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downsize this. 2x55W pl-l. original haze & more.



You have the patience of a saint Props for doing sativas. Maybe I will try a sativa in the corner of my cab to experience a true high. Any suggestions on a good newbie strain?
what about a nice durban sativa ?
had good results scroggin her during 4 week vegging under those 110w pl-l before upgrading to the 250w in blooming.

well done and great thread garuda!
seriously, your devoted patience can't be honored enogh.
big :respect:and two thumbs up!



Looking real good.
I do 55 watt PLL set up myself and have an original haze growing as well. I did it once before and got about 1/2oz. Not a lot but it was haze so I was cool with that.
Here's a few pics of the one I'm doing now. It's at about 3 weeks from seed and I plan of flipping it into 11/13 tonight.

My set up running 1 warlock, 1 blue moonshine, 1 original haze, 1 mandala #1 and 2 swazi. The warlock, Mandala, and blue moonshine will be going into the mama cab to provide cuttings when they are ready to do so.



Tnx feral, nice pics :) I wonder if you have pictures of the OriHaze flowering /finished? Hope you report on this one ;D
Just ordered "Point of no return", my first strain by Mandala :)



Hey Garuda. Unfortunately no pics on that haze. Only other pic of O. Haze I have from a previous grow is the one I kept as a 'houseplant'. Yea, I know crazy huh? A houseplant. But I just find the slim bladed sativa's to be so elegant and sophisticated looking but oh so sexy at the same time.
I will keep pics on this one as it grows along. Need to pick up a windshield reflector screen to build another haze hot house. I'm gonna try this grow with nothing more than a 68 watt maximum CFL with the screen. You'll see what what I mean and how I may pull it off when I post pics.
Hope your lady is fine and getting stickier by the day for you.
Have a good one!




Sounds like a plan :)

day 138

They just keep growing :D

Is she capable of breathing in there? Talk about bushy :) That's a lot of growth. I'll take some new pics and post em when my GF comes with the camera.

EDIT: Here's the haze at 4 weeks now. Flipped into 11/13 mode August 1st after receiving 36 hours of darkness.



beautiful. :) I wonder how tall she'll get :) I successfully cloned a slightly flowering minor branch to reveg, maybe I'll give it another try :) lets see what monster you'll be growing :D

I just shaked some leafs they lost and stuff I removed since it didn't get any light at all. I got some not very pure resin which i vaporized an hour ago (but now I feel that I've lost time-control somehow :snap out of it: :witch2:)
I wondering right now, how amazing the finished product must be, this is a real amazing sativa high right now :dance013:




Honestly this one is scaring me some. I'll post pics in a day or two to show why, but in a nut shell, it's developing 2 colas on 2 of the branches without being topped, etc. It's completely natural. I've got a feeling this thing is going to be a real monster sativa and I'm trying to tame it.


what up garuda :wave:

finaly i made it to your thread ...
sorry but its hard to find ;) ...
everything looks clean and healthy nice pictures and it seems that you really got some skills on skatching or hoe its called :yes:
tagged for sure

greetz m8te :)


:thank you: Hans, nice to have you on board :)

Just took a pic of my veg plants:

They should have big enough side branches in a week or so, I'll take them for cloning and the four of them go in the flowering chamber after that. I'm trying to go perpetual as you might have already noticed :)

An OriHaze impression, day 144:



Well-known member
day 144 od flowering wowowow thats a long time to flower.
well they all be looking super dooper great.


tnx a lot mate :) its not day 144 of flowering though. I had them under 12/12 since germination so you have to count some weeks as vegging time :)

Some more pics:




How much longer you think she's gonna take?
I'm trying to decide to either keep mine under the PLL or give it it's own light source of a 68 watt CFL. The way I would set it up will have to be shown in pics. I don't think I could explain it without folks getting confused but it would contain all the light in a 8" diameter area making for some very BRIGHT light for the plant to absorb.
Heres the pic of where it's topping itself. I know it's hard to see it but if I can get it from a different angle you'd see it for sure. And this has happened on 2 branches so far.



hmmm, a seperate light source and cab would at least prevent her from overgrowing the others :) I'd go for it.



Hey Garuda,
haven't had a chance to drop a comment here so far, I guess I should catch up on that.
Well, there's not that much to say. Business as usual: amazing looking scrog. I like your cab.

Oh, and by the way, I really wish you the best of luck for your O.Haze. Let's hope for a truly satisfying high. Should be worth waiting for it all the time at least.


Greetings GutGegeben, and welcome too :) Tnx for your comment :)
I think they were worth it and it won't be the last time I grew one of those. The cloning and revegging of the stronger and more resinous phenotype was a success, so there will be more :) I hope there's a male in my pack of Santa Maria F8 which I can use to create some kind of "Santa Maria Haze" or "Hazy Mary" :D in a future run :)
The OriHazes get only pure water from now on, I think I'll harvest them in 20 days or so, should be enough. The Double Fun x Double Fun lower branches are almost big enough for cloning, after that i'll put them in the flowering chamber.
I'll keep you updated :)



when you harvest try to put some way away for a lloooonnngggggg cure. It will be hard not to smoke it up but believe me with a nice long cure say till Christmas and you'll have a very special smoke.
Again kudos for staying with this. Most growers can't handle growing pure sativa's esp. indoors.