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Doc thinks I may have a cannibis caused illness.


Its 6 am and i just woke up feeling like shit, went to the window threw up some stomach biol(sp?).
1st time its happened in a couple months, before i went to jail. When i went to jail i felt like shit the 1st week but after i was fine for the time i was there, now all of a sudden this is happening again? im definitely linking this to smoking. I just don't know how.

I had my robe on when i was throwing up then i started getting really hot felt like i as about to sweat, so i threw off the robe and just standing there in my boxers i could feel my body temperature changing up and down.

I wonder why this is happening... The oly thing i ever throw up when this happens is Biol. Brightish green, and i also throw up something ill call "the biggest wad of spit ive ever seen"
it usually comes out all at once but it looks just like a fat spit wad when it hits the floor, like someone had been spiting on the same pile for 10 mins +

this is so weird this just happened this morning after i read this thread yesterday, i dont think its in my head cause i didn't even remember this shit when i went to sleep. i only remembered cause this happened this morning.


Active member
it looks like the mmj scene is not only doing good. seems to me that we got the first OD symptoms being described here.

the theory of the doctor mentioned before could be the right direction. thc and cbd bind to many receptors in important regulation systems. to overstimulate these systems for a long time could lead to the misregulation your experiencing (eg rapid temp changes...) and as thc and cbd are very important in the regulation of the immunesystem it looks like its maybe going crazy over little infections that would normally be experienced asymptomatic ... but im just widely guessing here. but nonetheless we'll have to talk about this in the future for sure ...


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ICMag Donor
...I have had 4 unexplained “episodes” in the last 9 months which required hospitalization. .

OTO I'm one that believes in listening and learning from the Pros. Your physicians know much more than we do about your condition as they have personally seen and diagnosed you. Our members have helped me many times when researching "I would like to know if anyone else has experienced anything similar"..you then can learn from those experiances.

That "unexplaind" I'm cautios to comment on. In your case I would listen and ask questions from your Docs, don't just let them tell you what's going on..ask why and what makes you think this is the cause. If the episodes are unexplained I'm curious what research he used to explain cannabis as the cause as I've never seen that either. Night sweets and episodes like you are describing are often related with spinal injury! You can research that. Be well and good luck..DD


JHerbz, what you describe also sounds like a migraine, but without the headache. I think I've read of something that I want to call a blind migraine, it's a migraine with all the symptoms except a headache.

Btw, what you're vomiting is bile.
I am a heavy user (10 – 15 grams per day) with chronic pain from back injuries. I have had 4 unexplained “episodes” in the last 9 months which required hospitalization. The most recent was yesterday.

An attack starts with a sudden onset of the chills, the hair on my arms and legs and stand straight up and then I start to feel nauseous. I begin to sweat profusely, I mean buckets of sweat, I soaked completely through 6 blankets last night and my mattress is so wet I may have to toss it. The chills get worse, to the point that it is very painful to have skin exposed to the air and I start to hyper-ventilate.

Then I start puking, moving on to dry heaves. At this point, roughly 30 mins. in, I am completely incapacitated. Once in the hospital, it usually takes 4 or 5 hours to run all the tests (same ones every time). Every test comes back negative, the docs say I am remarkably healthy for my age (50). Then they hit me with a shotgun blast of 3 anti-biotics and I am good as new in 30 mins.

A few things I found curious, my pulse is abnormally low when this happens (55 bpm) and my body temp is normal or low, not elevated as you expect with the profuse sweating.

Now the interesting part, I saw a different doc yesterday who immediately asked me if I smoked cannabis. He said he has had 2 similar case and the common factor in all 3 cases is heavy cannabis use. He is theorizing that the cbd’s are messing with my temperature regulation.
I have spent the entire morning on the net looking for pertinent info, while I am finding correlations between my symptoms and heavy cannabis use they are noted during withdrawal which is certainly not the case with me.

So in the interest of finding out what is going on with my body (or brain as the case may be) I would like to know if anyone else has experienced anything similar.
What I'm not understanding is why the antibiotics? And why such a dramatic effect after being administered antibiotics? That's boggling my mind more than the idea that cannabis may be causing a reaction.

My heart rate is normally in the 50bpm range, is that unusual? I am NOTHING resembling a runner, either. I *did* learn to slightly control my heart rate when I was in ICU after the rattlesnake bite, I was seriously bored and learned how to make all the alarms go off.

What you describe is exactly what I go through with migraines, btw. I don't know my heart rate, and I never have anyone take me to the hospital, though I've really wanted to.
Thanks to all for participating.

Just to clarify on a few points;

I grow my own, organic - no chems.

No pain pills, I try to avoid pharmaceuticals as much as poss.

The doc asked about my use after seeing my chart but before the blood tests.

I had the same thought about the anti-biotic esp. since the first two times they figured acute gastrointestinal infection.

I am starting to think he is on to something. It certainly appears to be a neurological issue. I am fine physically, no abnormalities in blood or urine. The sweating with a low or normal body temp. Low pulse but hyperventilating.

Absolutely NO abnormalities in the blood? Because what you're describing also sounds perilously close to a blood Ca crash, and I've experienced it. My heart rate went down to 32bpm, and I felt like hell. I actually thought I was going to die, and I figure since they admitted me perhaps they thought I was going to as well.

You see, it really was a tumor, a tumor that must be imaged using radioisotopes (one of the weirder imaging sequences I've experienced). Back in '04 I decided to get a physical, and through a blood test they discovered my blood Ca levels were pretty much off the chart, through the roof. A few tests later I'm referred to an endocrinologist, who has me imaged.

I had a tumor of the parathyroid, causing hyperparathyroidism, which caused my blood Ca levels to go through the roof. This typically leads to kidney stones (aka killme stones, had one last week, and this is POST-op, no bueno) which is how it's normally discovered. Another symptom of hyperparathyroidism may be psychological issues (resembling schizophrenia, hallucinations, hearing things, that sort of stuff). Since mine was found via blood tests I left it til I got stones.

Had the tumor removed three years later, and within two days I was crashing but didn't know it. They keep you hospitalized post-surg for this stuff to test blood Ca levels to ensure your body has begun regulating well. They thought I was good to go, but I wasn't.

The whole point is that something as simple as Ca being off can lead to some really weird shit. It can fuck up your heart rate. It can give you kidney stones. It can make your brain go totally haywire. And it is but one important element.

I hope that the tests were thorough and that you're not put through chasing a wild goose that bears no fruit.

A note also: I smoke a lot of cannabis on a daily basis to help my pain issues. I have increased substantially my use since I started growing my own. To that end, I've been able to hoard my Darvocet and save it for the worst episodes. I similarly hoard my other pain pills. I've been down that road of decreasing returns with the Darvocet after my work injury, I'd rather smoke weed as long as I can.


poppin' outta control

Depending on the state you live in, the doctor should not find it odd that 3 people w/ same symptoms all smoke herb.


Active member
I have to go to the hospital every time. The nausea comes on very fast, no way to keep anything down once I start, not even water.

The last one began at about 2 am. I was home alone and thought I try and would tough it out. Big mistake, a family member found me at 9am the next morning lying on the bathroom floor wrapped in wet blankets, shivering violently while spooning the toilet. I was out of it by that time.

No idea about the anti-biotics, just know four times in a row I feel fine with in an hour, sitting up and ready to go. Docs are confused too. Interesting thing I just realized is that each attack lasted between 10 and 12 hours.

I now have 2 pills to carry with me at all times, one for the nausea and one for the hyperventilation. If I can take them soon enough to prevent the nausea I will be able to ride the next one out and see if the anti-biotics are doing anything or simply a coincidence.

That's pretty frightening. I hope they can find something out.


JHerbz, what you describe also sounds like a migraine, but without the headache. I think I've read of something that I want to call a blind migraine, it's a migraine with all the symptoms except a headache.

Btw, what you're vomiting is bile.

never heard of it, ill look into it.

Just for reference, i smoke 1 gram of wax a week, sometimes 2-4 grams of herb aswell


Another good reason why cannabis should not be a schedule 1 drug...it needs more scientific research!


Might try using a couple of good swallows of half and half or heavy whipping cream before bed to help with the stomach problems...


Swallowing that does not sound pleasant. Sounds like a puke fest before bed.

And Blind headache symptoms do fit very well, especially the seeing lights/zig zags with the light headedness. Thanks for this information.. now to find out why this is happening, this used to happen to me every single morning. and only morning. Now im afraid it might start again.


Active member
About the optical migraines - I had them for years then for some reason they stopped.

I call them "broken glass migraines." They started with a little spot in the center of vision. They grow out from that spot as kind of a jagged circle of different colors then gradually disappear as they expand beyond the edge of vision. Afterwards I'd feel shaky and spent. Like a limp dishrag. I'd HAVE to go to sleep for about 12 hours then I'd wake up feeling fine.

I didn't have symptoms anywhere near as extreme as OneToke but I suppose it could be a factor. The major discrepancy is the low heart rate; migraines are usually accompanied by an increased heart rate.


Agaricus, I get that thing in the middle of my vision, have for as long as I can remember. It's like a rainbow, but like water on glass has caused the rainbow. I can't see anything directly in front of me, only through my peripheral vision. I hate it. No headache, just the vision all screwed up.

I am also susceptible to headaches that my doc won't allow me to call migraines (even though the term fits well with what occurs). When I get some of these headaches, my skin will feel like what I call "freezing fire", it's freezing cold yet burning as though on fire all at the same time. I ALWAYS vomit, always. Woke up with one last week, in fact, in the middle of the night.

Sorry to everyone I woke up, btw. I didn' tmean to puke in that bathroom, but once I got out into the kitchen for my icebag I wasn't gonna make it back to my bathroom in time!


About the optical migraines - I had them for years then for some reason they stopped.

I call them "broken glass migraines." They started with a little spot in the center of vision. They grow out from that spot as kind of a jagged circle of different colors then gradually disappear as they expand beyond the edge of vision. Afterwards I'd feel shaky and spent. Like a limp dishrag. I'd HAVE to go to sleep for about 12 hours then I'd wake up feeling fine.

Scintillating Scotoma, I used to get these occasionally. No pain, or spent feeling though. The biggest danger was if it happened while driving. Nothing like cruising down a busy freeway unable to see clearly. I learned to recognize the onset and pull over until the effect passed.


Active member
SeaMaiden, I never had the nausea. I count my blessings.

1and1, I hear ya about the driving. More than once I had to pull over.

OneTokeOver, yeah, it certainly ironic and appropriate!


Active member
OTO - You mention having back problems, could you ellaborate on that? Had MRI's etc done? I ask because I also have serious back problems (degenerative disk disease, and multiple herniated disks) I have been having unexplained severe migraines (doc disagrees, but the symptoms fit), nausea, hot/cold flashes, and abdominal/chest pain for about 6 years. Been to many different specialist with no answer other than it's all in your head or similar. Finally got into see a very respected neurologist who examined me head to toe, ran some very unpleasant nerve tests, and ordered an MRI of my neck (no other doc has look into my neck as my main source of pain is in my lower back). Sure enough he found a mass in my spinal cord (to close to my brain stem to get a sample so I don't know if it's cancer or what). Anyway if you don't know your spinal cord is basicly like a thick electrical wire only instead of copper lines you have thousands of nerves that connect everywhere in your body. Being I have a mass constantly putting pressure on my nerves, I have constant pain. Also the muscles around that mass get irritated and constrict around the mass causing all kinds of fucked up reactions in my body (hot/cold, vomiting, pain, numbness, headaches, visual issues, etc, etc). Not saying this is your problem, but something you may want to look into. 10-15 grams a day is alot of smoke, but I have some reservations about that being the source of your issues. I personally know people that smoke upwards of an ounce a day without any issue other than the occasional lung problem. Two of these people have been at that level consistant for over 10 years. Not saying it's not possible your problem is caused by or related to smoking so much, but i'd be looking more closely at other area's of the body.

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