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Doomsday Prepping for Economic Catastrophy

Doomsday Prepping for Economic Catastrophy

  • Everything will be just fine you old worry wart...

    Votes: 31 23.3%
  • War is the most likely doomsday...I want a bunker.

    Votes: 25 18.8%
  • Big darned asteroid is coming making a tsunami...get a surf board

    Votes: 6 4.5%
  • You are right Bog. It's the economy stupid...

    Votes: 71 53.4%

  • Total voters

Grass Lands

When the EBT cards are no longer active, thats when you will see the SHTF....as we now sit there are over 48 million people on the SNAP program, up from 21 million from when King Barry took office...its only a matter of time when it all blows up....

when it comes to prepping...if I can't shoot it, eat it, drink it or grow it, I have no use for it...all this shit about gold, if you don't recall, all the gold in the US was confiscated in the 1930's. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Executive_Order_6102...

Do I want the shtf to happen, hell no I don't, but its better to be prepared then it is to wait for the FEMA bus to come with the hand outs....which may never come.

Glad to see some folks out here that think the same way...each and every day it amazes me to see the folks who think nothing is wrong here is the USofA...then again TPTB have watered down our beliefs with the influx of illegal immigrants that are now here in the US and have no fucking idea why or how we became the USofA.


Active member
Join the NRA, they will be able to organize as a trained Malisha, also law enforcement is sworn to uphold the constitution should our executive branch turn against the people with homeland security and the natioal guard.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Join the NRA, they will be able to organize as a trained Malisha, also law enforcement is sworn to uphold the constitution should our executive branch turn against the people with homeland security and the natioal guard.


lost in a sea

mmmm yeah trained militias = dead meat..

and the cowardly LEOs aren't concerned with the constitution if their leadership say they arent.


There's nothing wrong with being prepared for when a natural disaster hits. But for christ sakes, pizza places stay open, the utility companies provide food and warmth, and the National Guard is on stand-by

And who do these phyco's plan on shooting with all their firearms?


Join the NRA, they will be able to organize as a trained Malisha, also law enforcement is sworn to uphold the constitution should our executive branch turn against the people with homeland security and the natioal guard.
You do realize this is America, and we choose are leadership, right?


Active member
I have reviewed the Obamacare health care plans avalible in California that have yet to be priced. All i can say is this. This benefit will change little except raising all healcare cost for everyone.


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
I this president doing what the majorety want?

yes, he was elected by a MAJORITY and his approval rating is 58%.

I have reviewed the Obamacare health care plans avalible in California that have yet to be priced. All i can say is this. This benefit will change little except raising all healcare cost for everyone.

unless you are one of the 30,000,000 uninsured or have pre-exisiting conditions.

how would you like to have cancer and not be able to get insurance?

have a little compassion man.



Rubbing my glands together
I this president doing what the majorety want?

Considering that the so called left is more than happy to take away the rights and freedoms they want to take away even though the SCOTUS has ruled otherwise, and keep the ones they like, well then, yeah I guess he is.

Consider this-

Why is it that none of the disturbed and evil men who take guns and go kill movie-goers and children in school has ever been identified as a Conservative NRA member?

Nidal Malik Hasan ~ Ft Hood ~ Registered Democrat ~ Muslim

Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold ~ Columbine shooters ~ Too young to vote; both families were registered Democrats and Progressive Liberals.

Seung-Hui Cho ~ Virginia Tech shooter ~ wrote hate mail to President Bush and to his staff ~ registered Democrat

Jared Loughner ~ Congresswoman Gabby Giffords’ shooter ~ Leftist, registered Democrat.

Left-Leaning Lamestream media actually blamed Sarah Palin's campaign material for influencing this maniac. Jared Loughner was a graduate of a William Ayers designed, small school in Tucson. A “small school” is an alternative school which is based on political organizing and emphasizing political involvement over test scores. The schools were designed by Bill Ayres and tested in Chicago by Arnie Duncan and funded by Bill Gates.

James Eagan Holmes ~ Colorado Theater shooter ~ Registered Democrat; staff worker on the Obama campaign; Occupy Wall Street participant; Progressive Liberal

Holmes was studying “neuro science” in the psychology dept at the University of Colorado. Psychology is a social science, not a real science at all. Neuro-science is the study of the use of emotional buzz words or phrases to influence listeners and how this can be applied to political campaigns - brainwashing.

Adam Lanza ~ Connecticut School Shooter ~ mother Nancy Lanza, a registered Democrat, raised him to hate Christians.

Christopher Dorner ~ former Los Angeles officer / reserve Navy officer suspected of killing a couple over the weekend and opening fire on four officers early Thursday, killing one and critically wounding another ~ fired from the Los Angeles Police Department in 2008 for making false statements, a huge Obama supporter, admirer of Piers Morgan and Anderson Cooper and incredibly, pro-gun control.

The common denominator of all these shooters is that they all are Progressive Liberal Democrats.

So why is that the media portrays Conservative, NRA-type gun owners as the real danger?

This is why Democrats want to ban guns. They're not afraid of what we'll do with them. They're afraid of what they'll do with them.

Liberal Democrats want gun control? Suggestion: Liberal Democrats shouldn't be allowed to have guns!


Wait, which one of these guys are a Progressive? You just made that up!

Conservatives want to keep cannabis illegal. Is that what you stand for?


I have reviewed the Obamacare health care plans avalible in California that have yet to be priced. All i can say is this. This benefit will change little except raising all healcare cost for everyone.
Your spelling, grammar, and lack of logic is giving stoner's a bad name.


Rubbing my glands together
It is not made up. Research it for yourself. Why would I post something like that just to make it up?
As far a keeping marijuana illegal, check out which of the SCOTUS judges ruled in favor of Angel Raich and which ruled against her several years ago. May surprise you to know that it was the more liberal side of the court that voted against her with the Conservative side voting in her favor. Also, most of your top democrats, such as Harry Reid to name 1 is totally against it. How do I know that? He told me so in a letter several years ago when i inquired how he felt about the Rohrabacker/Hinkey bill to legalize.
Typical liberal bullshit to say something is made up without checking the sources for themselves. Besides, Obama's adminstration has busted, arrested more mmj related people in 4 years that Bush did in 8. You can go look that shit up too. Why aren't they bringing it up for a vote? Because they don't and can't afford to lose their supporters if the truth came out during a strict no vote in their own party. So you seen, son, the democrats aren't a friend of marijuana either.
So don't come up her saying it's just republicans that don't want it. That is a lie.
And it is not what I stand for, more of your bullshit. I'm an Independent and hate both top parties mainly because they like to talk out their ass and redirect pretty much the way you just did. Homie don't play that shit,
There was a thread here a couple years ago where Diane Fienstein was quoted as saying she was against legalization. You can't get much more liberal than her. Ever see her tape from 94/95 time frame where she stated if she would have had the support in the house she would have outlawed all guns? Not a friend to law abiding Americans.
Democrats get the support of UNIONS. Who is their largest supporters? Police Unions. Which are calling for gun restrictions and anti drug programs, but are first in line to pitch a world class bitch when someone brings up routine drug testing in their professions. It's a do as I say not as I do thing when you follow the money.
EDITED to add> maybe since you align yourself with and defend the democratic party you support and agree with police unions and their actions? After all, you both vote for/support the same party?
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I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
i got a buddy whos part of the Maine national guard and he tells me they are kicking people out if you wont disarm and american citizen. thats some fucked up shit


Active member
On a completely different note, you can pick up a kilogram of pure caffeine for less than $10. That's around 10,000 cups of coffee worth. In the post-apocalypse, people are going to need a little pick-me-up...

I've got a kilo tucked away next to my beans and wheat.


Rubbing my glands together
Aeroguerilla-I have heard that is happening across the officers pool in the armed forces. Dig into why FEMA was really created. Here's a hint, it wasn't for natural disasters, although that is a secondary function now. Albeit one that they don't do very well at all.
This from the same administration that was trying to deem returning and past veterans as potential domestic terrorist a few years back. It was Janet Napolitano that tried that. I probably made that shit up too. LOL,

fungzyme-That's some funny shit.


I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
what needs to be organized is a march on the white house assualt rifles loaded. cant stop us all. hang all those motherfuckers right in public. the tree of liberty needs a good fuckin watering


Rubbing my glands together
You know. I really don't want to see a full scale revolution in this country. Main reason is that the new form of government that props itself up afterwards could be worse than what we currently have. Ie, military dictatorship, etc. But it looks like we are at a tipping point to where it could very well become a reality. Have been wondering if both main parties want just this very thing. I mean, if those who lead it now retain leadership positions for life, what would they have to lose? With the Executive orders Obama recently updated and added to, a national emergency where he would declare martial law would keep him in office for life by suspending elections until such time that the state of national emergency is declared over, at which time our normal way of life would continue as before. The attraction of an extended presidency would appeal to a president of either party. Those arrogant bastards wouldn't be able to help themselves.


Active member
what needs to be organized is a march on the white house assualt rifles loaded. cant stop us all. hang all those motherfuckers right in public. the tree of liberty needs a good fuckin watering

I always wondered when/if that would happen.

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