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Dog training


Hi there yall.

Im wondering if anyone here could give me a couple of tips on how to train my dog to be more of guard dog.
Dont worry, i dont got a chiuaua, got me a German shepard X Dobersman.
And shes 6 months old, but the thing is, shes too damn happy and nice.
She just gets happy when she sees someone, anyone haha

I want her to be a bit more protective for me and my gf and ofcourse the grow.

I would be really thankfull for any tips and advices.

Best wishes ya'll

W.Less Monk

Looks normal, that's a young dog always ready to play..:)

When she will get mature, her character will change
and she wont see strangers with the same eye, dont worry..




She's still pretty young her protective instincts haven't kicked in yet. Does she bark? when she barks at something you want her to bark at give her a signal then praise her. Before to long you'll be able to signal her to bark at command.
Good Luck


Tropical Outcast
I had mine trained professionally.

Or I should better say a pro trained me on how to do it.

It was $1,800 and stretched over 12x90 minute sessions. Well worth it.


We'll the i guess she's coming out great becaus she likes barking, she likes to sit in the window barking at people out in the street.
And i must say shes not scared of many things. She's quite tough, but a bit too nice.

Maybe the dog will turn out as a dog anyway hehe


dogs tend to mirror their owners imo.. your strong vibe will tell her exactly what she needs to do.. Dogs can read their owners very well especially strong aggressive dog breeds.. overtime and with the proper energy she most likely will make a fantastic guard dog.. unless you send the wrong signals over the course of the next year or so..



Active member
I just got off the phone with M. Vick and he said that the best method is a 3 part system that works every time without fail.

1. Keep them on an irregular diet. Not feeding them consistently and wondering when their next meal will be will make them irritable. Be sure to put a pinch of gunpowder in their meals when you do feed them.
2. Beat them. Not being a predictable owner will put them on guard. If you beat them one minute and are nice to them the next, they will never know WHO to trust. (Which means they trust noone)
3. Keep them in isolation for 23 hours a day. This is a common tactic used in prisons and makes one very antisocial. It will definitely help with the meanness.



Please dont take any of Vicks advice, we all see where it got him ;)

Good luck with your new best friend. I hope she works out well for all of you and your fam.


So i shouldnt feed her raw meat mixed with xanax and vodka then?

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May your race always be in your favor
She's a pup, she'll grow into her job. Females are much more territorial than males. As she ages the watchdog will emerge.


she will change the older she gets i had a gs i trained in Schutzhund.but envoles a lot of training. but is very fun and meet a lot of people. even if u dont do all the training they are more then willing to help u train your dog.


just do it
She's a pup, she'll grow into her job. Females are much more territorial than males. As she ages the watchdog will emerge.

this is totally wrong....females are more protective of people, males are protective of territory, when people come over put the pup in another area, do not let it socialize with strangers or even aquantances, good friends are ok, but its better if you dont do even that


I bought a couple of books on dogtraining. Some of them are old material from the army and not many of the advices i got from this thread is the real deal!

I will try to write a little sort of tutorial (summary) for dogtraining when im done reading all the books.


She has got sheppard in here right? Take the dog for walks regularly around your property line. Sheppards have such territorial instincts it will make her more protective of your property with all else remaining constant.


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
The only thing that I would caution you about is other people feeding your dog snacks. This is something that I never should have let get started. I have a grandmotherly neighbor that loves to give my dog snacks, and consequently I think that he would help anyone load up if they just gave him a tasty treat. The FedEx kid gave him a snack once and now he wants to get in every delivery truck that he sees. He's a great watchdog, but would make a piss poor guard dog.


I never let anyone else but me and my gf feed my dog, or now dogs. Got a 18 months old rottweiler x doberman a week ago.
But i allow people to pet them if they ask kindly first. I dont want them to go berzerk on people on the sidewalk. They shall obey and be kind until they are on the property, then i let them know its time to work.
But all work and no play makes the dog not that usefull.


But i did a test actually, I sneaked out and changed to black clothes and hid my face in a rag. Then went in to the door acting sneaky and i actually got bitten in the face befor i got the time to remove the rag.

Not as bad as it sounds tho =)
Keat, we have a female rotty and have had a male in the past. I had a mate come over the fence one day who was very well known to both. Once over the fence the male grabbed him by the shirt and dragged him back to the fence. My mate said he wasn't sure if the dog was serious or not but he wasn't game to try it out. At 60kg the dog would have ripped him a new one.


But i did a test actually, I sneaked out and changed to black clothes and hid my face in a rag. Then went in to the door acting sneaky and i actually got bitten in the face befor i got the time to remove the rag.

Not as bad as it sounds tho =)

go easy bro..do you not think that your scent could be picked up as you were bitten? scary mask or not it will pick up some fucked up motivations along the way from these kind of teachings.
Our dogs are our eyes and ears and i will sure as fuck do the rest when they have done their duty of alerting my family to any danger that may arise.....then we'll have belly rubs and kisses :)


It was the small one who bit me tho, and she's about 7 months now so i dont think that is much of a problem.
The rottweiler x doberman is really big but he is a happy dog, a bit too happy :)
But im sure he does the job when it comes down to business.


Careful "testing" your dog, don't want em thinking twice about acting.

Don't let your dog socialize with anyone but you and your gf, I wouldn't even let close friends play with them at home. In the yard, put him on a long lead and don't let him off the property, teach him what the home boundaries are. Any guard dog that is outside his property/territory should be non-aggressive towards others unless he is given a command (but personally, I let them make that choice, if I get attacked outside the property my dogs don't need a command to act, but for shutzen training and such they really look down on that.) I'm not off the property much with them tho, plenty space to run inside.

I don't do any "real" guard dog training. The animals are apart of the family, the "pack", so it comes naturally. I just set boundaries, lots of watching and correcting. It also helps if you have a great dog that can teach the others what is expected aswell, if your dog turns out awesome, get another one before the original is past his prime, so that it can learn. You kinda went backwards getting a young dog, then an older one ;)

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