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Dont order from these companies !!

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
ups sucks

less stealthy at border, more expenisve, wont deliver to a po box and ....now co-operating with dea

they have always pissed on their customers from the greatest of heights so it doesnt surprise me

i once was going to order a 4 inch $60 flashlight from a websight in US to canada and ups was going to charge me $80 including their 'brokerage fee' ha!

UPS is bullshit regardless of working with the DEA....they throw your boxes on your porch, don't even knock. I've had hundreds of dollars of stuff sitting on my porch when I got home from work and I have a garage, uh...at least a back yard. I don't live in the greatest neighborhood...I've had change stolen out of my ash tray in my car... I know a lot of people that work for UPS and they treat everything like shit...even employees.

I hate UPS... thanks for the heads up, most useful.


I don't see what that has to do with it. I don't need experience jumping out of airplanes without a parachute to know better than to try it.

Sounds like something you just pulled out of your ass. If it isn't, maybe this info has made its way into the company's privacy policy? If not, why not?

If these companies can reasonably assure their customers that ordering from them won't get them investigated, then I'd think they'd mention that fact to their customers.

It's one thing to state that a company won't just roll over for LEO. I take it with a grain of salt, but it's plausible. But it's something else to state that a company can prevent a third party from rolling over for LEO. That sounds like a big pile of shit to me.
you sound like a very paranoid person to me....
In this game paranoia can be your friend, bu tin your case it is preventing you from using your head properly. I respect your thoughts but, If you don't want to order from them, don't. it's that simple.
I was just giving people another point of view on this company, if you think i am pulling things from my ass, fine, that doesn't change anything. i know these people and they know their business relies on pot growers almost exclusively. what you are suggesting goes against them making money, which is what we are all about here in the USA. regardless.
No company can assure any one that they will not be investigated by the police. Anyone who does is lying to you and you are a fool to believe it.
Besides, if a hydro company says,
"hey, order from us because we can assure you safety from LEO investigation" is drawing a lot of LEO attention at that point, and when selling hyrdo products thats just fucking stupid.
When you buy anything online you run the risk of that information making it's way to the wrong hands. I suggest going to your local hydro store and ask them if they can assure you no LEO investigation... see what happens.

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
Thing is...you're slamming alot of companies without any proof...there are some companies on their that are dodgy, but their are some that I know are ok. Without any actual proof, other than your gut feeling all you are doing is creating fear and possibly condeming a company that is legit. That ain't right.

He wasn't slamming those companies....he pointed out that UPS and FedEx are working with the DEA to track orders from these places.

I don't think anything bad of the individual companies after reading that....It sucks, but it's the DEA, UPS and FedEx that are the a-holes.

That's how I read it...but I've heard nothing else about it other than this post. Bummer.


The whole system is F*cked Up......
So is DEA dept.
The govt. as well....they have some nerve....pissess me the fu*k off.

I recall taking a course in college, and one of my classmates was a marine(down south) who just got done serving his time.

He told me how the f*ckin gov't is so corrupt and how they smuggled cocaine when they were stationed in columbia in the 90s

He said the boys would smuggle the cocaine(the pure form) back on the planes and bring them back to the U.S. for distribution on the streets.

He would tell me the purity of the stuff , because he said there noses would be bleeding because of how strong it was....

So screw them....
All they do is make their own laws and break their own laws.......

Nothin but a f*ckin business.
Tax, lawyers, court, judges, everyone gets paid.


you would think grow shops would stop advertizing in hightimes after all these years of DEA busts.. i guess after a couple of years they think it wont happen to them..

As a precaution i think its smart to know if your company advertizes in HT b4 ordering your new 1000 watt!

Hightimes doesnt care , its advertising revenue that gets generating for their publications.


The truth is out there

The truth is out there

The whole system is F*cked Up......
So is DEA dept.
The govt. as well....they have some nerve....pissess me the fu*k off.

I recall taking a course in college, and one of my classmates was a marine(down south) who just got done serving his time.

He told me how the f*ckin gov't is so corrupt and how they smuggled cocaine when they were stationed in columbia in the 90s

He said the boys would smuggle the cocaine(the pure form) back on the planes and bring them back to the U.S. for distribution on the streets.

He would tell me the purity of the stuff , because he said there noses would be bleeding because of how strong it was....

So screw them....
All they do is make their own laws and break their own laws.......

Nothin but a f*ckin business.
Tax, lawyers, court, judges, everyone gets paid.

You will find this interview very interesting

Part one

Part two

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
This is a problem....this one really, really pisses me off. There's actual crime happening and our taxes are wasted on people spending time tracking grow supply orders.


sorry for a dumb question, but does high times still allow fake buds to be advertised?

if so, this speaks volumes as to their integrity! (drum roll please) N O N E

make drugs legal and politicians & dea illegal :D, sorry, but due to recession, we cant afford silly abusive fucks like DEA anymore, if they want a job i hear Chucky Cheese mop up squad is hiring


sorry for a dumb question, but does high times still allow fake buds to be advertised?

if so, this speaks volumes as to their integrity! (drum roll please) N O N E

make drugs legal and politicians & dea illegal :D, sorry, but due to recession, we cant afford silly abusive fucks like DEA anymore, if they want a job i hear Chucky Cheese mop up squad is hiring

This is a good point,
the recession is tightening alot of budgets. lets hope the DEA gets the lions share of cuts...
they are probably the most ineffective branch of government next to the CIA.
Plus there has been tons of mainstream media outlets that have been talking federal decriminalization/ state legalization as remedies to newly restricted budgets and revenue downfalls.


ICMag Donor
He wasn't slamming those companies....he pointed out that UPS and FedEx are working with the DEA to track orders from these places.

I don't think anything bad of the individual companies after reading that....It sucks, but it's the DEA, UPS and FedEx that are the a-holes.

That's how I read it...but I've heard nothing else about it other than this post. Bummer.

The point is he is slamming these companies unless he has proof they are working with the DEA. As of now, I have seen no proof in any way shape or manner either of these companies are doing anything.


UPS is bullshit regardless of working with the DEA....they throw your boxes on your porch, don't even knock. I've had hundreds of dollars of stuff sitting on my porch when I got home from work I hate UPS...

Wonder why UPS does this? Leaving packages on the ground, not knocking, etc. I had a new Apple laptop delivered, and came home to find it sitting atop a 5 gallon bucket of water in the front yard. In the rain.

I had told Vendor to put on the package...DO NOT LEAVE WITHOUT SIGNATURE.... UPS left it anyway....

I am beginning to think we should all fight fire with fire and report all dumped packages as stolen. Perhaps then UPS would stop this practice.

Does UPS dump packages off unattended in big cities? Fed Ex ain't no better either!


New member
yeah rite. the dea with all their resorces have to go hi-tec a read high times to find seed companys to monitor. Lol! I think their a little more on the up an up than that my friend.


Never ship equipment or seeds to your grow house. I prefer to buy most my stuff at the local hydro shop, always paying in cash. If you order on-line use a prepaid credit card.


I mean there is no proof.. It just seems like common sense that anybody ordering out of an add they seen in HighTimes is running a risk (even if it's small) of being investigated one day.. All it takes is one person, neighbor, mailman, to say they smelled trees at the house. Then the police can look and see if any HighTimes vendor mailed anything to that adress and then thats basically probabile cause.. I understand why people are saying that there's no proof.. In fact I agree with that statement. But all I think is being said here is the obvious..


I fully support seed boutique and bghydro. BOTH are IN MY HONEST OPINION... the best there is around.

Oh ya UPS sucks balls, stopped shiping anything from them bout 6 months ago, not even weed related.. .they just suck... honestly

Package needed no signature, what do they do? require sig fucking idiots. Not even illiegal but still I lost mad days. STOP USING UPS, hope they dont find me. you know how those corporate thugs are, I'll probably be dead tamarrow.


noo not drgreenthumb
damn i about put an order in from them.I liked the selection they have :(

thank for the list!


New member
An update on this case which might put much of this debate to rest: Turns out that not only was the source of the invoices ambiguous, the authorities do not, in fact, have the invoices at all. The police investigating the case were unable to produce them in the discovery phase, presumably because they didn't have them, and the entire case is now the subject of a motion to quash/suppress/dismiss because of a potential Fourth Amendment violation.

The way I see it, this could turn out to be an exceptionally important case, perhaps even a historic case, in the effort to protect the Bill of Rights and the U.S. Constitution:



Wutz crackin yall, heres some good info to keep you secure and under the radar from LEO. Since it has become known that UPS and FedEx are working with DEA by tracking orders from High Times advertisers, I just picked up the latest issue at the 7-11 strictly for the purpose of seeing who the advertisers are. So here is the list of advertisers from the June issue: ( i have only included equipment and seed cos, which are most of the ads)

**(I dont think that seed orders are likely to be tracked since they are usually USPS, but I included them for reference )

- HID hut.com
- Greenhouseseeds.nl
- Hydrowholesale.com (i almost made a large order here, good thing i didnt)
- phototron.com
- www.dealzer.com
-attitudeseedbank.co.uk(I ordered from here in the past but it was usps)

Dont be stupid and order 300 lbs of equipment from any of these sites, but I wouldnt even risk a small order.

I Dont agree with this post one bit , there is alot of companies on that list in operation for a long time , some of them have sold millions of beans to happy customers and then 1 guy who has 10 posts to his name comes along and more or less slams them for advertisement in a magazine . The damage is been done here the more folk that read this thread , and its not right and im yet to see proof here...This thread should be deleted because its not fair to the companies that have worked hard to create good cannabis seeds. Everybody should know to take utmost caution when ordering beans or equipment..like other addresses ya know or pick them up and pay cash..This post makes me angry , and should be removed..The companies deserve more respect than that and not have there names dragged through the muck purely on suspision..


burnt out og'er
Wait a minute folks...
Wasn't "operation green thumb" back in the eighties ?
Is that what this thread is all about ?

I'm pretty sure the grow stores aren't anywhere near as stupid as they were back then.
And most folks with any level of healthy paranoia already know better then to mail order supplies to the grow location in the first place

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