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Dont order from these companies !!

weed science

New member
Wutz crackin yall, heres some good info to keep you secure and under the radar from LEO. Since it has become known that UPS and FedEx are working with DEA by tracking orders from High Times advertisers, I just picked up the latest issue at the 7-11 strictly for the purpose of seeing who the advertisers are. So here is the list of advertisers from the June issue: ( i have only included equipment and seed cos, which are most of the ads)

**(I dont think that seed orders are likely to be tracked since they are usually USPS, but I included them for reference )

- HID hut.com
- Greenhouseseeds.nl
- Hydrowholesale.com (i almost made a large order here, good thing i didnt)
- phototron.com
- www.dealzer.com
-attitudeseedbank.co.uk(I ordered from here in the past but it was usps)

Dont be stupid and order 300 lbs of equipment from any of these sites, but I wouldnt even risk a small order.
REspect m8,shame the fuckers,loll,they think no-one aint ever gonnna bump into em over in adam,lol.

surprsied to see vu-du in there,thants shanti's itie company,be shocked if he even knew,theres plenty of ****s in the seedbuisness,but i wouldnt have put shanti among em,but who knows what goes on in peoples affairs.
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ups sucks

less stealthy at border, more expenisve, wont deliver to a po box and ....now co-operating with dea

they have always pissed on their customers from the greatest of heights so it doesnt surprise me

i once was going to order a 4 inch $60 flashlight from a websight in US to canada and ups was going to charge me $80 including their 'brokerage fee' ha!


bump for great post! i bet not to many people know about this! spread the word!!!!


~Resident Puck Bunny~
Thing is...you're slamming alot of companies without any proof...there are some companies on their that are dodgy, but their are some that I know are ok. Without any actual proof, other than your gut feeling all you are doing is creating fear and possibly condeming a company that is legit. That ain't right.


Between the Devil and the deep blue sea...
ICMag Donor
Thing is...you're slamming alot of companies without any proof...there are some companies on their that are dodgy, but their are some that I know are ok. Without any actual proof, other than your gut feeling all you are doing is creating fear and possibly condeming a company that is legit. That ain't right.

Well which one's are dodgy and which one's are not??


~Resident Puck Bunny~
Why would I say? I have no proof. A few of those companies have been mentioned here as being problamatic, but that was more of a customer service problem thing. Just because a company isn't that good on customer service doesn't mean they are working with the cops/DEA/whatever.Then there are companies on that list that many people here have used, made threads about and raved about the great service. I would never put something as serious as this out there without anything to back me up. As I said, I think that is just wrong.


ICMag Donor
KG is right. One bad apple doesn't make the whole bushel bad. I also know for a fact that some of those listed are reputable companies......


Just to be clear, the issue is with UPS and FedEx tracking orders from High Times advertisers which all of those companies apparently are

Best to stay away from them if you are the paranoid type
Stay safe


ICMag Donor
I really hate to see companies get jammed by rumor so here is what we will do. Someone needs to post some type of proof regarding the thread topic. It isn't fair to people to be jammed without proof. I'm going to reopen this thread but I'm asking that the thread starter post some form of proof with his accusations. I don't like High Times and have never bought their mag but at the same time it's not right to make accusations like this and starting a paranoia frenzy without backing it up.

Here is the only info I have and it says nothing of fed ex or UPS. It also says they put his house under surveillance and subpoenaed his electric bill before they got a warrant. If we're going to do just what the cops want, then remember they said other publications as well. I personally don't believe anything they say regarding invoices because they would have no legal way to get them.


To the person that sent me the PM's accusing me of being everything from the owners of some of these businesses to a cop, you're a real asshole and I wouldn't suggest doing it when you get back.....
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"Mayo bought, "on 11 occasions, hydroponic growing equipment that is specialized in indoor marijuana growing," according to sheriff's Detective Sgt. Todd Butler, who said local authorities received information from the High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area Program, a project of the Office of National Drug Control Policy.

"Operation Green Thumb has access to shipping invoices from suppliers who advertise their indoor marijuana-growing equipment in magazines such as 'High Times.' David Mayo bought his hydroponic equipment from one of the suppliers that do, in fact, advertise in this (manner).""


Office of National Drug Control Policy.

any bored insurgents sitting around who need a legit target?

wait i forgot how if you don't say just kidding...Its to relay a message, in a revolutionary sense- not an actual threat for those that missed that the first time ;)
I remain civil by limiting my actions to legal/non violent measures, but they have not and still do not by their very existence and purpose. A bit of wit is harmless


ICMag Donor
"Mayo bought, "on 11 occasions, hydroponic growing equipment that is specialized in indoor marijuana growing," according to sheriff's Detective Sgt. Todd Butler, who said local authorities received information from the High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area Program, a project of the Office of National Drug Control Policy.

"Operation Green Thumb has access to shipping invoices from suppliers who advertise their indoor marijuana-growing equipment in magazines such as 'High Times.' David Mayo bought his hydroponic equipment from one of the suppliers that do, in fact, advertise in this (manner).""

"Such as High Times"?

So if you really want to create a paranoia fest, you might as well post the name of every business that advertises in any marijuana related mag. People should always be cautious, but to openly state these businesses are being monitored by the law, based on the statement of a cop and one single arrest could be very damaging to hundreds of businesses.

The bottom line is people should know they have to take precautions when ordering or buying from any shop. You should never ever have anything delivered to the grow nor in your name. You should also always pay in cash. It's no secret the police watch these shops and you have to be very cautious.
Sounds like operation "green merchant" all over again. Sad that these companies are being targeted by UPS and their bully tactics. Fuck UPS!


I N Hail

Growing Grower AKA Wasted Rock Ranger
Wutz crackin yall, heres some good info to keep you secure and under the radar from LEO. Since it has become known that UPS and FedEx are working with DEA by tracking orders from High Times advertisers, I just picked up the latest issue at the 7-11 strictly for the purpose of seeing who the advertisers are. So here is the list of advertisers from the June issue: ( i have only included equipment and seed cos, which are most of the ads)

**(I dont think that seed orders are likely to be tracked since they are usually USPS, but I included them for reference )

- HID hut.com
- Greenhouseseeds.nl
- Hydrowholesale.com (i almost made a large order here, good thing i didnt)
- phototron.com
- www.dealzer.com
-attitudeseedbank.co.uk(I ordered from here in the past but it was usps)

Dont be stupid and order 300 lbs of equipment from any of these sites, but I wouldnt even risk a small order.

I just don't see where Weed Science isn't saying anything bad
about the companies. He's just warning us about the Co's. that might be being watched by the DEA!!!

And I for ONE thank you way to look out for other's + REP

I N Hail

p.s. Ok the last sentence is a little rough
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ICMag Donor
perhaps rather than closing this thread, the title should be changed. Seeing how it is honestly no fault of the individual companies that the shipping company released information.

Maybe the title should simply read "List of Companies advertising in High Times"....as this same list is provided in the back of every magazine, the poster is then only taking that list and placing it in the forums.

The thread can and should still describe the situation in FULL, with a link to said situation, and proceed with caution when making purchases....rather than "DO NOT"

I personally feel WITHOUT this slight change, you could be looking at a case of slander...



Anyway, he's warning us about UPS and FEDEX, not the companies themselves, he is also listing the companies using the service from the suspected DEA collaborators. I mean why shouldnt they? Packages to growers are probably a total of 0.02% of the total goods shipped, and would leave no loss compared to the goodwill of the goverment. Nr one rule with growing is safety first, if there is a rumor about it; avoid it. No need to get paranoid tho, just stay one step ahead.

Actually the nr one rule is probably "always clean your res with 10% bleach between each grow", or you wont have a safety issue to worry about.
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These companies choose to deal with UPS, and UPS is a cooperating with the dea.

As reputable as they may be, its not ethical for them to deal with couriers that in co-operation with the DEA however convernient it is for THEM it is not terribly convenient for US to get busted over their lazyness and lack of concern for customers saftey


These companies choose to deal with UPS, and UPS is a cooperating with the dea.

As reputable as they may be, its not ethical for them to deal with couriers that in co-operation with the DEA however convernient it is for THEM it is not terribly convenient for US to get busted over their lazyness and lack of concern for customers saftey

Exactly, perhaps someone should send them a forum link?


ICMag Donor
Where are you folks coming up with UPS being the one's supplying the invoices to the police? Has UPS, Fed Ex, the USPS or the police come forward and stated these companies are cooperating?

This is one of the reasons I didn't want this thread to stay open. People are now saying that it's UPS cooperating so what if someone decides to use Fed Ex thinking they are safe and to find out they are cooperating.

The police also said they are using other mags to pinpoint shipping. What about the people that advertise in these other mags?

Sometimes not having all the proper information and going off rumor can be more dangerous.

Can someone post some type of proof to back up what companies are involved in releasing shipping info?