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Does LOLLIPOPPING increase yield???


It really depends on when ya do it if I do it at the beginning of weeK one I leave about 4 top nodes if I cut at beginning of week 3 I leave a lot more like never cut more than 50% of the bottom of the plant verses 75%-80%


Active member

example of lollitopped plants


Remove the lower nodes

There done. You're welcome.

I have a feeling talking to you may be like pissing in the wind, but since you did (sort of) respond to my question...

Okay, but how many of the bottom nodes? Is there a % you like to use? I have heard (like stoney419 said) a 50% "rule"... but I've never heard it confirmed... what about at week 2, stoney? Those are great pics of nice looking nugs, now why not try and help the rest of us learn how to do it too? Or are you really that much of a curmudgeon?

Not trying to pick a fight, just trying to learn...



It really depends on when ya do it if I do it at the beginning of wee on I leave about 4 top nodes if I cut at beginning of week 3 I leave a lot more like never cut more than 50% of the bottom of the plant verses 75%-80%

Thanks man, I appreciate the time it took you to respond in more than 3 syllables. :p

I just did mine at week 2... I noticed in one of your threads that you took the fan leaves too- is there a good reason for that?

This is more or less what I came up with:

(I think I ended up cutting that little scraggly branch in the lower left of pic 2 as well)




Active member
Besides you two I've never heard of this 50% target and I've been doing lollitopping for a long time. Grow how you want but realize that there is no "rule" or percentage that people aim for, you're much better off learning how your plant grows and trimming accordingly than getting it in your head from the get go that you're after some %


Again with all the no tact and disrespect for other folks...........You`re a fukin Joke........

Quit talkin down ta folks and help if you`ve got input.........If not........FUCK OFF JF..........

You`re far from Grow Gawd status I assure yas...........

Attitude`s everything........you need shed of yours........

Cleanin out underneath and pushin energy to the outer extremes of the plants pays off come choptime.........guaranteed.........



Again with all the no tact and disrespect for other folks...........You`re a fukin Joke........

Quit talkin down ta folks and help if you`ve got input.........If not........FUCK OFF JF..........

You`re far from Grow Gawd status I assure yas...........

in his little world he think's he is.


Thanks man, I appreciate the time it took you to respond in more than 3 syllables. :p

I just did mine at week 2... I noticed in one of your threads that you took the fan leaves too- is there a good reason for that?

This is more or less what I came up with:

(I think I ended up cutting that little scraggly branch in the lower left of pic 2 as well)



looks good man. You just want to figure out your point of diminishing returns. It might be beneficial for you to trim up the bottom third or maybe the bottom two thirds, it just depends on your situation and strain.


Active member
Again with all the no tact and disrespect for other folks...........You`re a fukin Joke........

Quit talkin down ta folks and help if you`ve got input.........If not........FUCK OFF JF..........

You`re far from Grow Gawd status I assure yas...........

Attitude`s everything........you need shed of yours........

Cleanin out underneath and pushin energy to the outer extremes of the plants pays off come choptime.........guaranteed.........


Are you trolling me? lol, look don't get upset just because I caught you making up shit and passing it off as grow advice. By the way I'll help anybody who actually wants it.


Active member

example of lollitopped plants
Get off JF's nuts already he has given a valid answer if not overly wordy and has some results to back it up. Whats to hate...look at those plants above those are definitly well grown plants. If you are running 1k lamps you have 3ft (1m for you brits,cannuks etc) from the lamp of useful light IMO less with 600w. I start by busting out the yard stick after the stretch and taking all tops further away than 3ft then take off all the little interior lower nodes. Works well and promotes air flow under the canopy. Good luck and quit with the bitching already I get plenty from my mother in law.HM


Overkill is under-rated.
Agreed with stoney, your plants shouldnt be more than about 2 feet tall if lollipopping. First trim is usually done around the flip to 12/12, and then again 2 weeks later. Most recommend not doing any pruning past 2 weeks of flower.

Strain has a lot to do with it, as does lighting setups. On big bushy plants you can not only clear the bottom foot of growth, but also strip lower branches of sideshoots.

On smaller plants, I prune less agressively, and strive to form an even canopy. Clearing out undergrowth promotes airflow through the plant, reducing bugs and dead air spots, as well as PM issues.


Agreed with stoney, your plants shouldnt be more than about 2 feet tall if lollipopping. First trim is usually done around the flip to 12/12, and then again 2 weeks later. Most recommend not doing any pruning past 2 weeks of flower.

Great answer. I try and only take the branches off that appear to be less vigorous, or smaller in size. Opens up for airflow, and directs the plants energy to the main cola. Removing fan leaves gradually in my opinion is a better bet than doing it all at once. These plants are about 16 inches, and 20 inches tall. Grown under 400W HPS. Hope that helps.


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1000 watt horizontal air-cooled reflectors penetrate at best 32-36" from the glass lense depending on canopy density , so it`s not hard to do the math on what needsta be hacked out from underneath and in between to do away with popcorn flarf stealin energy for the upper and outer limbs come choptime..................

It`s amazing how much general grow knowledge has been lost from all the old sites going away , or maybe it`s still around and folks are too lazy ta go find it ?..........

Get ta work folks.......DHF.......:ying:.........


Active member
1000 watt horizontal air-cooled reflectors penetrate at best 32-36" from the glass lense depending on canopy density , so it`s not hard to do the math on what needsta be hacked out from underneath and in between to do away with popcorn flarf stealin energy for the upper and outer limbs come choptime..................

It`s amazing how much general grow knowledge has been lost from all the old sites going away , or maybe it`s still around and folks are too lazy ta go find it ?..........

Get ta work folks.......DHF.......:ying:.........

Ya um maybe you should reread my post above...before posting the exact same information... and then claiming no one knows this anymore...slow down on the bong hits bro


have you ever seen a lollipop, skinny on the bottom, big on the top? Thats where the term lollipopping comes from.

Each strain is different. I grew SOG, and with my strain, I cut off everything but the top two nodes, at around day 14 of 12/12. The plants were roughly 10" tall. They finished 12-18" tall and one big cola, 15-30 grams depending on plant, strain etc.

Like I said, you are not going to lollipop a plant that you have vegged 2-3 weeks. Much better ways to train and maximize yields.

I do agree you do not want the lower popcorn. It sucks to trim, but by trimming it, the plant will use that energy to produce bigger buds elsewhere. Just like others have said.


have you ever seen a lollipop, skinny on the bottom, big on the top? Thats where the term lollipopping comes from.

Each strain is different. I grew SOG, and with my strain, I cut off everything but the top two nodes, at around day 14 of 12/12. The plants were roughly 10" tall. They finished 12-18" tall and one big cola, 15-30 grams depending on plant, strain etc.

Like I said, you are not going to lollipop a plant that you have vegged 2-3 weeks. Much better ways to train and maximize yields.

I do agree you do not want the lower popcorn. It sucks to trim, but by trimming it, the plant will use that energy to produce bigger buds elsewhere. Just like others have said.

Okay, so my plants have been vegged for three weeks. Whether or not we call it "lollipoping", I still want to get rid of the lower crap that's not going to amount to much, correct? I mean, no matter what the height of the plant, or the age for that matter, it's all about light penetration in the end, ain't it? Isn't this one of the reasons I want to get rid of the lower branches in the first place- is to allow budding on only the uppermost branches where the light is the strongest?

Edit: Upon rereading your post, that's pretty much what you said about the popcorn- but where to draw the line is the question. I guess I still don't have a great read on what's going to end up being popcorn and what isn't.
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but where to draw the line is the question. I guess I still don't have a great read on what's going to end up being popcorn and what isn't.

LOL welcome to the world of growing. Each strain is different, environment etc. I suggest trimming a little and see how it goes. If you get too much popcorn, you know for next time.

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