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Do you think higher education is a waste of time?


B. Self Reliant

Tough question because it's related to so many things. The one element that has stood between the have's and the have-not's throughout history is education. That having been said, an education isn't always found in a school. I believe that many people are born to lead or start a business, or they're great at understanding the commodities market or whatever else. Many of these people don't need an education in a traditional sense. However, most of us need a little guidance to get us started in the right direction, find out what suites our lifestyle and our goals, and meet people who will help us along. School can be a one-stop shop for many of these things.

There are so many elements to success. The people who I know that went to college and made the most of it were all people who had backup plans every step of the way, made friends in the same area of study, developed professional contacts, took advantage of all the activities and events that they could, they developed professional relationships with their teachers when it was beneficial, and they ALWAYS saw school as an investment that had to be taken advantage of on a daily basis.

Considering that you're already a junior, it sounds reasonable to think that you'd want to finish. Finishing 50% of school won't get you 50% of the benefits, unless you manage to be an exception to the rule.


Ahhhh ha!!! Yes this is the answer to your question. Listen the economy will not get better, that is wishful and hopeful thinking and hope is not a strategy, don't be a sheep. While many will disagree with me I have been studying this for years and we are witnessing a rare event, a paradigm shift with few being able to comprehend what we're witnessing. Please read up on Peak Oil and how it will affect agriculture and your future. A good site for prepping is the Oil Drum, also energy bullentin, and also Life after the crash.. Just Google them all. You are literally witnessing a global crash based on simple constraints of energy, learn about it for yourself and prepare before its too late. We won't recover. IF I HAD TO DO IT ALL OVER AGAIN, I would buy organic land, Farm organically, learn some useful skills that we lost so many generations ago like digging wells and such. i would raise a few key livestock, build a green house, and learn other pioneer and lifeskills. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A SECURE AND RELIABLE WATER SOURCE. Learn to hunt and prepare game. learn fermentation and how to have a root cellar. learn what we have forgotten.

I have a higher degree, from a respected school in Boston, have travelled and worked abroad for ten years. traveling and working abroad we're my best education. If you chose to go, go because of the experience,not because it will make you wealthy, it probably want.

And if you really want to know and have the fortitude to learn: Listen to this series:


(8 parts) i would listen to them all, very boring but the answers are here. i wish someone would have done this for me.

Also this: http://www.chrismartenson.com/

Do the section called crash course.

People will call me crazy. but believe i have worked in alternative energy, and farmed, i know what I'm talking about, but please READ and study for yourself, listen to no one including and get your own understanding. WHAT I GAVE YOU ABOVE I WISH SOMEONE WOULD HAVE DONE FOR ME YEARS AGO! ALTHOUGH I WOULDN'T HAVE LISTENED PROBABLY. I hope you are smarter than I was then and read all the suggestions above. It will all make sense and come together. Good luck!!!!

Ditto. I believe things will not get better only worse my friend. I am not pessimistic just realist. Learn before its too late and you are thinking man those guys were right. I know how to grow my own food and I have legs I can walk wherever I need to go so I hope the system falls so people can really figure out who they are. We are raised thinking you have to have a job when this is not true. Technology was supposed to set us free but it being used to blackmail us. Work this job for a company and profit them not yourself then pay us for this electricity or you will not have heat for your homes. And for all those that look at college as an investment I feel for you. Do you really know who you are or do only see dollar signs at every choice you make in life? It's not our fault though we are taught from children that you have to compete in order to survive. With all this competition there is no room for love and peace because there is adversity, hate, racism, and the list goes on. Just think for yourself bro

Space Toker

Active member
excellent post bushmasta, I couldn't agree more! We are like all slaves to the system, some better or worse paid slaves but all slaves nonetheless- to capitalism, consumerism, and frivolous mindless over-consumption that is trashing our planet . I'm looking for an alternative too, let me know if you find one! We need a system that rewards kindness and people helping others and penalizes selfishness. People that help the homeless and do other selfless acts should be rewarded. We need an alternative to money and have technology (robots, androids, and so on) do the tedious, trivial or monotonous tasks while we are free to pursue whatever we are best at, and what we want to do most (as long as it is something that society needs and you are giving back), free of the slavery of supply and demand.


stoned agin ...
get ejumucated. its the key that gets you through the door in a lot of cases ... no sheepskin, no interview. unless you have a lot of practical experience. which is the other thing they look for. and you dont get that until you land your first job in the field.

Space Toker

Active member
or I wouldn't mind one of those dream jobs that everyone here besides me seems to have.
let me know if you can help suggest something or put in a good word :)


Active member
i never graduated high school,iv been working in some form or another since i was 13 i am now injured and am useless at most manual labor jobs,so in turn i just wound up right back were i started i have to go back to school so just take my advice and finish school


donut engineer
excellent post bushmasta, I couldn't agree more! We are like all slaves to the system, some better or worse paid slaves but all slaves nonetheless- to capitalism, consumerism, and frivolous mindless over-consumption that is trashing our planet . I'm looking for an alternative too, let me know if you find one! We need a system that rewards kindness and people helping others and penalizes selfishness. People that help the homeless and do other selfless acts should be rewarded. We need an alternative to money and have technology (robots, androids, and so on) do the tedious, trivial or monotonous tasks while we are free to pursue whatever we are best at, and what we want to do most (as long as it is something that society needs and you are giving back), free of the slavery of supply and demand.

Hippie talk, but I love it.

Inre: Bushmasta's rant. My uncle talks like this, and continues to talk like this. He is a seasoned outdoorsman and has experience living in the wilderness for extended periods of time without modern conveniences. He preaches the inevitable-societal-collapse-with-white-collar-ramifications sermon all of the time. He lost his architect job about ten years ago and continues to struggle with steady employment, which is probably why he rants so much about 'society'...

While I agree with this kind of talk to some extent (self-sufficient man), I doubt very much that we will witness a full-blown Mad Max/Thunderdome situation come of this economic collapse. At worst we have the 1920's, at best we have the 1970's (or 1890's). Neither of these ended in mass-famine for the educated class. What's still valuable are the practical, abstract skills that education can provide (beware Humanities majors)


stoned agin ...
they can take your house, your car, your toys, your clothes, and throw you naked into the street. but if you have skills or knowledge that are needed ... you can come back. they cant take that from you. somebody always needs a doctor, or a plumber, electrician, mechanic, etc. the harder it is to become good at, the more valuable the skill or knowledge is. they can replace muscle with machines ... they dont complain, dont need vacations, dont get sick, dont need pensions, and when they wear out you throw them out and get another.


Active member
A college education is definately worth the trouble. MOST do make more after they finish yjeir degree....but you have to research a needed area to study iin such as healthcare and security are the top jobs needed in these days. America has become a service society as the Chinese now produce all our products.

So get counceling on career goals and research of getting a job in a hot area... My kids are nurses and Head Hunters actually hunt them these days and they make $35-50 bucks an hour these days.

Space Toker

Active member
Nothing wrong with hippie talk, the world would be a far better place if the world ran by their way of thinking. Not a hippie, born a little too late for the 60's, but I respect them and think like them. I am not suggesting a college education is the wrong thing to do, not at all. It may be for some, but overall you are better off with one than without. POWER TO THE HIPPIES! :D


Active member
Well i am sorry for getting my diploma and wasting so many years innschool and paying so much.

Nowadays everyone got a diploma here , so iit's difficult to find work.

Also why would i go to school so many years if i end u^p getting paid less than my friends who just work in the mill.

I even prefer manual labor , but i got my diploma thinking i would earn a little extra by doing boring office work, , but this is not the case :( :( : (


Whats up kinder, I haven't been around IC for a bit. Just saying holla.

Finish up your school. I just put my head down, smoked pot, and looked up with a degree. (Nevermind that it is collecting dust, not even hung on the wall - and I am unemployed.)

I feel like college is there for you to prove you can do it. I certainly did not retain much.
I know exactly what you mean! I graduate this June and I keep wondering the same thing. I don't think it was a waste of time, I learned a lot, mostly about life in general. I don't think there's any general rule about life success and college. My brother never graduated from college and he works from home making six figures, legally! I have rediculous student loans too....if the economy gets that bad...I'll just join in on the rioting!


Reading over this thread makes me happy i dropped out of college, college is just another way for them to rape you for your cash and brainwash you (imo)


Active member
yeah indeed they rape u for money , when i was studying for translator we had a type of business class.

After 3 month they stopped giving the business courses saying , we are still experimenting and have seen that this course is useless.

Then when i was in my third year they said to me 3 months before i got my diploma : if u really wanna be a translator u have to do 2 extra years in the university(i was following higher education but not university)

So it's all commerce

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