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double diesel/bubba kush recirc. drip 2k


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Ok so I dont know wtf is up with picassa but it has started really pissing me off. Im about freak out and throw this infernal little contraption out the door into the snowbank....ok well here are the three pics picassa decided were fit to upload to the web; not the best I took tonight but oh well. the first is blue moonshine she is looking nice, great structure. the second is a random garden shot kind of a shite photo, the last is a lower bud of the big citrus smelling pheno. ..my patient thinks it smells like grapefruit peel...





Well-known member
There looking very nice. Just add more like your planning thats how I do it. Your going to see some major difference in the buds this round with the kb and you have started adding it at the perfect time.
Good luck


Active member
Thanks bud. Should I add more to the same rez periodically or just this one addition? I'm really loving the simplicity of this drip system. I don't have to do any rez maintenance for 2-3 days( although I check em 2x a day) and nute changes involve 8gallons of ro water. Very little nutrient cost and wicked fast growth. PPM goes up 300ppm in 3 days ph goes up from 5.8 to 6.1, but I keep em in a tight range of 100ppm and .5ph units. Add backs of water and nutes returns ph an ppm to normal...simple. Floranova is the Bomb! It is ph stable and best of all cheap! Don't fear the slime! Found 1 ball on the big diesel this morning but caught it in time. got a bit of a sunburn looking for others but didn't find any so keeping my fingers crossed. The diesels are famous for hermies from what I've heard so I'm watching...


Active member
Ok here are some more pics... day 38 of 12/12 fnb and floralisious+ (1ml/gal) and liquid koolbloom 150ppm (I added 25 ppms of kb after bringing nutes to 850ppm) 1000-1100ppms ph 5.8-6.1. The girls are really developing an abundance of trichs and keep impressing me with the crazy intense fruity smells.
I did find 1 male flower but have not seen any others. The big citrus pheno has yellowing fan leaves but none of the others have got em. I wonder if 65 at night is too chilly for it's tropical sativa genes. I may bring the night temp up next run if it effects her too much. The first pic are the citrus pheno and skunky pheno together you can see the indica and the sativa ancestery in this strain. second is the next generation bubba is front right.







Where am I?
highon. Gotta love the hydro. shit gets nuts. I always loved that bout hydro is the super fast growth rates when you get it all dialed in. Looking veryu good and healthy. Your doing a great Job bud. Keep it up. Il excited for the next batch of pics.


Active member
Ya this is my second grow second system and I'm going to play with this room and optimize conditions over the summer. I'm going to get the tank filled and add some ac to get ready for the summer. For having no co2 this room is working well and the girls are rocking. Here are a few more pics.






Active member
Well here is an update on day 43 12/12. EC 1.9-2.4 FNB+FL++KB at ~250ppm. pH 5.7-6.1 This has been a fantastic experience hard to believe these are the same plants I picked up 70 days ago...The strawberry diesel is an amazing producer and just keeps packing on the weight. The buds are so dense they feel like squeezing styrofoam.. and the smell is terrific. Trichs are prolific...Wow thats a rhyme maybe that second bowl of bubbaK was too what was I saying oh ya here are some pics of SD.




The pic above is 'sd with the Grapefruit sative pheno in back.

The GD pheno is still gowing rapidly and put 4" tassels on top of the colas this week.I'm hoping it finishes in 70-75days it might go 80+..here's some pics.




Where am I?
Wow wow wow. I'm amazed at how gorgeous they are. Super healthy frosty all over. I'm loving it. Let the swell begin for sure bro. Keep up the great work !!! Let the swell begin.


Active member
So here are pics of the last two plants. First is the Mango smelling Diesel pheno she has a weird yellowish cream color to her pistils and was slow filling in but is catching up.



And last but not least the blue moonshine, This cultivar has a very mild smell but loads of trichomes and a nice plant structure. I'd love to veg it 30days and see how it does.



Active member
Picked up a 10000btu portable ac unit today for 50$ pretty much brand new, Cool breezes for summertime. Hopefully it will be sufficient to offset the 3k of lights in my room planned for the summer. It is in the basement so the makeup air will be relatively cool and at the price it's hard to lose,


Active member
Well seems I'm posting 3 times in a row on my own thread but it just snowed 8" and it's windy and cloudy so wtf. I dried a little lower bud from the sativa dominant pheno and smoked it this morning. The smoke was smooth, sour tasting and hashy. I'm ripped on 2 hits the high is bright, but not visual; more of a body high...f-ing fantastic I'm so stoked to have this little waif turn out to be a princess....she is starting to show the first sings of ripening and has a few golden pistils starting to show. I'm testing the mango pheno in the next few days.


Active member

Thanks for stopping by and for the compliment. Walked into the room tonight and six different branches needed to be tied up. These girls are really putting on weight and I think I'm going to be very happy when they hit the scales next month. I'm using the hydrofarm yo-yo plant supports and I really like the mono-filament yoyo idea it is quick no knots and they wind up when you're done so no rat nest in the gear box. Just a few hooks in the ceiling and you can really tie the trollops up nice and tight.


Active member
Ok here is a popcorn smoke report on the mango pheno....uhhh ummm....as my buddy said.. damn this shit packs some serious wup ass, it is a stupifying and couchlock type high...I took a nap with the kids. The taste was as weird as the smell, it's kinda fruity and it sort of numbed my mouth... The last diesel pheno sample is drying can't wait to try it.


Active member
An update at day 47 of 12/12. Changed the rez tonight to a 900ppm total conc. flora nova bloom, floraliscious +, 250ppm koolbloom liquid. ph 5.7.The room temp is at 69 at night and the sativa continues to drop her fan leaves. She is plumping up nicely and is looking nice and crytally yum. The mango is really developing some fat colas. The strawberry diesel is huge and packing on some serious weight. I smoked a sample bud of SD today and Loved it. It is hella strong with a nice up buzz and good fruity taste. Can't wait to taste it once it cures,heres some pics.

The sativa dominant pheno

The mango pheno


the strawberry pheno


Strawberry starting to show signs of ripening.




Where am I?
Looking absolutely ridiculous. Super tasty. Your doing a sick job dude. Keep it up. For sure. I'm really likin this thread


Active member
Thanks again bud. The new generation just exploded so I had to move their system down to the flower room. If I would have waited another 20 days for the current grow to ripen they would have stretched into the ceiling. Its still going to be close but I'll just tie em down. I'm cloning this morning. They are so big that some minor cloning shouldn't be too stressful. I would rather give them a few more days to recover but they were growing 2" a day so the had to move. I like the 3.5 gallon buckets the roots look perfect.



Active member
The 3 big diesel phenos are all you can see flowering, on the left in back is a blue moonshine. The buckets are 3.5gal square. They are too tall imo the distance from the net pot to the internal rez needs to be less than 6" to avoid root pruning although that did'nt seem to slow these girls down too much. Its hard to get a full shot but here are some attemps, day 55 12/12 started a 10 day flush today, they won't be totally finished but I'm leaving town and I want to make sure they are curing before I leave.


The strawberry pheno is really showing some awesome foxtailing as is the mango pheno.
