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Do Your Pets Change When Ya Toke?

Hippy Jimmy- I think it's ok if the guys come to the womens forum and post once in a while. I could be out of line, I'm sure the other ladies wil let me know if I am.. LOL


When I'm enjoying a smoke, making sure my two kitties are also receiving something enjoyable keeps them happy and
feeling like they are a part of it all...although I believe they enjoy themselves more when I smoke, because they are
getting their own high from their own buds rather than from mine. :biggrin:



not just for cats

not just for cats

When I'm enjoying a smoke, making sure my two kitties are also receiving something enjoyable keeps them happy and
feeling like they are a part of it all...although I believe they enjoy themselves more when I smoke, because they are
getting their own high from their own buds rather than from mine. :biggrin:

in the early 80's ,that catnip was mixed with ground up black and sold as smokeable weed ,,cost £1 an oz for the catnip ,mixed with an 1/8th of the black ,so cost £11 an oz ,,was then sold for £85 an oz :yoinks:,,funny thing was it did u get u stoned ,there was a drought on and the supplies of catnip quickly dried up at all the petshops ,,the news even made the national papers ,the good old 80's (till formula appeared) :dance013:

we never had skunk at the time

Mud Man

Sumthink Stinks
My Pet seems to know when its 4:20! I agree.
My good buddies cats were avid passive tokers and sun bathers and would always be calm and affectionate if in a room of herberz and seem to in tune with our stoned vibes.
Pets are in tune and maybe feed off OUR relaxed state, more than being high themselves?
i always wondered this? am i chatting pooh?
cool thread Helps_Me.


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
he doesnt change per say.. But what he does change is the channel of the TV that focker.. :D


My or. tabby Jax is very much a stoner. He'll sit in front of you and will inhale your exhale's then after wards he'll want to get in your lap and chill.

Scooby on the other hand I won't smoke around. I swear if there was ever a poster 'cat-child' for a special needs/mentally challenged cat he would be it. A little slow but we love him to death.

When i toke up my baby ( female lab ) always never leaves my side and even when i walk to the fridge she follows me and sits right back either at my feet or rest her head on my stomach looking at me with her little girly eyelashes lol isn't it funny how our animals become one of us and our love is unconditional right to the end. I wish the world could be as nice. :)


I don´t think my dogs change when I smoke but I always open the windows so they want get to much smoke in their lunges.
But they do get very attached when we take beans, I don´t know what it is but they don´t lay down till we do, follow us everywhere. So cute....
Big hi to all the animal lovers.....:cathug:


New member

I've noticed something interesting and is a definite pattern:

Whenever I partake, whatever animal I'm with (be it my own, cats or dogs or someone else's pet)

They become suddenly waaaay more affectionate, licking on ya much more and for longer time than when not partaking. Also wanting to be pet and snuggle more than usual.

Anyone else notice this with their (or around others') pets or is it just me?
This whole thread is verrry interesting to me...been thinking about this kind of thing for a while now. Actually brought up this thread in conversation a few days ago. Just thought I would let you know! :tiphat:
One of our cats is definitely a toker. She always comes around when we are getting high. We say "Wanna get high little girl?" and of course she does. She usually gets into Mr. Mountain's lap and snuggles him. She also likes it when a lit bowl of hash is placed in front of her. She will get right in the smoke and enjoy. When she's done, she shakes her head and licks her lips. She's a super, mellow cat anyhow, except when I leave the house or she can't remember that she stayed downstairs while I went up to bed. Then she howls until I respond and let her know where I am. When I've left the house, she hangs on the sofa and guards the door so she can meet me when I come back. She's also known to carry a plush toy around and cry when I'm gone. She's my precious companion.

The other two don't mind pot and like it as long as the smoke blown at them is not a huge cloud, but my no. 1 cat is the real pot smoker of the three.


When i light up the bong one cat runs and the other likes it when i blow smoke in his face. He lifts up his nose and sniffs it in.


personally i keep pot or any drug away from my pet,s, its funny how folk purposely blow smoke into a dog or cats face and days,weeks later they wonder why they want it just like WE DO"-- well id say its a lil addiction the perp gives the animal in the first place without realizing this usually,

I smoke a bong over the range hood exaust fan thing, this way no one else gets a wiff of what im up to etc etc.

lil skunk baby

my cats perk up when they smell the smoke and come running to sit next to me when i smoke. They are definately interested but i haven't blown it in their little faces..yet..just seems like a wicked thing to do. But what is interesting is how they perk up the same way when i sprinkle catnip for them. They start rolling around like crazy ,and get aggressive with each other...as if they don't want to share ... I'm afraid they may have a similar reaction (but more intensified)to the smoke and that's why i haven't tried that yet.


May your race always be in your favor
Generally there's a dog on each sofa and a cat or three ( we have 8) on your lap and we're all smokin. The cats have their own room for catnip and stuff like that.


I hold El Roacho's
my dogs just watch me and my vato's sit outside smoking and they come around begging for food when were eating and when were inside they just do the same but tilt their head from side to side watching like were loco or something.

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