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Do you want marijuana to be legalized?

Do you want marijuana to be legalized?

  • YES!!!

    Votes: 102 86.4%
  • HELL NO!

    Votes: 16 13.6%

  • Total voters
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Well-known member
Yes, of course I do. The things I'll miss will be......... the coolness of not listening to the man, man. Oh, and the constant fear of being pulled over and searched, ahh these are the days.


this thread makes me so angry!!

fuck all you selfish pricks who would keep it illegal to make a dollar.

you support sending a man to jail for smoking a plant. let me say it again..fuck all you selfish pricks.

semd me to jail 2 years mandatory minimum for what I do. THAT'S LESS THAN 10 PLANTS!! what price would you pay for freedom?

I guess less than u make with your business, which in this state is still ILLEGAL and so it is federally as well so wait until obama is out of office and the fed raids continue. well find out if making a buck was worth not being there to raise your kid because you don't have a real job FUCK YOU


^ Agreed.

Anyone that doesn't is a selfish, greedy asshole.

You're no better than the people profiting off of 'fossil fuels' or any other manufactured shortages that people bitch and moan about the governments being behind.

People are still going to want good weed, if you're good at what you do you'd be set, if not, then we don't need your greedy ass anyways...
do I want it legalized?... shouldn't have been illegal in the first place. Its just a plant should have always just been a plant, now its "marijuana". If businesses can make a profit from products of this plant then more power to them doesn't bother me. That also doesn't mean big businesses should be allowed to muscle out the little guy, or the individuals right to grow a freaking plant either. If you grow good weed people will buy it legal or illegal :2cents:

Yes if you grow weed they will buy it now. But would that hold true when they can grow their own? When all their friends can grow their own. Or when they can get it any pharmacy, gas station, supermarket, convenience store, department store, airport kiosk, the internet, etc, etc.

Maybe but not for nearly what its worth now. I spend 1/4 of my revenue on electricity, nutes, equipment. If weed drops in price 75% which it will that erases my profit margin.

The government won't be able to tax it like they hope either. They can rape cigarette smokers because most of us can't grow tobacco to supply our habit. Same with beer which is taxed much less. Sure you can brew your own but the cost is what 1/3 of just going out and buying it so most people don't bother.

Marijuana prices will plummet. That is guaranteed.


weed fiend
Yes. Even if corporations take over I believe the legal pot business will be similar to the wine business model. Big companies will pump out shitty weed (box wine), smaller growers will have the market on high quality gear (Opus One).

That being said. I'm thinking when the legal weed market stabilizes, small growers will be people with acres of land and 20-50k wattage for inside grows. The big commercial ops of today will be the smallest ops of tomorrow. You will still be able to make a good living, but you are going to have to really know wtf you are doing and be good at running a business.

Most growers will be wiped out because of economics. People who gear there operations for highest quality at lowest cost/maintenance will be able to survive. Of these, the people with the best business sense will do the greatest. 95% of growers today won't be able to match the economies of scale though. Start planning now because it is going to happen.

This is true. I don't have the citation but have heard nine of ten small businesses fail within the first two years.

Hopefully it will be just like SG says. We'll have trash for those that want the cheap aspect, boutique for the connoisseur.

I want legalization because I hope it means I'll be able to produce my own "boutique" with no regulatory consequences, accept for gross limits. I doubt I'll be able to plant several acres w/o some type of government bs.

Present day underground growers might not make the same profits with legalization. However, these are the folks that pioneered the industry, the great majority outside the watchful eye of Big Brother. They'll excercise the same entrepreneurial spirit and ingenuity with less legal (criminal) ramifications. It is my hope these well honed skills will translate into continued success for mj profiteers.

Who knows, legalization may some day transform our old school guerrilla growers into household names. Instead of Qual-Com stadium, imagine "Tom Hill" Stadium.

Okay, I'm getting out in left field so I'll cease.
Of course I want it to be legalized, why would I want to continue to see people sent to prison for nonviolent crimes and pay high prices for premature buds? It makes me sick when commercial growers fight for it to stay illegal just because they're comfortable with their income.


New member
I have to agree that its selfish to wish, and worse "lobby" to keep marijuana illegal.

It is not worth the wasted years of life of one individual for the "crime" of possessing a plant of God's earth, to earn some money.
Let alone the thousands.

If you are creative and thoughtful you could continue to make money after legalization, but if you're not the liberation of all the people locked behind bars should overwhelm the dissatisfaction of having to change work.

No one can blame you simply for wishing that it stays illegal, but please don't contribute funds or persuasion to the incarceration of innocent people.


Well-known member
"Marijuana prices will plummet. That is guaranteed"

Hmm, low cost marijuana you say? No fear of prosecution and the ability to grow to your own tastes you say? Why is this even something that's being discussed?
this thread makes me so angry!!

fuck all you selfish pricks who would keep it illegal to make a dollar.

you support sending a man to jail for smoking a plant. let me say it again..fuck all you selfish pricks.

semd me to jail 2 years mandatory minimum for what I do. THAT'S LESS THAN 10 PLANTS!! what price would you pay for freedom?

I guess less than u make with your business, which in this state is still ILLEGAL and so it is federally as well so wait until obama is out of office and the fed raids continue. well find out if making a buck was worth not being there to raise your kid because you don't have a real job FUCK YOU

Seriously man FUCK YOU TOO. Why do you have to come in and blow something up. Go shit in another thread. Alaskan included. I mean where did that come from. Nowhere did I advocate sending anyone to jail for smoking. I mean are you twelve years old? People rarely go to jail for just smoking or even carrying. Come on usually just a fine and probation at most. They are after the dealers, transporters, and producers.

I do have a real job by the way. Many of us do, not that it matters in the least. Anyway if choose to grow and get in trouble I'm not crying for you nor am I asking you cry for me. If you don't want to risk a mandatory minimum then don't grow.

And by the way no need to be so rude. I plainly stated if people have a legitimate need then they should be allowed to use and grow pot. If you don't and just want to get high then I don't feel sorry for you.


i would want it to be legal for every one! it would be cheaper and there would better jobs for every one...i dont care if this is your only way to make money or support your self...
Yes I feel sorry for anyone in prison who got there by smoking a joint:joint: LOL. Or anyone who medically was helped by weed and got caught growing. That is a shame. I am all for medical. But real medical not I have a hard time sleeping so I need a script. Or I'm 23 and I have bad knees. The people abusing the medical system are the reason people who really need it find it harder to get. Everyone sees how easy it is to get a script and they forget some people really need it.

For those that got to prison driving lbs around, growing weed in their house, selling weed, etc. I have no pity. I mean it's illegal and they chose to ignore that to make money. If they were just growing personal weed then too bad too. I mean your in jail cause you wanted free pot to smoke. If they had gone and bought it an ounce at a time they would have had no worries.

Nobody goes to prison for a zip unless they have priors and usually then only with multiple offenses.


People rarely go to jail for just smoking or even carrying. Come on usually just a fine and probation at most. They are after the dealers, transporters, and producers.
Thanks for proving a point, smartypants.

People that grow for themselves and friends get busted every day. People spend years in jail over personal stashes.
Even tiny personal stashes.

Are you seriously dumb enough to think people don't get arrested for tiny amounts (under a gram) or that growers across the country can be 99% worry free? The stuff doesn't just appear out of thin air you know...
^yup californian......yea.... ummm man people are being jailed as we speak in MANY places just for possesion....

Am I mistaken or isn't possession of under an ounce a misdemeanor in California. Ie no jail time. So those people being jailed in MANY places just for possession should have stayed under that limit. Common sense. If you have priors send a friend.

If you live in Georgia or states that have severe penalties then simply move or quit. Simple as that to stay out of prison. Everyone in jail or prison because of weed is there because they wanted to use marijuana or make money off it. None of us are innocent.


If it were legal then it would be cheaper that would be a good thing, and a lot of people who shouldn't be in jail would get out that would be a good thing, don't everyone agree

Hold Your Fire

Finding my way back home
Yup, I'm for legalization. I want to grow for myself without fear of arrest. It's a plant dammit, it never should have been made illegal in the first place. I live in America, for christ sake, where the hell is MY FREEDOM! I should NOT be arrested for my personal grow/use! Finacial BS or not, it's a right of FREEDOM!


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Anyone advocating for pot to remain illegal for your own or your friends monetary gain is a POS, IMO.

Thanks for proving a point, smartypants.

People that grow for themselves and friends get busted every day. People spend years in jail over personal stashes.
Even tiny personal stashes.

Are you seriously dumb enough to think people don't get arrested for tiny amounts (under a gram) or that growers across the country can be 99% worry free? The stuff doesn't just appear out of thin air you know...

What point is that. It's like arguing with a child. Marijuana plants growing under HID does not constitute a stash. Thats called manufacturing or growing for you slower folks. Yes people get arrested and maybe spend a night or two in jail for under a gram but thats it. No prison. No shower rapes.

Where did you possibly get that I think growers across the country can be 99% worry free? Could I have been more clear that they we are not worry free. Read what I said before you defend your argument with something I didn't say. And why did you have to come off so rude to start. If you simply said yes or no and why. Instead calling us greedy bastards. I mean this place is turning to shit hole if we can't be civil over a simple question.

I just apologized to LED girl for how rude some members are to her in her thread. And it amazes me how many of you people will instantly start a personal attack on members for their opinions.
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