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Donald Sterling owner of LA Clippers


I hate to say it but isnt this kinda a infrigment of his eight to aay what he wants?
Again doesnt matter if he is right or wrong dont we have the right to free speach without fear of discrimination? Doesnt that go both ways?
Arent we free to be assholes as well as good people?
This is weird that even though his comments were shocking an not my views he could be punished like this. Seems like censorship, doesnt matter if he is being a prick.
How does the nba's constitution trump the us constitution?
Seems like a slippery slope.
One for the lawyers I guess.
I juat disnt realize thw nba commission had so much power... wow


Oh wait now I understand.... I disnt think that its a FRANCHISE I guess as such the corporation can hold them to their standards.
I think the comision made a good call. The only call really.
This could have gotten real ugly real fast if they hadn't taken decisive action.


Active member
...declares that he gives his black players “food and clothes and cars and houses.”

This is the PLANTATION AND SLAVE OWNER mentality, whereby he feels he OWNS the people who work for him, and make him tons of money.

In return, he gives "gifts" to his slaves to show he's a good master.

Unfortunately this mentality is widespread among the world's Elite as well as many ethnic groups and cultures.

It's the US and THEM mindset, that goes into defensive mode when having to deal with THEM, esp. on a one-to-one basis.

Going into this guy's mind, the only LOGIC I see in these events, is his OWN underlying GUILT at having a black/latin girlfriend.

That is why he doesn't want her specifically to be seen with black people, so that people don't infer that he is dating someone who might be black.

Otherwise nothing he said makes sense, since there are so many hypocrisies in his words.

She could almost pass as white if ppl didn't know better, and it seems that's the illusion he wanted to keep, but really WHO THE HELL CARES?

Only a racist, that's for sure!


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
Is anyone really surprised about this with Donald Sterling?
The guy has been proving for decades what he is about.

Banned for life, 2.5 million dollar fine... the other owners are going to vote him out of ownership/force sale of the team....

I've been in misery this season with the Lakers ownership showing so much ineptitude. Its like the Purple and Gold was all of a sudden red white & blue, and vice versa...
But nope. Not at all I was way off base. WAY OFF BASE.

Sorry Clippers.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
"The hateful opinions voiced by that of the man [on the tape] are those of Donald Sterling," NBA commissioner Adam Silver said. "… I'm personally distraught the views expressed by Mr. Sterling came from within an institution that has historically taken such a leadership role in matters of race relations."

As part of the ban, Sterling is not allowed "to attend any NBA games or practices, be present at any Clippers office or facility, or participate in any business or player personnel decisions involving the team." Sterling also will be barred from attending any Board of Governors meetings and participating in any other league activity.

The fine is the maximum the NBA can issue under the NBA constitution, Silver said. Seventy-five percent of the NBA's owners must vote to oust Sterling to force him to sell.

"I fully expect to get the support I need from the other NBA owners to remove him," Silver said.

for sure he's going to get 75%, I'd be surprised if he didn't get 100% of the owners to agree, if you don't agree w/the ouster you'd be siding with Sterling by proxy.......



Active member
If he had made these comments during a speech or interview, like Mr. Bundy did last week, that would be one thing.

But Sterling was taped without his knowledge or consent in private.

This is a slippery slope.

There is no more nuance left in this country. It's mob rule. Rub a group the wrong way, they will come for your livelihood. Refuse to bake a gay wedding cake,, you are put out of business.

Why not engage with the people who's views you disagree with.

Taking away someone's employment will not change them, it will only harden their heart.

Midnight Tokar

Freedom of speech, unless your an NBA owner.

Guys a looser, but a bigger issue is at stake here people.

Freedom of Speech is only to protect us from government interference! It will not protect you from libel or inciting violence (riots)
There is no freedom of speech with your employer, call him/her a name to their face and see how fast you get fired.


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
This is bullshit. The guy is obviously an asshole, but to have this happen after having a private conversation secretly taped after being led on by a woman with an agenda is simply wrong. If the powers-that-be are going to start trying to enforce moral turpitude rulings in professional sports, they are going to be damn busy.

Spider Crab

Freedom of speech doesn't mean that you can say anything you like to anyone at any time and have no consequences............
This is bullshit. The guy is obviously an asshole, but to have this happen after having a private conversation secretly taped after being led on by a woman with an agenda is simply wrong. If the powers-that-be are going to start trying to enforce moral turpitude rulings in professional sports, they are going to be damn busy.

Start enforcing moral turpitude? Where have you been? Professional athletes are suspended every year for various violations. Google "Aldon Smith" for a recent example. Michael Vick is another well-known example. For basketball, Ron Artest.

Besides, this is about protection of a business brand, not moral turpitude rules. The other owners realize that keeping Sterling as an owner, and not punishing him, hurts the league's image and thus the league's earning capacity. Nothing more, nothing less.


Active member
This is bullshit. The guy is obviously an asshole, but to have this happen after having a private conversation secretly taped after being led on by a woman with an agenda is simply wrong. If the powers-that-be are going to start trying to enforce moral turpitude rulings in professional sports, they are going to be damn busy.

Oh yea, who didnt see you were gonna try and defend the racist?
Anyhow... The players association, the clips sponsors and all the other owners want him gone and HIS TEAM no longer wants to play for the bastard, what else can you do?
The team said fuck the bitch, get him out or we arent playing.
Theres a clause that lets the league protect itself from financial damage. There would be a lot of $ lost if there was a boycott
End of story
Its sad that it took some home recording instead of all the other shit hes been getting away with for all these years!

mojave green

rockin in the free world
Unless they have a VERY strange relationship, it seems really weird that he would have that gal for a girlfriend while harboring feelings like that. People are odd indeed.
UPDATED: 20:47 EST, 8 November 2008
When Barack Obama was swept to the presidency this week, it marked the end of a long journey for black America.
Just how far the nation had travelled - from the first slave ship of 1619, through early calls for emancipation, to Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King - can be revealed in the fascinating story of the country's third President, Thomas Jefferson, and his black slave.
Although they had a passionate affair - she bore him four children - you will not find Sarah Hemings' name in the official White House history. For at the time, their affair was the ultimate taboo.

Like Obama, Sarah Hemings, often known as Sally, was of mixed race and, by all accounts, she was very beautiful.
A contemporary account described her as 'mighty near white' with 'straight hair down her back'. She spoke well, often dressed in the latest fashions and spoke French as well as English.
But despite the veneer of respectability, she was, nevertheless, a slave: unfree and unable to escape her fate. In fact, according to Virginia law at the time, the children of a slave would also become the property of her master.
Now a new book by the black American historian Annette Gordon-Reed reveals the intimate details behind the secret affair.
No one knows when the relationship between master and slave became sexual - Jefferson was a meticulous record-keeper, but seems to have overlooked this intimate detail.


Active member
This is bullshit. The guy is obviously an asshole, but to have this happen after having a private conversation secretly taped after being led on by a woman with an agenda is simply wrong. If the powers-that-be are going to start trying to enforce moral turpitude rulings in professional sports, they are going to be damn busy.

Hate has no place in this world public or private. There is no justification for oppression or racism of any kind in our modern society. Either tolerated or be isolated.

Ez Rider

Active member
I'd like to know where all you "outraged" people are when J.Wright or L. Farrakhan are out spreading their messages of racial tolerance. Both men preach hate quite openly, but because they're black, their vitriol is called "empowering" rather than racist. What about the 5%er's and their preposterous beliefs? How about the white guy who was beaten by a black mob in detroit a few weeks ago? Silvers' private statements are more a cause for laughter, than alarm.

Trying to control what people think is even more stupid than trying to control what people ingest into their bodies.:dance013:


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Freedom of speech doesn't mean that you can say anything you like to anyone at any time and have no consequences............
Besides, this is about protection of a business brand, not moral turpitude rules. The other owners realize that keeping Sterling as an owner, and not punishing him, hurts the league's image and thus the league's earning capacity. Nothing more, nothing less.
The players association, the clips sponsors and all the other owners want him gone and HIS TEAM no longer wants to play for the bastard, what else can you do?
The team said fuck the bitch, get him out or we arent playing.
Theres a clause that lets the league protect itself from financial damage. There would be a lot of $ lost if there was a boycott
End of story
Its sad that it took some home recording instead of all the other shit hes been getting away with for all these years!



Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
Oh yea, who didnt see you were gonna try and defend the racist?
Anyhow... The players association, the clips sponsors and all the other owners want him gone and HIS TEAM no longer wants to play for the bastard, what else can you do?
The team said fuck the bitch, get him out or we arent playing.
Theres a clause that lets the league protect itself from financial damage. There would be a lot of $ lost if there was a boycott
End of story
Its sad that it took some home recording instead of all the other shit hes been getting away with for all these years!

You better take some remedial reading lessons. I wasn't defending the asshole in any fashion, I just think that ramifications for his actions would have been more appropriately handled by something like a boycott, player walkout, or some similar action.

This has nothing to do with freedom of speech - that refers to public discourse. This was apparently a private conversation that was guided along by someone with a hidden tape recorder who wanted to fuck him over. I see no difference between this and a cop sitting across from your house with no warrant, using a parabolic mike to record everything that is said and then busting you for it. Oh, except the cops in this example wouldn't be using entrapment, which his squeeze was.

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