was going hydro from soil I would create my own system, you don't save time, but you save money. DWC is super easy. Bucket, tubing, airstone, air-pump, hydroton, bucket lid... done.


Lookin' good! I've been thinking of switching to hydro too but I'm trying to go with the if it isn't broke don't fix it. Not going so well because I keep changing my cabs around haha
Thanks :)
Yeah i know i change and fix my cabs all the time.. but now im starting to realise simplicity is the way to go.. or is it?
No.. now when i think about it im probably gonna build a hydro system!

funny... it's like people with curly hair want straight and those with straight want it curly!

I'm using DWC and want to switch to soil/organic.

If I was going hydro from soil I would create my own system, you don't save time, but you save money. DWC is super easy. Bucket, tubing, airstone, air-pump, hydroton, bucket lid... done.
Yeah but you have to try right?? Hydro looks so awesome! Why do you wanna change?

Im so going to build a DWC system, how big of a tank do you think i need for 4 big plants? 60Liters ok?

Ive got all i need but the tank actually... So next grow will probably be a hydro. Damn if i get those clones rooted id love to see this big bang in a hydrosystem!
