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Shiva Grows


ICMag Donor
i dont own a pipe :O
Pipes are a must. Easy to prepare a smoke, just pop in a flower and light. I like that you can set it down, I like to smoke over a period of time rather than all at once. Although smoking a pipe at once is good for the soul. Thats the best way to start the morning, but I always run out of time.

Thats why I started taking cannabis coconut oil capsules. :smoke:

Looking forward to checking out the farm, Shiva. Have to run to finish planting vegetables. Got a couple rows in before the rain.

Glad you are enjoying my thread. I'm excited to have a good start this year! Next step is harvest!

Do you like edibles like infused coconut oil? Try it with Fern liquid lecithin mixed with coconut oil, give it better uptake and effect.


Well-known member
A good atmosphere here.

Got s new pipe and a one hitter. Realy like one hitter for microdosing.


Noticed to use lecithin for my oil/butter.
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Well-known member
Pipes are a must. Easy to prepare a smoke, just pop in a flower and light. I like that you can set it down, I like to smoke over a period of time rather than all at once. Although smoking a pipe at once is good for the soul. Thats the best way to start the morning, but I always run out of time.

Thats why I started taking cannabis coconut oil capsules. :smoke:

Looking forward to checking out the farm, Shiva. Have to run to finish planting vegetables. Got a couple rows in before the rain.

Glad you are enjoying my thread. I'm excited to have a good start this year! Next step is harvest!

Do you like edibles like infused coconut oil? Try it with Fern liquid lecithin mixed with coconut oil, give it better uptake and effect.
pastor pipe . glad to see you . not seen you since easter . pipe farms looks splendid this year .

i don't do edibles but they may be an option for strainhunter

i planted quite a lot today pak choi , broccolli , sweetcorn , red cabbage , italian beans , more peas . got loads more to sow yet

i had to do lots of cleaning and feeding today too


ICMag Donor
The dry ice kief is wonderful, the cold extraction process preserves terpenes very well. Have all mine in the fridge. Made a bunch of it the other day in preparation for the cannabis capsules. Do love smoking the kief though, just a little pinch on top of a partially smoked small pipe is good.

I do like the capsules because it extends the effect of smoking. Maybe I like that more medical side of the benefit too, but smoking is essential to have a balanced effect.

Don't be scared of edibles though, may be up your ally for the working man. Really easy going, since dosage is calebrated using dry ice kief.




Well-known member
The dry ice kief is wonderful, the cold extraction process preserves terpenes very well. Have all mine in the fridge. Made a bunch of it the other day in preparation for the cannabis capsules. Do love smoking the kief though, just a little pinch on top of a partially smoked small pipe is good.

I do like the capsules because it extends the effect of smoking. Maybe I like that more medical side of the benefit too, but smoking is essential to have a balanced effect.

Don't be scared of edibles though, may be up your ally for the working man. Really easy going, since dosage is calebrated using dry ice kief.


dry ice is the way forward . did you buy it or make your own?


ICMag Donor
dry ice is the way forward . did you buy it or make your own?

a freeze dryer and dry ice maker would be nice
Was able to get dry ice at the local grocery super store. I could have done a second extraction with alcohol on the scraps from making dry ice kief, but it does a pretty thorough extraction in small batches shaken for 1 minute with a reciprocating saw setup.