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Do you think higher education is a waste of time?


Pull my finger
I depends on where you want to take your career. In my situation, I wouldnt "need" a B.S. degree to perform, but state guidelines demand that I have it before getting licensed. I plan to be a licensed surveyor, and most licensed surveyors didnt go to college, but they changed the rules and folks got grandfathered in. I am a shot too young to slide in, so I gotta go through four yearas of school to even be eligible to take the test.

As far as business, you dont need a degree, just be savvy in the field you work in.


Active member
I am in the same boat except, I am so far not in the hole. I have started a business and sold it of already, made some money but had a ton of fun learn along the way. I have been in school for three and a half years now, paid all my tuition off by working no less than 60 hrs a week. Its all a matter of drive, if you don't want the debt than work two jobs.

Lt. Herb

In my experience, the most successful people are those who are able to teach themselves. Unless you're heading into a regulated field that requires degrees/licensing ect. I would finish up my current degree and try to get a head start on the debt. If you do happen to get your foot in the door somewhere, 4 years of actual paying work will do you better than 4 more years of non paying internships or lab research, both in relieving the debt and for future advancement.

If the economy turns around in a few years, well you can still go back and get a better degree then, when you have the money in hand if you still desire it.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Those that know me might not be surprised to hear me say that higher education is never a waste of time. Of course, receiving higher education does not necessarily mean that you will end up wealthy; success means something different to all of us. This education provides you with the knowledge and thinking skills to understand the world in a different way than you would have been able to otherwise.

I encourage you to take the masters program. The more educated you are, the more influential you will be with others and therefore you will have much more power to change the world in whatever way that you want. I know it's a long road, but you'll get there!

Couldn't have said it better myself....

...and to yummy: you should be PERMANTLY banned from giving advice to anyone,,,

asking yummy for advice like asking a nun for sex tips.....


I think it depends on your motives. If you know or have some idea where you want to eventually end up and a degree will help you get there (doctor, accountant, lawyer, etc.) then you're not wasting your time in higher education. If, however, you're like me and want to eventually own a business, then taking a computer science degree (which I'm doing) is probably a complete waste of time, although I'd like something to fall back on. Personally, if it will help you get the job you want, I say go for it.


when its really hard to make money its a really bad time not to have an education...i went back to school after the markets crashed...like oh f(*&


donut engineer
You seem to becoming from a professional orientation. Unless you're really into it, Graduate school is garbage without work experience. Im in school right now for a masters degree in a professional field (non-MBA) and have worked for many years in industry, just taking a break at the moment ;), and most of my peers can't get jobs because they don't have experience.

A few things to note about professionals & education given these difficult times:

- If you're doing something in the creative industry, start branding yourself immediately and work on projects. Do free work if necessary, but start building a portfolio of work. Doing > not doing.

- You're a Junior? Do you have an internship? Get one. This is what will separate the barista from the working professional in two years

- Your education may very well be a waste of your time, but your time is what you make of it. Bored with your classes? Fuck classes, start working on your own projects. Use the university resources to your advantage while you have them.

- Most (bigger) companies require a 3.4 or above as a minimum. Ensure you meet those criteria

If you're having problems fulfilling any of these points, I would cautiously advise you to put down the pipe long enough to accomplish these goals. Personal development first, bong tokes second.


Absolutely not.

I'm studying in a university right now and feel I've learned a whole lot. Whether or not I'll be able to directly use most of what I've learned in a job ever I don't know but it certainly has not been a waste of time.

But I think to make the most out of it you need to have a mindset where you're studying for yourself, not for your future boss or to get some job.


stone fool
Education is never a waste of time, the payoff is not always evident. I only used my degree for one year, but that is my own fault, and it did open doors for my professional employment.


all praises are due to the Most High
...This education provides you with the knowledge and thinking skills to understand the world in a different way than you would have been able to otherwise....

hello Greens :)

the above quote is what I used to hear a lot, but it becomes evident that not everyone who obtains academic degrees end up having the thinking skills that you speak of... I guess what I am trying to say is that nowdays I seriously doubt a person can be taught how to be intelligent, I believe people are born intelligent, cannot make someone understand certain things no matter how much one tries... this is my opinion of course.

much peace and health

stoned teacher

Higher Education is for some people and others it isnt..... As a teacher I am a little biased, but its not for everyone ...Personally, as someone that is totally in debt from college with a job that doesnt pay that much, I gotta say.....I'd go back all over again if they'd let me!!!!!

Do you know what you want to be? Some jobs require it.....
If you don't know what you want to be, but know what 'type ' of job you want to have? Even though I didn't know what I wanted to do, I just envisioned it being white collar type of job....having a college degree is going to at least increase the likelyhood of you getting that type of job....If you're not sure if you want to be a mechanic or a doctor....well you gotta start figuring that out cause you may be wasting money....

Do you like learning? Is there any 'college' topic/study that you like? If not, that's gotta be a drag....If you're one of those types of people that like learning a little of everything, college is a must-do. I learned and thought about stuff I woulnd't have been exposed to if I didn't go to college...I know all people don't come out with an expanded n critical view of things (and surely there's people that havn't gone to collee that do), but some do!

Are you making the most of the college social experience? I'm blessed to have the memories I have of diverse friends, crazy times, cute coeds (even the losers get lucky sometimes), total obliteration. college football, streaking through girls hallway....gosh I could write a book!...If you're paying to go to a 4 year college and going away from home and staying on/near campus, but not being social (going home on weekends or just not making friends) then you are wasting your money.....At the end of the day the partying and friends was part of the education of college and made me a better person....

Is the 'real world' going to be that much easier?

I definitely wouldn't be as 'professionally capable' had I not been challenged and grown during those years...When I entered college the most I had written was a 2-3 page paper and by the time I was done I could bust out a 15-20 pager for my 10:00 class as long as I started research by 7 the night before and had lots of coffee.....The workload of college got me there...and it wasn't even all that bad....

Remember...degrees is one of those things they can't take from you.....ONce you've earned a bachelors, you've always got that...you can never be 'demoted'....

I ended up getting a very general degree that helped to build a nice general background of communication skills and knowledge then, a few years later decided what I wanted to do with it.....at that point it took just a little more schooling to get there...If I decide I want to be a lawyer I could get into a law school and if I wanted an MBA I'd need 2 more prerec classes......

Some stuff to ponder...

Man I miss college :)


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Higher education...I mean REALLY higher education is not a waste of time. Everything you do before that is a COMPLETE waste....
Years ago you could get by without that piece of paper, then it became necessary for people to have a bachelors...eventually a masters...now you aren't even competitive without a doctorate of some kind.
Bottom line: some jobs have no entry for people without these degrees. If you're lucky enough to be in a field where you can go into business for yourself with your advanced degree (lawyer, doctor, etc.)...even better.
There simply is no better investment than education (well, MAYBE real estate...)
That's not to say that you cannot do well without these things, but I think those are exceptions rather than the rule. You'll always hear the stories of people that just set off into the world, learned the ropes and carved out their fortune....
My father-in-law never graduated from college....and he did rather well for himself in corporate america....
I doubt if he'd be able to pull the same stunt today however. Without a more fleshed out resume...sometimes people don't even bother interviewing you.


Im going to quote Benjamin Franklin, "He that hath a trade hath an estate." People are always going to need water, electricity and shelter.

Space Toker

Active member

No doubt. My first gig was because another students father owned a club and his engineer didnt show up,,,he liked my ethic,, kept me around,,eventually met a few bands and did a few projects through that,, which got me to where I am now. college isnt only a great source of knowledge,,but a great source for CONNECTIONS as well...

So I am confused, you are an engineer or a member of some band? :D
Me I'm unemployed at the worst time possible, went for what I liked (not sure what I liked but picked the closest thing) and not something practical, which is fine if what you like has plenty of jobs and pays well, or if your family has a business or a friend's family does. None of the above in my case, no connections at all, but I still don't think it was a waste considering all that other stuff I learned. now I'm depressed!


Active member
Hello all,

Get the education...in hard times and in good the opportunities are greater.

But, the most important thing for me was the intellectual growth that came with it.

Back in my day, a bacholars was adequate. Now you need a masters or better.

However I did ok...I am semi-retired now and work from my home...its the best though the economy now is slow and I have had to tighten my belt.

Lastly, I enjoyed my college years, got drunk, stoned and laid regularly. LOL, there's the cruel irony though as at some point it has to come to an end.


And remember, you can get the degree and choose to work at 7-11 rather then not get the education and have to work at 7-11.

Everyone will ALWAYS need clean drinking water, food, and to remove their waste, those are the bare essentials that everyone has become accustomed to, The economy is bad, really bad, but I'm betting that being a greenhouse/farmer and plumber will pay off in the end whichever way it goes. Goodluck on your decision.
Everyone will ALWAYS need clean drinking water, food, and to remove their waste, those are the bare essentials that everyone has become accustomed to, The economy is bad, really bad, but I'm betting that being a greenhouse/farmer and plumber will pay off in the end whichever way it goes. Goodluck on your decision.

Ahhhh ha!!! Yes this is the answer to your question. Listen the economy will not get better, that is wishful and hopeful thinking and hope is not a strategy, don't be a sheep. While many will disagree with me I have been studying this for years and we are witnessing a rare event, a paradigm shift with few being able to comprehend what we're witnessing. Please read up on Peak Oil and how it will affect agriculture and your future. A good site for prepping is the Oil Drum, also energy bullentin, and also Life after the crash.. Just Google them all. You are literally witnessing a global crash based on simple constraints of energy, learn about it for yourself and prepare before its too late. We won't recover. IF I HAD TO DO IT ALL OVER AGAIN, I would buy organic land, Farm organically, learn some useful skills that we lost so many generations ago like digging wells and such. i would raise a few key livestock, build a green house, and learn other pioneer and lifeskills. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A SECURE AND RELIABLE WATER SOURCE. Learn to hunt and prepare game. learn fermentation and how to have a root cellar. learn what we have forgotten.

I have a higher degree, from a respected school in Boston, have travelled and worked abroad for ten years. traveling and working abroad we're my best education. If you chose to go, go because of the experience,not because it will make you wealthy, it probably want.

And if you really want to know and have the fortitude to learn: Listen to this series:


(8 parts) i would listen to them all, very boring but the answers are here. i wish someone would have done this for me.

Also this: http://www.chrismartenson.com/

Do the section called crash course.

People will call me crazy. but believe i have worked in alternative energy, and farmed, i know what I'm talking about, but please READ and study for yourself, listen to no one including and get your own understanding. WHAT I GAVE YOU ABOVE I WISH SOMEONE WOULD HAVE DONE FOR ME YEARS AGO! ALTHOUGH I WOULDN'T HAVE LISTENED PROBABLY. I hope you are smarter than I was then and read all the suggestions above. It will all make sense and come together. Good luck!!!!


Active member
I tripped acid and shrooms in college. Banged girls. Lived in dorms and apartments, with roommates and alone. Saw Aerosmith, ZZ Top, Van Halen, and Ronnie James Dio with his big ass fire breathing dragon. Found the most bomb ass weed during one year, only sour deez has come close to matching it. That was the 80's, man. Damn, college was the shit! Then I got a job there. Been there 23 years now. After 7 more years, bye bye college for good, lol. Hello, retirement!! :woohoo:

~Abbie :joint: