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Doomsday Prepping for Economic Catastrophy

Doomsday Prepping for Economic Catastrophy

  • Everything will be just fine you old worry wart...

    Votes: 31 23.3%
  • War is the most likely doomsday...I want a bunker.

    Votes: 25 18.8%
  • Big darned asteroid is coming making a tsunami...get a surf board

    Votes: 6 4.5%
  • You are right Bog. It's the economy stupid...

    Votes: 71 53.4%

  • Total voters


Active member
You spelling, grammar, and lack of logic is giving stoner's a bad name.

Is it bad enough to get off topic? Could it be I have a medical handycap to overcome for whitch I recieved a referal to medicinal canabis?

Is it Wise to shoot first and ask question later?


ruger 500
all homes will be searched under obama care ,or i should say inspected ,if you have children and the home is found unfit you loose your kids to endangerment,mold ,structure ,you get the idea and it cant be sold until its repaired ,oh and you need a new furnance for your house it gona cost about 3k more now ,because all furnances must exhaust out the side and not the top ,new epa regs ,and dont consider burning wood either thats going to be outlawed like in co,


I think everyone needs to relax and smoke a lil sumpin sumpin. It's not that I'm not concerned about where everything is heading but people have held the same concerns for thousands of years. What we don't need is people turning on each other, wherever this bus is going we are all bozos along for the ride and are going in the same direction. If anything ever does happen we'll need cooperation from everybody, with everybody working together instead of everybody against everyone else. I really don't like the us against them mentality, if it comes down to that it'll be the end of society as we know it. You all can do whatever you'd like but IMO if we all turn against each other there is nothing left worth saving. Real power comes from knowledge not weapons.


Still Learning
I think everyone needs to relax and smoke a lil sumpin sumpin. It's not that I'm not concerned about where everything is heading but people have held the same concerns for thousands of years. What we don't need is people turning on each other, wherever this bus is going we are all bozos along for the ride and are going in the same direction. If anything ever does happen we'll need cooperation from everybody, with everybody working together instead of everybody against everyone else. I really don't like the us against them mentality, if it comes down to that it'll be the end of society as we know it. You all can do whatever you'd like but IMO if we all turn against each other there is nothing left worth saving. Real power comes from knowledge not weapons.

Most of us are 'normal' by the standard of everyday humanity and want peace and to do what we want when we want to but there are those that would cut your head off, today, with a pocket knife just because you dont 'believe' the same things that they believe. There are people that would take a gun and shoot a bunch of kids just because.. thats not normal in our world. what make you think that in a world where society doesnt have enough food, people would NOT turn against each other? Gangs would rule if there were anarchy. Once one domino falls, it's all over with being civil to each other.

lost in a sea

well said resin,, that is actually the whole point of this game imo.. they have been poking the lion more and more to get that kind of reality..

after all they cant write the whole script or people wont believe it in the future, they need some participation by the serfs to get them where they want to go.. but i dont think it would be obummer that stayed in power, he's just a useful stepping stone, they never could have done all this shit without some neocolonial fascist puppet like him, as soon as they gave him the nobel peace prize i knew we were all fucked in the west, and east i guess.. and it was clever psychology, people projected(imagined) everything they wanted him to be onto him like a blue screen..

i'm sure they could find a more perverted murderer to be the face of the worlds biggest jail cell..

You know. I really don't want to see a full scale revolution in this country. Main reason is that the new form of government that props itself up afterwards could be worse than what we currently have. Ie, military dictatorship, etc. But it looks like we are at a tipping point to where it could very well become a reality. Have been wondering if both main parties want just this very thing. I mean, if those who lead it now retain leadership positions for life, what would they have to lose? With the Executive orders Obama recently updated and added to, a national emergency where he would declare martial law would keep him in office for life by suspending elections until such time that the state of national emergency is declared over, at which time our normal way of life would continue as before. The attraction of an extended presidency would appeal to a president of either party. Those arrogant bastards wouldn't be able to help themselves.


lost in a sea


lmao that guy is pretty funny though^^

they all have silly faces, interesting and unusual similarities between them all.. i thought all of those cases were ridiculously suspicious just based off what eye whitnesses said on live tv vs the mainstream version of events.. really really very dodgy..just to think those^ people are why you are going to lose a load of rights..

and it seems like in the uk we are just one step behind wherever you guys get taken now 9/11 and 7/7 bs bound us at the hip.. was actually getting checked multiple times in a club the other day for weapons,, saying to this guy for fucks sake man we best mates by now you searched me two times already lol,,, "yeah mate ive gotta check its ma job"

police state up the arse, already had more cameras per person than any country on earth but now got loads more judge dredd robocops in riot gear holding hk mp5s in random places and city centers getting the kiddies used to all the eyes and barrels pointed at them,, they go home and the same beast has accumulated everything it needs to know on them through zionbook and shitter and friends, and oogle, all sending their information to be run into big computers and then profiled and databased.. schools all have 10ft high fences for paedophiles and the kids are starting to have to have biometric cards,, its the chip next ladies and gents.. the chip will be what people have to do if they want freedom of movement and communication or the state will classify you a potential terrorist..

this is the start of the thinning phase i'm afraid and of that there is 100% no doubt,, it will be done through food shortages where i am... it started in earnest here in the late 80s in changes peoples palates and therefore diets.. and the food they have created is now all worked out en masse scale to deprive health and shorten lifespan of huge sections of the population they dont even need gmos just through selection you can breed utterly useless strains nutritionally that store water and carbs.. the horse meat scandal in europe is a great way for the eu to make yet EVEN MORE legislation on food which will help them regulate even better the amount of meat in circulation.. people already are missing meals so there kids can eat,, sometimes i bet the kids go without food so the parents can buy booze and ciggs and neither eat.. the next step up from those people is probably 70% of the population,, working class basic wage.. definitely closer than people think to getting royally fucked by the end of this decade,, the crown corporation style of royally fucked..

the eu gubmint made it illegal to sell strains of veg that werent on a very short list of essentially already patented genetics.. but through a loop hole you can be a member of a seed club and do what you want so companies can take 1p of your payment to say you're a member.. that is fucked up, that is one step from so many plants and strains being made illegal, thousands of really old strains have been lost already.. :rant:

its early but i already have veg going in a box indoors oregano,chives,corn,lettuce,basils,rockets,peas and beans etc,, all about getting as much out of the year as possible thesedays..
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Bubblegum Specialist
You guys are quick to want an armed revolt but I reject violence.

Look at countries that have a revolution and what happens.

We need more than a change of players running our govt.

Guns won't help at all. What you need is complete replacement of all the worlds govts by aliens. They may come and take power but if they do you answer will still be guns and revolution.

Cling to your guns and religions if you like but we are all going to die anyway so why not try to really change yourself before then.

I understand everyones frustration. I am sick of all the tea party types who think Obama is a devil.


When the dollar collapses, the Chinese will come to reclaim all their manufactured goods.

Meanwhile the Aliens will finally make their move.

(BTW, I'm reading a book about this very scenario)

No, they will come to claim their homes.


Part One deals with the disappearance of bank reserves of the American banking system that began in early December of 2007.* By the end of the month, functionaries from the Federal Reserve, the U S Treasury, the White House and Congress were so alarmed they proposed to send $300 to every adult in the nation.* Their panic was chronicled on front pages of newspapers that month; yet, the cause of the panic was never explained.* In this Part One, part of the cause, that must not be named, is explained.

In Part Two, I deal with a development which no one else seems to have noticed; namely, the disappearance of assets supposedly serving as collateral for issued Federal Reserve notes.* To a rational man, gold is the ultimate money, and should serve as the collateral that stands behind any paper currency that may be issued.* To demonically deranged men, unrealizable promises (that is, promises to impose confiscatory taxes on future generations of Americans), in the form of US Treasury securities, are the most stable and secure assets that should serve as collateral for issued currency.* In December of 2007, a large portion of this “fool’s gold” went missing.* How did it happen… and, was it the result of a deliberate decision by bureaucrats at the Federal Reserve?

Part Three deals with a question, again, that nobody seems to have asked, ‘Where did the $700 billion, demanded by Paulsen, come from?’* For the prior fifteen years, the Treasury’s checking account showed an average balance of $5 billion.* All money received, and expended, by the Treasury passes thru this account.* If the Treasury is to expend $700 billion, this amount must first appear in this account.* The answer to this question involves a massive operation conducted by the Federal Reserve and nearly thirty foreign central banks; and probably has the power to stretch the credulity of ordinary men to the breaking point.

What happened?

The situation appears to have been this: major banks were sitting on large amounts of uncollectible debt instruments: residential and commercial loans, student loans, credit card loans, car-lot inventory loans et cetera.* They wanted to shift losses onto taxpayers; but the US Treasury had no cash to buy banks’ bad paper.* Owing to lengthy negotiations between the secretary of the US Treasury, on one side, and central banks in Europe, the Far East and elsewhere, an arrangement was made for the Federal Reserve to lend money to these central banks for re-lending to troubled major international banks.* These latter, then would use the proceeds to purchase UST securities.* The new cash received by the UST would then be gifted to major international banks who would use the proceeds to payoff money borrowed from the Federal Reserve thru foreign central banks.

The result?* An Additional $700 billion added to debt piled onto future generations of Americans; a debt that cannot be paid – and does not deserve to be paid.* One pile of bad paper was exchanged for another pile of bad paper.

That’s what happened.

Did a false flag fizzle?

A notable event on this chart occurs near the end.* On 2010 May 12, the FRB authorized 700 billion of swaps; the authority expired 2011 Jan 30.* In the meantime virtually no swaps were extended.

The first time the FRB authorized swaps in such magnitude, the financial crisis of 2008 Sep swept the globe.* This tells of foreknowledge, at least; and, more probably, complicity in orchestrating such catastrophe.

But, this time, in May of 2010, they prepared the way for another great catastrophe (or general plunder) with new swap authority… and nothing happened.* Or, did it happen… and the market failed to react according to expectations?* Or, did something happen they did not expect… and caused them to call off their new catastrophe?* Did the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico (2010 May 29) interfere with their plans… or fail to produce the desired results?

The events depicted on these charts are beyond unprecedented.* They represent a major, or unprecedented, financial operation.* In such a case, one central banker does not call another and say, “Hey, I want to conduct a general plunder of your nation tomorrow, and need a hundred billion dollars to pull it off,” and expect the other central banker to say, “Of course… I’ll deliver the money in an hour.”* The scale of this operation and its nearly perfect coordination are possible only after months, maybe years – or even decades of negotiation and preparation.

It sometimes takes a year to finalize all financial details to purchase a house.* To conduct a general plunder of a nation is many orders of magnitude greater than the purchase of a mere house.

Let us step back now, and ask a question, “What are they doing?”

Let’s start with a list of facts,

For the past twenty years, Red China has accumulated large amounts of U S government securities, as of 2010 December, the total exceeded $1.1 trillion.

In late 2009, stories started to appear (Los Angeles Times and MSNBC, for example) about Chinese tour companies organizing tour groups of Red Chinese to travel to the United States for the sole purpose to do nothing but inspect houses for sale.

During the Carter administration, Congress ratified a treaty that gave the Panama Canal to Red China.

It was during the Nixon administration that trade relations with Red China began to take shape.* One of the items that had to be discussed was the method of payment that would be made for goods coming out of China.* The most secure method for China would be to take gold for the goods that it exported.* But, this is not what U S officials wanted; if this method had been practiced, it would have drained Fort Know of gold in a matter of two or three years. *This, of course, presumes there is, or was, gold in Fort Knox, which is very doubtful.

U S officials wanted something very different.* They wanted to establish trade relations with Red China as a means to finance the federal government’s borrowing needs. *When a buyer in America purchases a lawn mower, for example, made in Red China, this sequence of financial transactions takes place: a) the buyer sends payment of $100 to the maker of lawn mowers in Red China; b) this maker deposits the check in his account at a Red Chinese “private” bank; c) this “private” bank converts the dollars to the local currency (for the benefit of the lawn-mower maker) and d) sends the check to the Red Chinese central bank for newly-issued local currency (to replace the amount put in the lawn-mower maker’s account); e) the Red Chinese central bank sends the check to its deposit account at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York; f) instructions are then given to the FRBNY to convert the funds into U S Treasury securities.

This is the series of transactions, multiplied many millions of times, by which the Red Chinese central bank has accumulated more than a trillion dollars worth of U S Treasury securities.

The size of this stash has given many people cause for worry.

For example, the size of the stash is equal to the amount of new Chinese currency issued by the central bank.* This has caused unusually high rates of inflation in Red China.

If the exchange rate of the dollar should drop in world markets, the Red Chinese central bank would suffer losses accordingly.

If the Red Chinese decided to reduce their holding of U S Treasury securities by importing real goods – such as gold, base metals, commodities or economic goods – the dollars used to pay for those real goods would require a simultaneous reduction of Chinese currency.* This would cause an economic slow-down… or catastrophe in Red China and inflation in the country that sold goods in question.

If they decided to merely sell U S Treasuries on world markets, they might be able to sell five or ten billion every month.* Too many people around the globe realize this action would drive the value of the dollar down – possibly to zero.* The general opinion regarding this alternative is that, if the financial community merely suspects that Red China is preparing to set it in motion, there would be a world-wide panic that would result in catastrophic losses for the dollar.

This would destroy every major – maybe all – banking systems on the planet.

I don’t think the Red Chinese fully anticipated these dilemmas that ensued from their agreement to take U S Treasuries for their goods.* But, at the same time, they were not anxious participants.* One thing that had to be done to gain their participation was to give them possession of the Panama Canal.* They must have been told they could use the canal as a choke point in case they had trouble redeeming those U S Treasuries.

The picture must be wider that I am here painting it.* Owing to a wide range of facts, it appears criminal and useful-idiot classes – thru agencies of the Federal Reserve, nearly thirty central banks, the US Treasury, the alliance of Chinese triads, Mexican and Colombian drug cartels, and the Chinese Communist party – are preparing to completely dispossess the American people for the benefit of their new Red-Chinese overlords.* One step at a time, it will be Chapter 45 of Genesis all over again.


Well-known member
I'm going to set it straight. The people don't want an armed revolt! This left, right bullshit is meant to divide and conquer. If you have half a brain you would understand that BUSH, OBAMA, are placed into power by the BANKING CARTEL. Our entire western civilization has been in a noose for decades because of these monarchs and money changers. Do you really think the kings and queens and the robber barons just disappeared into fairytale land? They own everything including all the puppets in our government. SNAP OUT OF IT! When the DOJ sends out memos saying they are planning on confiscating all firearms ask yourself who wants the armed revolt.


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
Cling to your guns and religions if you like but we are all going to die anyway so why not try to really change yourself before then.

I understand everyones frustration. I am sick of all the tea party types who think Obama is a devil.

well said BOG, couldn't agree more !!!

:thank you:


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

imo you need to own some silver or gold, silver's easier to trade/buy/barter w/if you're using old US junk silver coins. Pre 1965 coins have a 90% silver content in them.

U.S. 90% junk silver coins are dimes, quarters, or half dollars minted in 1964 and earlier, when U.S. coinage was still made of real silver (90% silver, 10% copper). 90% junk silver is the most cost-effective way per ounce to buy bulk silver because no fees for refining or minting have been added to the cost. With modern silver bullion coins and bars, a small manufacturing premium is always passed along to the investor. Not so with 90% U.S. junk silver. These coins were made years ago by the U.S. Mint, free of charge, for use as currency. Today that means you get more silver for your dollar.

U.S. 90% junk silver is bought and sold by face value, usually in $1,000 face-value bags but also in bags of $500, $250, and $100. It sounds complicated but it’s really quite simple. A full $1,000 bag contains 2,000 half dollars, or 4,000 quarters, or 10,000 dimes. It weighs 795 oz., regardless of whether it's made up of dimes, quarters, or half dollars. Because each coin is 90% pure silver by weight (plus 10% copper, added as a hardener), a $1,000 bag contains 715 net oz. of pure silver—-again, regardless of the denomination of the coins.

Note: 90% silver junk bags sometimes contain a few 90% silver dimes, quarters, or half dollars dated 1992 to 2010. These were made by the U.S Mint for special edition, 90% silver coin proof sets and have the same silver content as the pre-1965 90% silver coins. They're easy to spot because they do not have the copper/nickel edge of the non-silver coins of the same mintage years. Just look at the rim of the coin for verification. If uniformly grey, it's 90% silver.

Apart from superior cost-efficiency, another advantage of U.S. 90% junk silver is the trading flexibility it provides. You can buy in the denomination of your choice, so you have incremental size alternatives that don’t exist with 100-oz. silver bars or even 1-oz. American Silver Eagles. In fact, you can buy and sell in increments as small as one dime if you choose.

Even though silver's trading @ 29.00 right now a bag of 1000 dimes would cost $2239 and contain 71.5 ounces of actual silver, but the math figures to $31.31 per/oz and $2.24 per dime.

That being said if there were an economic collapse gold & silver would be readily accepted and values would skyrocket over today's prices. Dimes would be the preferred daily trading coin or you'd be looking to cut larger coins down; each silver dime bought today for $2.24 would surely be worth $9-10 (maybe more) if paper looses its value, a stash of larger silver coins could be used for major expenses.



Active member
Considering that the so called left is more than happy to take away the rights and freedoms they want to take away even though the SCOTUS has ruled otherwise, and keep the ones they like, well then, yeah I guess he is.

Consider this-

Why is it that none of the disturbed and evil men who take guns and go kill movie-goers and children in school has ever been identified as a Conservative NRA member?

So why is that the media portrays Conservative, NRA-type gun owners as the real danger?

This is why Democrats want to ban guns. They're not afraid of what we'll do with them. They're afraid of what they'll do with them.

Liberal Democrats want gun control? Suggestion: Liberal Democrats shouldn't be allowed to have guns!

Another "coincidence," I wonder what political affiliations the guys that killed US presidents are?
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Active member
political affiliations is how they get you divided and confused.i would put this under the lense of life and death freedom or slavery right now we are debt slaves.we add our substance to the scam by continuing to endorse federal reserve credit on the back of each check.


blame goes to the banks and congress,do what iceland did and threaten to jail the lot of'em.one of the books i read, i beleive it was rothbards mystery of banking,suguested simply drawing down the national banks reserves of FED notes,and in place of them circulate US notes backed by real assets again.so simple but it seems so immposibly out of reach given the conditioning of the masses, to just accept whatever is popular perception.



3rd-Eye Jedi
there are many Buddhist principles, there is only one lotus sutra

prepping for the downfall of humanity will manifest its downfall before prepping for its success will

on a side note

mankind is flourishing, we are experiencing the most peaceful and successful time in recorded history. Mankind is also evolving on an individual level and with the ability to communicate to almost anyone anywhere the barriers of ignorance will dissolve faster than anticipated

I personally have much hope for mankind and think that we could have peace, in our time, in our generation. I could argue it from a "scientific" or "philosophical/dogmatic" standpoint, since they are not mutually exclusive

another side note

it also seems to reason that at times like these, in times of uncertainty, that people look into themselves and look to their own human nature to try predict what those around them might do, that is they project their own perceived human potential onto others

so many people who prepare for violence and crime have violent and criminal minds if not the behavior

and it would also stand to reason that they did not see, when they looked into their own human potential, the potential of a conscious selfless caring being existing outside of their own perceived world


that aint nothing but 10 cent lovin
On a completely different note, you can pick up a kilogram of pure caffeine for less than $10. That's around 10,000 cups of coffee worth. In the post-apocalypse, people are going to need a little pick-me-up...

I've got a kilo tucked away next to my beans and wheat.

are you kidding me? thats nuts. what form is it in?

I feel gullible, but what the hell, Red Bull and Rock Star are expensive drinks....

lost in a sea

Guns won't help at all. What you need is complete replacement of all the worlds govts by aliens. They may come and take power but if they do you answer will still be guns and revolution.

how about instead of aliens with women?

politics seems like the last job you would want a man doing..

the aliens thing has been pitched to the masses in various tv series and movies to see whether they would buy it though..


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Tell me why we won't fail? BushyOG
Because Ben Bernanke is a demi-god and can control all global markets behind his mahogany desk in DC. :joint:

We will fail because debt serfom always fails. And when it does. Unfortunately it's usually not pretty. But from failure new opportunities arise.

The cycle of civilization.


The economic system is bankrupt. The status quo pretended like 2008 was just a blip on the screen. People don't see that it exposed the systemic insolvency of the global economic/financial system.

Bloomberg just printed a good article that explains why Americans are debt serfs owned by Goldman Sachs.

Why Should Taxpayers Give Big Banks $83 Billion a Year?
By the Editors Feb 20, 2013 5:30 PM CT
On television, in interviews and in meetings with investors, executives of the biggest U.S. banks -- notably JPMorgan Chase & Co. Chief Executive Jamie Dimon -- make the case that size is a competitive advantage. It helps them lower costs and vie for customers on an international scale. Limiting it, they warn, would impair profitability and weaken the country’s position in global finance.
So what if we told you that, by our calculations, the largest U.S. banks aren’t really profitable at all? What if the billions of dollars they allegedly earn for their shareholders were almost entirely a gift from U.S. taxpayers?