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does any one..


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
suffer from depression or bipolar disorder? i got diagnosed with bipolar disorder 1. it really brings the worst in me out, i noticed that marijuana seems to balance me out. i can't stand the way these doctors throw medication at you like nothing, it really pisses me off. I'd rather smoke a plant that i know is safe over chemicals! does any one feel the same way as me? feel free to vent. P.S. i'm not sure if this is the right section for this if not mods feel free to delete or move, thanks.


plants contain chemicals. They would not do anything if they did not.

Most if not all modern medicine can be traced to plants or animals. The years of eating tree bark for a headache and diffrerent flowers to treat inflamation have lead to finding what chemical in them works. They take that and make it in a lab or in the cas of pain killers sometimes they grow poppies and extract.

When it come to modern medicine doctors are trying to help you 99.99999 percent of the time the way they know how and with what has worked in clinical trial and pratice. I do agree the system in the USA is messed up on the proving of care but care actually provided is pretty good compared to the old days of people dieing from infected ingrown toenails.

Pot may be helping you but it may be hurting you. It may be hard from the inside to see what it is doing. I would try to keep a log of different 6 month periods of being on the drugs recommended by doc and no pot then pot no doc drugs then maybe both. Get as much info on it as possible and be as subjective and you can.

Pot is a strong drug to underestimate it can be dangerous. It is much safer then other drugs that get used but I still would not want a young person to smoke a bunch and go out driving around on it or have someone who may be working out mental issues on it.

be safe get better and feel better. Maybe no drugs at all and working out may help? Get in better shape pull some nicer gash.


♥-_-~Praying the Lord my soul to keep~-_-&#9
oh shut up arrg if you have a problem with ppl smoking weed, why are you on a WEED forum. seriously!!!
to the original poster,
I have bipolar disorder, and I find extreme relief in smoking. It keeps me from wanting to kill ignorant dumb ass mother fuckers...it makes other ppl bearable

marijuana is an IMMENSE help for those living with bipolar disorder and makes it so the person is able to cope better, with life situations, stress, relationship issues, bipolar issues, anything.
Good luck man!

oh but what I WOULD recommend, is that depending on your cycles, definitely do NOT smoke indica when you are depressed, or a sativa when you are manic... it will not relieve symptoms of bipolar if you are just agitating a current mood


Depression most of my life. Been on Prozac and now something called Efexor (sp?). Both meds helped to some degree but also have some side effects. The weed helps too, also with some side effects. I haven't given up totally on psychiatry especially since they've mostly given up on that Freudian stuff.

If you live in a state that allows Marijuana recommendations, see one of the doctors. They really do have good insight on bipolarism and how smoking can help.


Don't turn your back on doctors and modern medicine. It seems like they are just tossing pills at you but medicine is like everything in life, trial and error. They have to find something that works with minimal side effects. If you think your doctor is doing a poor job I would encourage you to get a second or third opinion. There are shitty doctors too, no denying that.

Get in better shape pull some nicer gash.

this statement is so incredibly douchebagish. I'm guessing you probably doesn't understand the original poster's plight at all.


Active member
weed is great medicine. but the overall mental effect of it is not good for bipolar. I know how nice it is to smoke, but in the long run it'll lead to more mood changes, and a much lower threshold for douche's.
smoking in moderation is okay, but always remember that marijuana triggers multiple receptors in your brain and doesnt necessarily focus on a certain one, which leaves your brain much more open to chemical inbalances.
-on that note, over 30 % of bipolar patients are miss diagnosed, due to it being so new, and extremely hard to diagnose.
i recommend everyone gets checked twice by different psychiatrist's, to make sure its not just depression. lots of people are mis diagnosed and given the wrong medication which can lead to manic behavior, that is irreversible.

hope that helps someone.


Active member
I've been using cannabis to treat my bipolar since I was 16, I am over 18 now for awhile so don't worry, when I hit 18 I decided to drop the valproic acid and the ssri I was prescribed, I just didn't feel like myself, sure I wasn't as suicidal, but if I can't work or water my plants what good is it?

My doctor knows of my decision and was not ecstatic about it, but he suggested I go with what worked for me since everyone is different, he just stressed I stay away from pills and alcohol. By pills I mean the myriad of diff. pharms I use to use to self medicate before realizing how well cannabis can treat bipolar disorder if used it on a constant basis. I don't ever feel tooo high, or anything, I just smoke what I need, with the ssri I always felt like the dose was too high, I just don't react to them well.

I highly suggest trying cannabis for your bipolar, but then again it doesn't help everybody with bipolar. It does wonders for me, and has given me back my life, and honestly probably got me past my 18th birthday, most people don't realize what a killer it can be, most people think i'm crazy but i'm glad atleast a few on here use it to treat there symptoms.

As fas as trying to be nice to the people I just can't stand, which is alot I am ashamed to say, i just try and spend very little time with people other than my wonderful fiancee. Good luck, it can only be easier now that you have a diagnosis.
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♥-_-~Praying the Lord my soul to keep~-_-&#9
I completely believe in the consuming of cannabis for bipolar patients. I know for a fact that it works for me, cant say for anyone.. but after being on dozens of different medications.. trying to find a "combo" that works for me.. I felt like a zombie. I felt MORE depressed. I felt angry and wanted to hurt ppl lol... before I got pregnant, I was on psychotropic medication along with weed, and I believe that its a much better combination for me. Of course being that im pregnant, a lot of those medications cause birth defects...
original poster - If you EVER need to talk about your bipolar, you can talk to me, I was diagnosed 13 years ago so im pretty much very well aware of how the bipolar brain works as well as the medication that a bipolar person takes. I have a HUGE ass book on different medications....
but are you in therapy? I can tell you I would not be here today if it weren't for my therapist(and God)
I really wish you the best of luck man.. bipolar is a bitch


oh shut up arrg ... why are you on a WEED forum. seriously!!!

to the original poster, I have bipolar disorder, and I find extreme relief in smoking. It keeps me from wanting to kill ignorant dumb ass mother fuckers...it makes other ppl bearable ...

Keep smoking KK -- it looks like it's just barely working, but maybe another few tokes just to be safe? :hide:

To the OP: Do you agree with the diagnosis, or are the doctors making your condition out to be more extreme than you think it is?

edit: Well JesusChristShittingInATeacup, I posted that 10 seconds after KK said she is pregnant, that kind of ruins the joke....


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I completely believe in the consuming of cannabis for bipolar patients. I know for a fact that it works for me, cant say for anyone.. but after being on dozens of different medications.. trying to find a "combo" that works for me.. I felt like a zombie. I felt MORE depressed. I felt angry and wanted to hurt ppl lol... before I got pregnant, I was on psychotropic medication along with weed, and I believe that its a much better combination for me. Of course being that im pregnant, a lot of those medications cause birth defects...
original poster - If you EVER need to talk about your bipolar, you can talk to me, I was diagnosed 13 years ago so im pretty much very well aware of how the bipolar brain works as well as the medication that a bipolar person takes. I have a HUGE ass book on different medications....
but are you in therapy? I can tell you I would not be here today if it weren't for my therapist(and God)
I really wish you the best of luck man.. bipolar is a bitch

i'm pretty much the same as you, i can't leave my house with out looking for a fight with some one.. it doesn't matter if they're big, small, or in between. i feel like my bipolar gives me super human strength and i could take on the world. other times I'm depressed and i feel like a piece of shit. i'm very far and few in between with happiness, i honestly don't remember what it feels like to be happy any more. i started seeing a psychiatrist when my family noticed how off the wall i was.. first i got diagnosed with depression and got prescribed Celexa and it made me hallucinate (note* i wasn't smoking weed*) my doctor told me in order for me to hallucinate i had to be really psychotic for that to take effect. my family history consists of depression, schizophrenia, and of course bipolar disorder. i been on a slew of medication about 10 different antidepressants & atypical anti-psychotics and i'm still not done yet. i feel like marijuana mellows me out and makes me relax, i tried drinking alcohol but it played into my rage and made me worse. :comfort:


♥-_-~Praying the Lord my soul to keep~-_-&#9
oh yea man DONT DRINK!!! it TOTALLY exacerbates your irritable mood, I know personally how many fights i've been in due to being intoxicated. have I ever wanted to fight anyone high? Hell no i'm like lets fucking smoke dude and just chill!

I love stoners. MOST are usually mellow as fuck and chill


i'm pretty much the same as you, i can't leave my house with out looking for a fight with some one.. it doesn't matter if they're big, small, or in between. i feel like my bipolar gives me super human strength and i could take on the world. other times I'm depressed and i feel like a piece of shit. i'm very far and few in between with happiness, i honestly don't remember what it feels like to be happy any more. i started seeing a psychiatrist when my family noticed how off the wall i was.. first i got diagnosed with depression and got prescribed Celexa and it made me hallucinate (note* i wasn't smoking weed*) my doctor told me in order for me to hallucinate i had to be really psychotic for that to take effect. my family history consists of depression, schizophrenia, and of course bipolar disorder. i been on a slew of medication about 10 different antidepressants & atypical anti-psychotics and i'm still not done yet. i feel like marijuana mellows me out and makes me relax, i tried drinking alcohol but it played into my rage and made me worse. :comfort:
alcohol is the single largest depressant out there. you do not want to drink, it will make depression much worse. In general alcohol is a depressant, it takes you up makes you feel good for a little bit, but the crash and effects result in extreme lows after that make any feelings of anger or rage worse! take it from someone who used to have a majorrr drinking problem in college because i was "Self-medicating." also, cross-fadding is not a good idea.
I think ka0tik_kreati0n gave you really good advice. Stay away from indicas or sativas depending on what part of the cycle your in, and that should help make sure you dont have any crazy urges to throw things. Personally, I believe in most things to be done in moderation. But to clarify, that doesnt mean i promote taking meds. But I do think talking to someone really helps, it did for me!


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
alcohol is the single largest depressant out there. you do not want to drink, it will make depression much worse. In general alcohol is a depressant, it takes you up makes you feel good for a little bit, but the crash and effects result in extreme lows after that make any feelings of anger or rage worse! take it from someone who used to have a majorrr drinking problem in college because i was "Self-medicating." also, cross-fadding is not a good idea.
I think ka0tik_kreati0n gave you really good advice. Stay away from indicas or sativas depending on what part of the cycle your in, and that should help make sure you dont have any crazy urges to throw things. Personally, I believe in most things to be done in moderation. But to clarify, that doesnt mean i promote taking meds. But I do think talking to someone really helps, it did for me!

i actually tried talking to a psychologist, me and him didn't click too well.. he was rather a bore and a yes man. right now i can't stand my psychiatrist if i told him i was smoking weed or drinking the slightest bit of alcohol he'd pull me off ALL my med's with out blinking an eye lid. you should of heard the lecture i got when i told him i started smoking cigarettes, i mean i'm a grown man i don't need to hear how bad cigarettes are every time i see him. but anyways i haven't drank in a couple weeks my two grows are keeping me busy. i love growing it's a stress reliever just me & my plants haha. :dance013: