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Does this appeal to the average American?


when i see articles like this i cant help but think its gonna take some serious changes to get this planet back to where it needs to be..... this kind of stuff really turns my stomach.

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
this type of case is when a jury trial would serve a great purpose, no person in their right mind would agree with this man jail sentence for the type of crime he committed.

His lawyer failed him because the system of justice is totally F'ed in the usa.


May your race always be in your favor
Its the mandatory sentencing laws that were passed the same time as three strikes your out. Mandatory sentencing takes away any discretion from judges. Even if a judge wants a lesser sentence, the mandatory sentencing will not allow it to happen.
It's sad because it's true.


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
I don't think anyone has the right to sentence another person,

the person gets punishment or reward, simple, by there actions. man makes or mars his destiny by actions / choices / decisions

I mean look at it anyway. he character is harmed by knowing when he went in the store he was gonna steal, getting caught means nothing really. do you know what it feels like to walk around and be ashamed of yourself?


why does it have to be 3 strikes? I could understand if it was violent crimes... maybe

but they seriously basing 3 strikes after a baseball game? 3 strikes and you're out. That's nuts.


why does it have to be 3 strikes? I could understand if it was violent crimes... maybe

but they seriously basing 3 strikes after a baseball game? 3 strikes and you're out. That's nuts.

Just like stupid slogans thought up by stupid people, e.g. "Click it or ticket", "No pay, no license", "Drive smart", to name a few. Some douchbag or group of douchebags thought, hey that's catchy, three strikes and you're out. What if someone has four balls though? Seems like it would be hard to walk.


Feeling good is good enough.
Just like stupid slogans thought up by stupid people, e.g. "Click it or ticket", "No pay, no license", "Drive smart", to name a few. Some douchbag or group of douchebags thought, hey that's catchy, three strikes and you're out. What if someone has four balls though? Seems like it would be hard to walk.


Say No To Drugs !



Active member
I'm not a "normal" american, but an American none the less. I find it ridiculous. This guy needs help, not jail time.. He obviously has a drug problem, and psych issues, jail is the last thing this guy needs. In my humble opinion, he needs some love, some people to care for him and help him straighten his life out.He needs to detox, then he needs help how learn how to live a healthy lifestyle.. He sure wont find that in jail .

WTF kind of help should society offer a life long criminal?

Do you think this loser's only crimes were the ones on his record?

Fuck no. I'd bet for every crime on his record, he has 50 or more for which he wasn't caught.

The only stupidity here is that becaues of the fucking aclu, it costs society about $30k/year to lock up these pariahs. Our prisons are too nice, they offer pristine health care and the fucking prison guard unions are out of control, paying these HS drop outs 3x's what the job is worth.


State prison systems spend more than $30 billion annually, and the Bureau of Prisons budgeted $5 billion for just 182,000 federal inmates this year. That translates into plenty of work for companies looking to crack the prison market.
I think I am starting to understand now. justice simply is irrelevant to it all. only relevancy is profit. and that is fucked in my humble oppinion.
so why dont they make a rehabilitation corporation, and charge them whit rehabilitating criminals?
the best thing to do would be to ensure that the pople that have to go to prison wount be resentenced, and that simply dont seem to work. but if it keeps the profits up, and the people generaly happy it must work


Our prisons are too nice, they offer pristine health care

The most ignorant thing I've read all day (it's still morning though, I'm sure it can be topped). Prison health care is totally inadequate, both in quality and availability. In most prisons, people line up every day to get seen by a doctor or nurse, and only a percentage even get ANY health care that day.
This guy got what he deserved. Imagine this fuck living next door to you. Your house has been broken into several times,maybe you caught the guy once. Nothing persuades this kind of person to change,not even the threat of 25 to life.

That being said ,I detest the prison industry.When putting someone in jail makes someone else money you have a serious problem.


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
california's 3x law is OUTRAGEOUS...

if i lived in cali and had 2x, i would definitely be not living in cali anymore...

also, does anyone know - if you have two previous felonies from another state then move to cali and get hit with your third felony does that mean you fall under the 3x law and get life?


New member
california's 3x law is OUTRAGEOUS...

if i lived in cali and had 2x, i would definitely be not living in cali anymore...

also, does anyone know - if you have two previous felonies from another state then move to cali and get hit with your third felony does that mean you fall under the 3x law and get life?

am also wondering this...

stickey fingers



what about the victims ? FUCK THE CRIMINALS !!! and there supporters...


Active member
The most ignorant thing I've read all day (it's still morning though, I'm sure it can be topped). Prison health care is totally inadequate, both in quality and availability. In most prisons, people line up every day to get seen by a doctor or nurse, and only a percentage even get ANY health care that day.

Maybe in Mexico, not in California. do your research before making a fool of yourself by posting bullshit.


Maybe in Mexico, not in California. do your research before making a fool of yourself by posting bullshit.

Maybe not in California, but in some of the other 49 states of the USA??
My wife has worked in prisons as a nurse, and I know other advocates for prison healthcare.

When someone likes to blame the ACLU for the country's problems, it's pretty easy to tell where they get their "information".


Maybe someone should let the slackers and fuck ups know that everyone was created equal and we have the legislation to prove it.

That'll pick their spirits up

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