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The Perfect Vape


the shit spoon
welp... guess I'll order an MFLB... part of me wants to wait and see what they come out with next... since its like the iPod of vaporizers


This is for those who have a volcano digital(I'm not sure how the other volcano and bag systems will do with this but it should work just not as fast and not as precise in temperature) here is a technique you will love for those quick hits when you don't have time for a slow temperature raise to taste all the different flavors or don't want a creeper high. You want to put the temperature to 365f, fill your bag only a 1/4 of it's full capacity, then take the bag off or just stop the fan and raise the temperature another 10 degrees to 375f, fill another 1/4 of the bags full capacity. Repeat this process until you get to around 405f-410f, maybe a little higher if you wish, and the bag is full.

This technique will give a quick powerful flavor and high due to everything being inhaled at once and gives the affect of a bong for those who miss the concentrated bong hit although this is better because it is more concentrated due to no plant matter being in the vapor, very little essential oils are burned giving a much healthier and tasty experience and if you have a bong allows cool air to go deep into the lungs.

This is also good for parties or where you have more than one person due to everything being in the bag and each person can take an equal portion of hits contain most of the cannabinoids and essential oils in the plant while still having less of the essential oils burn than if you would start out at a high temperature and be less irritating and more flavorful. Remember to use only enough to cover the screen so there won't be anything wasted because it may be too strong for multiple bags and if you add too much you may get more flavor and less punch from the higher temperature cannabinoids. You can always refill the chamber with fresh herb if necessary. Try it out and let me know how you like it.


Hello Truthman was hoping you come back with some more tips lol, I cant tell you how much of an improvement my vape sessions have become since changing my diet and going to the gym the high feel less heavy any more giggly if you know what I mean. Im gonna have a vape in half an hour so i give what you were saying a try. Do you think that their is a plateau when vaping weed Truthman ? where you vaping so much in a session that you cant get any higher and when do you feel like you have reached this point. ? Thanks man Clive


I think there is a ceiling but not in that you can't feel the affects but instead of getting high you get more stoned and then lethargic. I think the ceiling for being high is dependent on how strong your nerves are which is why I think working out gives a high with some relaxation off of the same amount if you weren't working out than being stoned and lethargic.


I just tried those temps it gave of a potent but groggy high. I much prefer those lower temps which gives a more happier feeling. Starting at 185 feels a bit depressing now. Maybe I should try it at a lower temp and work up. ?


Yeah you can start lower but remember the goal is to get to around 396f-405f and do it all in one bag session.

Another thing is if you feel like that you might not need as much herb as you're using now so you may want to use a little less than you are now to get the feeling you want while still using the previous temps I gave for a quicker session but that might not be the case. Try a little less next time and see if amount used is the issue when starting at 365f.


Cool i try that then Truthman. Would it be better to space the hits out do you think ? like do a couple of bags then leave it for a few hours then come back and finish the rest. Or does the THC degrade over those few hours while in the filling chamber. I ask because at the minute it taking me 30 or 40 mins to finish the chamber working my way up at low temps.


No, try to use the whole amount within one sitting because the thc will degrade into cbn overtime which to me is a waste. Again, this is why you only use a small amount that you are tolerant of, meaning if you get nice from a certain amount and you have some left over than use less next time. Some herb is stronger than others so it will vary but if it's good herb an example would be just using 05-.10 to use it up in one session and feel real nice.


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
^ thanks for the info truthman,

should we not go lower though, as to increase the flavor?

I believe it was you who said the flavor is more at the lower end, like around the 330's ?


Yeah, you can but I picked 365f if you don't want to wait like if you're about to go out but want a quick bag or something where time is essential BUT you don't want to start so high that you burn too much of the lower temperature essential oils which gives a smokey taste and not good for health. Also it would be best to use lesser than normal, if you have real good bud, because you are packing everything into a one bag session and if you have good bud chances are it will have a good amount of essential oils(taste,odor), a little water, and cannabinoids so if you use more than enough you won't get the experience I'm trying to show you and it will have more essential oils and water vapor than the higher end cannabinoids in the bag and I want you to have a good mixture of everything.


At least 30 seconds with a smooth not to dense hit but less the more dense it is but other things come into play like how dry the herb is. If it's moist I can go longer than 30 seconds.

Another thing I forgot to add is in case you don't have a scale or you have more moisture than needed in your bud which will make it weight more, a good idea for using a small amount of herb, if it's real good, is to use just enough that the you can still see some of the screen in the filling chamber. I know it sounds small but doing one bag this is all you need, again as long as it's good bud and not low grade. Plus this gives the advantage of not cooling down the chamber, if it does it's very small cool down because air can circulate all around the chamber so you know the exact temperature you're working with and the extraction would be faster than filling up enough to cover the screen. Filling more than that is not how you suppose to fill the chamber so that isn't even a thought.


I think they made the easy valve big enough so you couldn't fit in more than 0.5 anyway that gets me blasted lol


It should take no more than a few weeks for tolerance to get lower but that also depends on your metabolism which is why having a good workout is necessary because it speeds up metabolism.

Also, I meant .05 grams and not .5 grams.

I have to go but hope everyone enjoys themselves.


If it's already extracted like using a volcano bag then you might as well go fast but if your extracting with a whip go slow so the air to vapor ratio won't be high.


Do you think it is worth it to switch to a whip vape like the da buddah if I already own a Volcano Digi are the whips that much better.


NO WAY. If you use the techniques of playing with the temperature and use a bong with the extracted vapor you are working with a top vaporizer because you know what temperatures you're working with and it's WELL built. Going to most other vaporizers is downgrading.

What if down the line you want to vape other herbs, with or without your cannabis,and you learned what temperatures they vape well at, if you use most other vaporizers you would be guessing if you're around that point or not, with the volcano digital you KNOW where you're at and don't have to worry about burning(losing) any active chemicals.

Another advantage is you don't have to show people how to inhale to make them experience the vaporizer high because the volcano is doing it for them but that isn't the case with a lot of whip vaporizers except the aromed which has a light indicator to let people know if they're inhaling too fast and it's very precise in temperature with a display plus it has a water attachment. It's also made in germany. It's funny that the two high end vaporizers are made in germany but it doesn't get as recognized, I think, because if you don't do it right as far as inhale and temperature you may not get what you want whereas with the volcano bag it can hold the vapor so you can get it all at once without controlling your inhale but even then people don't get the best out of the volcano due to not using the temperature right and when they use a whip they think they are at low temperatures but they are not really due to temperature instability and inaccuracy.

Once you get the technique down of manipulating the temperature from low to high and getting everything in one bag and then using a bong to cool the vapor you are ending up with a VERY high end product(vapor) due to concentration and no loss or burning of active chemicals within the plant. So DO NOT go down and sell your volcano digital. In time you will see that you have very good thing.


Thanks mate, I was only asking because Iv been reading alot about vaping again since using these new temps and I was worried about the air to vapor ratio in the bag and I thought the whips would solve this problem. The bags you get with the easy valve are very big. Thanks also for the tip about using small bongs, I got a little roor bong today and it works much better than the Zumo I was using previously.