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Does LOLLIPOPPING increase yield???


or does it just make massive colas?

my guess is that it decreases yield but ripens faster...


Active member
or does it just make massive colas?

my guess is that it decreases yield but ripens faster...

No, No,No It doesn't increase yield but focuses more energy on the upper buds thus decreasing the time spent screwing around trimming popcorn while increasing bag apeal. It doesn't make massive colas, that is the purview of genetics and the growers skill/equipment; nor does it decrease flowering time significantly IMO.


increasing lighting increases yield. increasing plant numbers increases yield. lollypopping alone will do nothing unless plant numbers are increased. take or give, you decide.


lollipopping is typically used in SOGS to create single cola plants.

trimming lower growth on a larger plant is not lollipopping


Kiss My Ring
plants are genetically wired to produce a certain amount of bud, by removing the lower branches/popcorn, the plant is forced to produce its predetermined amount of bud in what is left of its structure, this could increase what you are able to pull off the plant, without increasing the amount of bud that the plant would normally have produced...whew...but, you must also provide the plant an ideal growing environment for it to produce its maximum yeild. good luck in any case!:plant grow:


Active member
I make hash with any pop corn nugs its just not worth trimming. So I lollipop hard so its just top colas. I would say you get more for sure. Less effort while trimming, more usable product, and it helps prevent powdery mildew and bud rot.


Active member
Jesus Pftek is there a problem you haven't had or a grow technique you don't have questions about? Use the search tool for a change, seriously guy.


This question can be answered with a yes, and a no. Here's why. If you are growing in a small area, I would say YES it will increase your yield. It allows more plants to be crowded into a smaller area, with regard to airflow and such, and gives nice colas, no larf. If the question is simply will it make a single plant yield more, I would say NO. But if you like big nuggs to smoke, then lollipop them girls, and forget the small popcorn. I like big buds personally, and I think the cola will be a bit fatter with lollipops. IMO.


Hey Guys,
Call me a stupid if you like??? BUT WHAT IS LOLLIPOPING???? Well as you see i'm new to IC and aliittle unsure about some of the terms used??? lol
Thanks for your time.

Take cake "it's a jungle out there"


Hey Stoney

I'm still a little unsure?? lol But i guess your cutting off the lower branches to leave 3 or 4 main stem or bud sites??? If there anything you could add i would be greatfull to hear for you again.
Take Care "it's a jungle out there"
Stay Safe bro


Jesus Pftek is there a problem you haven't had or a grow technique you don't have questions about? Use the search tool for a change, seriously guy.

Damn, thanks dad, I guess I still use my 1994 Edition World Book Encyclopedias because shit doesn't ever change.


Active member
Damn, thanks dad, I guess I still use my 1994 Edition World Book Encyclopedias because shit doesn't ever change.

You're welcome, next time I'll show you how to use the dewey decimal system and really learn to be independent like a big boy.


I wish someone would do a good lollipopping "how-to" sticky, as I'm never sure if I'm cutting off too much or not enough or what...

And about the search function on this site: it sucks. I can never find anything, and with my slow internet connection, the amount of time I am willing to devote to searching and finding irrelevant information is pretty limited. Just my two cents.