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Do'nt vote Conservative!


Active member
to reply to wally duck, i present this link to illustrate a point.
but seriously...

GreatLakes THC, St.Teflon, and all...
you're right... but more than what you say is to realise that you are taking part in making the change. the change, the big revolution, the new renaissaunce is coming, and by sharing of ideas through the marvel of the internet we play a vital roll. make a speach a day, to yourself, and to others. it will not take one man. it will take us all. we dont get there in one day, we bring it about through a swift evolution. ladies and gentlemen, tokers and non tokers alike, i have a dream, ;) (you knew it was coming) I have a dream that one day little children of parents puffing cannabis can play with children of parents not puffing cannabis in peace and harmony, on this planet and others, in space, under the ocean, on the hilltops, under the ground, in houses and up trees... I have a dream, and no possessions too. :D

;):D but less plagerism tho eh?


Re: Beat the Nazis

Re: Beat the Nazis

BushyOldGrower said:
You just need to look through the bull. Sure not all conservatives are bad and not all libertarians are the same things in differing countries. In America Libertarians are not left wing but right wing and they are for pot. However they are just a splinter off the Republicans and they harm the cause actually as do the Greens here in America.

We have a 2 party tyranny here so you must either vote demo or republican here or you just waste your vote. Bush would have lost for sure if not for the Green party and Nadar so dont be fooled by the gangsters again.

Vote for the party in your country that doesn't oppose unionism and you should be good. BOG :)

Labor is the ultimate organizing force and our only power.


we have a similar 2 party system here, there are the conservatives, as discussed in this thread, or Blair's Labour Party.

Both are strongly opposed to unionism, although labour is traditionally the party of the trade unions.

normally it would be a wasted vote, for the green party, but i wont vote for blair, or consverative, or liberal democrat, so they are the only party left on my ballot paper.

but yeah, there is little chance of labour loosing the next election, and especially in my 'seat'.

kinda hope blair messes up again badly & gets forced out of office.

So BoG: who should I vote for, Tony Blair's labour party, or the Conservatives?


My equation for the 2004 USA election:

KERRY......To Hell in a Handbasket!

BUSH........To 'Heaven' in a PRISON STATE !!!!

FORMER USA conservative here.

After the War on Iraq(Part 1) I went through a few months of catharsis. I came out the other side as an OPPOSITION PARTY fiscal conservative/social libreal(sp?).I am a Liberatarian member & send (the formerly horrific) ACLU substancial sums each month.

I _now_ beleve whatever party has been in power for 4 years needs to be thrown out of the executive before a DAMMAGING second term!
Whoever they are, second terms are full of investigations and stonewalling.I don't want them to consolidate power any more!!!
(read...John Ashcroft)

AND they tend to do all the RADICAL things they were chicken to do in the daylight/accountability of a first term. And no, don't want a 1 term 6 year prez....that would result in the same thing after 3 or so years. Let them think there is a possibility of re-election to keep the wild stuff down, then throw the bums out EVERY 4 YEARS.

It really is discusting how many freedoms we lost in the 4 years since 2000!!! It is my hope Kerry will get in & declair Ashcroft an enemy of the state & lock him up with no trial or lawyer for _Assault on the US Constitution_!!!:mad:

KERRY......To Hell in a Handbasket!

BUSH........To 'Heaven' in a PRISON STATE !!!!
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Conservative = poo!
what a bunch of twats:rolleyes:
me going GREEN :)
