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Do you smoke before going to bed?

Do you smoke before going to bed?

  • Yes; I feel fine the next morning.

    Votes: 66 86.8%
  • Yes; But I wake up a mess.

    Votes: 10 13.2%
  • No

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Active member


Me and my g/f smoke exclusively at night just before bedtime. I've had trouble sleeping for years and for me cannabis works as well if not better than Ambien etc. Gotta watch it with those sativa dominant strains though :) Sometimes we start with those and move to an indica just before lights out. That plus no caffeine after noon and a mile+ walk every day usually makes for a decent nite's sleep :)



im with bakelite, some movement during the day, no caffeine after sometime reasonable and some nnabis at night will have me purring to sleep. except tonight/this morning. I only managed 5 hours before im up again to check icmag, i mean try to sleep again.

cmere pipe


european ganja growers
Hell yeh lodsa Bongs ( i deserve it after a hard day work)....then i soon as i get up W&B baby :bongsmi: a full , 8 Days A Week.

keep it green


New member
i smoke all the time, which includes before bed. so far no problems with sleep, waking up, or dreaming.


Interesting, I see for most of you folks its no problem. Well, last night was the first in about a month that I didnt smoke. I had some trouble sleeping at first, but after an hour or two I was KO'd. Woke up this morning feeling pretty refreshed and clearheaded. Except for the lack of smokes, it should be easy sailing from here. Thanks all for the responses