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Does Marijuana Kill Sexual Pleasure?


Active member
This report says that males who are regular marijuana users will have more trouble reaching orgasm than men who don't smoke marijuana.

Now realize this was a study done in Australia, where men pride themselves on well, being men and not women...


Now before you give up smoking, check out these other facts from the study...

1. Men who smoke marijuana are twice as likely to have two or more sexual partners than those who don't smoke it. (Isn't that a plus for some?)

2. Some of the men in the study who smoked marijuana experienced three times the normal rate of premature ejaculation. That is contrary to their main finding that men have fewer orgasms, so which is it? So when looking at all the men in the study, what was the overall rate of premature ejaculation? They don't tell us that stat!

3. Is it not possible that people who have sexual dysfunction use pot to help them with this problem? So of course the stats would skew towards ppl having sexual dysfunction preferring to get high to get horny, rather than saying getting drunk and being unable to perform? It's not like Aussies get drunk a lot is it?

4. Nowhere do they compare marijuana users with the average Aussie who drinks his way into oblivion before attempting sex. Compare alcohol and marijuana stats regarding sexual performance and I think you will see they are on opposite ends of the spectrum.

5. Before they could come up with the results they wanted, they had to remove everyone who was old, used tobacco or alcohol or other drugs. So they only compared pot users to squeaky clean mormon type people, not a random sample by any stretch of the imagination...

6. Maybe because pot users tend to have more sexual partners and as the report states are far more sexually active, perhaps it's TOO MUCH SEX causing problems with orgasm. Whereas the control group of Squeaky Clean Mormon types have sex so rarely that when they do, it's the BIG ONE!

7. Female pot users had no problems with sexual function according to the study. Gee that sure makes their conclusions that marijuana inhibits sexual performance doubtful...

8. Again they were looking only at Aussies... (no offense Aussies, you know what I mean!)

9. Australia has maintained a longstanding tradition of monopolies especially in the tobacco and beer industry. They are protecting their profits by demonizing marijuana.

10. In my own experience and that of every male pot smoker I know, marijuana is one of the GREATEST APHRODISIACS ever! It makes most people very horny. So this is yet another attempt at misinformation aimed at discrediting the medicinal and recreational value of cannabis.

Please note: I will DEBUNK any anti-marijuana story. They are all lies, paid for by special interest groups wanting to keep marijuana illegal.


I would have to agree with ya. It makes me so horny!! LOL I think they should ask the partners of Mj users the questions. To me nothing better than a pre bowl warm up!!!!!


haha, As an Aussie, that's hilarious.:laughing:

They excluded tobacco users yet 99.9% of aussie tokers mix pot with tobacco.

All I know is my girl (human, not plant) loves the fact that pot delays my orgasm, maybe we get in tune better with a little smoke, cos then she.... well you get the idea.

Don't forget the pharma companies protecting their profits, actually I was reading the drugs that killed Heath Ledger today and thought, if he smoked the herb to relax and sleep he'd still be alive today, but no-one will get a government grant to research that!:2cents:


Mj kills sexual pleasure for sure. If you get busted and thrown in jail. Lots of sex but no pleasure.
sorry I'm stoned


Erroneous. Might delay orgasm. Not completely subdue it. Who PAID for this study? Sounds to me somebody wants to tack on some more false mj claims, e.g lowers sperm count, kills brain cells, causes bigfoot attacks etc. Anyone who has smoked weed knows this is bs. Had hundreds of orgasms when high. My friends say the same thing. Mj makes sex better. I'll believe what I've experienced, not some study.

Moldy Dreads

Active member
I find alcohol kills sexual pleasure, not MJ. Alcohol desensitizes nerves and it takes long to reach an orgasm and it isn't usually as intense once it happens.

When I only use Cannabis my nerves and senses are very sensitive and orgasms and sexual contact is actually very easy to reach. I've been using Cannabis for 20 years and have no problems except for as mentioned above, obesity is a disease that makes me sad and limp ergh

In short, yes...............

She would kill my sexual pleasure quick. Probably via suffocation.


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
Ok this is wrong on so many levels, There are not even nuff levels for this to be any more wrong.. lmfao.. She would kill anything that had meat on it.. lmfao.. as for sex with this person (s) what do you do just get her all wet, with a garden hose and then hit her with a bag of flour, so you can find all the creases and spots to put yer cawk..?? :chin:

Ok time to get a lil gross. How the fock does she wipe her ass.? Look at the length of those t-rex arms..
And not to mention the whisker bisquit eeeeewww~~! I just threw up in my mouth a lil bit.. ok im done im making myself a lil queezy in the stomach.. FOCK!!!





This study is completely unscientific in every way. It's bunk science not even fit for myth busters.

From personal experience alone I know this to be false.


Active member
Another completely useless study because they didn't do their homework!

Another completely useless study because they didn't do their homework!

What strain did they use? No idea huh?

Indica? Sativa?? Without that information, the study is really worthless.

I don't like using indica's before sex because it's numbing and that's counteractive to stimulating sex. A great racy sativa makes sex fantastic.


The study was a phone survey and some of the people were 16 (premature ejaculations!) and up to 67(can't get it up or get off/ pop viagra) Complete false science. The article even sites a US scientist who does the same type of studies saying this study is bunk do to not accounting for variables such as age, and other drug use both legal and illegal.

Science has to be very precise and all variables accounted for and including in the conclusion of the study. True experiments should have only one variable. In this case it would need to be groups of people all from the same age/area/socio-economic status/Ect..

how many people were in stressful jobs that gave them limp dicks or ride bikes all the time? How many of the non smokers were religious and only had sex twice in their lives for procreation only and through a hole in a sheet?

I could list variables all day long and even one of those not being accounted for throws the whole thing out the window!

Science is a SCIENCE for a reason. That's also why they call it the SCIENTIFIC METHOD.


Active member
didnt even know they made thongs for girls that big thing looks like a sling shot... crazy thing is there are guys that would pay top $$ to see her wet with flour on her. :yoinks:

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